Final Reception User

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User Manual

Forensic Science Laboratory

User Type :- Director User

Login :-After Director Login ,Navigation divided in two part

one for Master entry another for operational functionality

We will start with master data entry First.

Click the Navigation Menu like Master Info. as shown in Figure A1

Figure A1

1. Click Create/Update User Menu it will display already added user list

New user entry click create New User button. As shown in Figure A2
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure A2

1.2 Create New user using below describe form

Figure A3

User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure A4

1.4. Edit user data click User ID and open edit page for data edit or password change as well Figure A5

Figure A5
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory
1.5. Update user data and password as in Figure A5

Figure A5

2. Add Designation:- Menu and open the Designation page Figure B1

Figure B1

3. Add Case details :-Menu and open case details page Enter case details and save. Figure C1
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure C1

4.Digital sign Registration:-

Register Dsc As shown in Figure D1 To on register digital signature navigation then

start dG-sign exe As in Figure D5

after that click on read digital signature Figure D1

Figure D1

password panel open to enter digital signature password of 8 digit As in Figure D5

after enter password click ok

it will display the dsc detail on the provided form as in Figure D2

User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure D2

then click on register DSC to successfully registration as in Figure D3

Figure D3

for digital signature user need to register DSC first and one DSC will be register once for one user
only .No other user can use the same dsc for registration or sign
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure D4

Figure D5

5 Add Case Detail:- Its Master data entry form case detail enter against division as shown in Figure E1
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure E1

it will reflect in reception account new case registration panel as in Figure E2

Figure E2

6.Exhibit Detail Checklist:- user can add checklist data from this form as shown in Figure F1
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure F1

This data will reflect in New case registration checklist panel as shown in Fig F2

Figure F2

After Master entry data operational forms starts they are describe separately as follow

7. Approve Article report :- After Freeze and singing the final report by the division user then it will
reflect in the laboratory director for final approval as shown in Figure G1
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure G1

after filter the case id list will display to take further action user view PDF button click as in Figure G2

Figure G2

Div Open to take further action as shown in Figure G3

User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure G3

after approval it will reflect in digital sign article report panel and in case of reject it will reflect to
reception user for further action

after approval it will reflect in digital sign article report portion

8 Approval Article Report :-When user finally freezed and sign the article report that will reflect on this
page after search with case-id as in Figure H1
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure H1

after enter and search click caseid, it will reflect all the freezed and signed article list against that caseid
as shown in figure H2

Figure H2
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory
click on view pdf to approve the article report then it will reflect in article approved list as shown in
Figure H3 and H4

Figure H3

Figure H4

9 Digitally sign Approval Article Report :-When Director finallyapproved the article report that will
reflect on this page after search with case-id as in Figure I1
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure I1

start server usring exe file as shown in I2

Figure I2

After click on view PDF panel open to click on digital sign button after entering remarks as shown I3
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure I3

10.Track User Log Detail:-it will reflect the user login logout tracking detail with date and time as
shown in figure J1

Figure J1
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

11.Clear user Log :-When user got block after wrong attempt of password then director and clear it aor
it will be autoclear after half an hour as shown in Figure K1

Figure K1

Case status is same as describe in HOD case tracking portion

12.Dsc De-Registration :- if any user with in the institute need to de-register their Dsc due to some
reason then they can request it to their respective directors as shown in figure L1
User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure L1

Choose designation then their respective employee bind in user name list then after select user enter
reason n remarks for dsc de-resgistration as shown in Figure L1

Green color display the finalized article while another pending remains white

as shown in figure 7.2

User Manual
Forensic Science Laboratory

Figure 7.2

After choose the required option mention the required detail then save button click save the data and
generate the cover note for the record as shown in figure 7.3


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