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A flagship online newsletter

of West Kenya Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists


p. 03


p. 06

p. 10

MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3

Ellen White emphasizes
strongly the importance of
involving children. She says;
"Parents, your children should be
your helping hand, increasing your
power and ability to work for the
West Kenya Union
Master. Children are the younger Conference Officers
members of the Lord’s family. They

should be led to consecrate Samuel Misiani
themselves to God … They should

Photo by WKU Media Executive Secretary

be trained to help in various lines Japheth Ochorokodi
The month of March is a of unselfish service. Do not allow

special day in the calendar of your children to be hindrances. David Sande
events in the Adventist church. In With you, the children should

one day, the church gets to share spiritual as well as physical Editor
celebrate both the children and burdens. By helping others, they Philip Gai

the youths. This year, the two increase their own happiness and Managing Editor
departments merged and came usefulness,” (AH, p. 485.3) Knollyne Gai

up with one common theme, love Associate Editor

Across the union, children were
is a verb. This annual celebration Maureen Were
involved in different outreach and

is an opportunity to acknowledge Layout and design 

mission programs. Different Stephanie Marande
the worth of children and the
churches participated differently.

important role they play in the Circulation 

Some churches had the youth do Zipporah Awino
Church, Christ’s mission, and the
their ministries alone while other

world at large.

churches united with the children Correspondents

It is often said that children are and youth in their mission.

Ranen Conference 
the future of the Church. With a Tom Owuor
Love is a verb and indeed, our
recorded global population of

children and the youths Lake Victoria Field 

over two million children under Benard Okoth
demonstrated that these past
the age of 15 attending Seventh-

days. May the spirit of giving and Kenya Lake Conference

day Adventist churches in 2021, Yudah Opapa
acting follow them as they serve
they make up a large percentage

the Lord at their tender ages. Central Nyanza

of its current population. Conference 
Vincent Onunga
Undeniably, their development

as young disciples of Jesus impacts Western Kenya

the future of the Adventist Oscar Musamali
movement. Even at a tender age,

Greater Rift Valley

Christ invites children to be Conference 
agents of His love to the world. Edward Limo

North Rift Valley Field

The memory verse for this year Lwandany Abednego
2 Kings 5:1-14 is about the little

West Rift Valley Field

maid who had faith in God and a Sammy Cheluget
deep concern for Naaman's

South East Nyanza Field

wellbeing. This led her to share Joseph Aunda
and witness God's power and Knollyne Gai is the Managing Editor of

South West Nyanza Field

miraculous healing of Naaman's Exploits at the West Kenya Union Bernard Okoko
helpless health condition. Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist

Church. Southern Kenya Lake

Tobias Panyako


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3


March 22, 2023, I wore a polo The Creator will not sit and
shirt written ‘Love is a verb’. We watch us waste away in sin and
went out and planted trees at corruption. On the contrary, he
Kanyamedha Secondary School in hurts whenever a child sleeps
Kanyakwar, Kisumu. It was a great hungry, and when a young girl is
experience for the entire staff of raped but justice is not served.
the West Kenya Union God grieves when many young
Conference and The School. Love people are jobless at an age when
is a verb is the global Youth Day they are strong and ought to be
theme for 2023. most productive. The world does
Photo by WKU Media
The phrase ' Love is a verb' is not reflect the will of God for you
another attempt to describe love. and me. The Bible notes that God shall
A verb is an action word, hence Judgment has been bring every work into judgment
love cannot lie dormant. It has to pronounced to this world that it (Ecclesiastes 12:14). Every wrong
Photo by WKU Media
be in practice for it to be felt. must ultimately end. For this act will come to judgment and
Love acts. Love gives. It’s written reason, children of God have the justice shall prevail for all. The
in the Bible: For God so loved the most urgent message to works of darkness shall be
world that He gave…. He gave His pronounce to every living person. brought to light, but the
one and only Son, not to His The urgency of this message is repentant sinner shall be saved.
friends but to His enemies. represented by three angels flying How should we then live in this
God loved the wicked, ugly, in the midst of the air as present life? God in His love and
and mean. He loved the hypocrite, mentioned in Revelation 14:6-7. grace taught us how to live to
the liar and the thief, straight, the please Him. He says if you love
bent, the distorted, the smart, the me, you shall keep my
LGBTQRST… (... Someday XWZ
and I may be added not caring to
IF YOU LOVE commandments. Love is what
gives you the power to keep His
know what they stand for).
God is love. We should not
SOMEONE YOU WILL commandments. Even in the
natural realm when you love
someone you will do your best to
confuse love and like. We like
people or things that please us.
THINK OF HIM/HER please them.
If you love someone you will
Not everyone or everything
pleases God. He does not like or
ALL THE TIME. THAT think of him/her all the time.
appreciate everybody. You may That is the nature of love. When
displease God with your actions IS THE NATURE OF you have a baby girl and you go to
and attitude since He is not in the the mall you only see girls’
business of condoning sin. God LOVE. clothes. When you have a baby
boy you only see clothes that fit
hates sin because it separates us
from Him (Isaiah 59:1-2). The angels are moving with the boy and want to buy every
great speed to spread the nice dress/trousers that would
He has zero tolerance for it but
everlasting good news of God’s look nice on your child.
loves the sinner so much that He
would give His one and only Son Kingdom. He is destroying the Likewise, when you love God,
to save the sinner from world and introducing a new one you will desire to please Him in
impending doom and destruction. where righteousness reigns. This everything. Love is what frees you
The message of the Bible is not message is a call to fear God and from hypocrisy where you do not
merely that God is love, but that give Him glory for the hour of His need to act better because
love also punishes sin. It cannot judgment has come. It is good someone is watching you but
sit around and watch sin and news to know that God is not because it is your desire.
Satan turn people into beasts who silent and is not rewarding the
devour one another. Love acts. wicked.
Love is a verb! CONT...NEXT PAGE
Photo by WKU Media


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3



Photo by WKU Media

Love leads you to be your best Life under grace is one of faith, That is why in March all youths
self as God intended. Love for complete confidence, and trust in went to the byways and highways
God will help you find your God and His word. Christian life is to serve people in their needs and
purpose in life and give you the grace and ethic based. The love of to invite them to live in union
passion to walk in that purpose. God propels us to live a life that with Christ-Eternal life. May this
Grace is God doing what you pleases God. It leaves us no not be just an experience in the
cannot do for yourself or by your choice but to live a life that is month of March every year but
power. wholly dedicated to service and let us make it a lifestyle for those
worship of Him with the spirit, waiting for His soon return.
It is also God giving you what
soul, and body. May the Love of God move you
you do not deserve. Grace is
God’s Riches at the Expense of Such a life calls us to go out to do something gracious to a
Christ and a great Revolution in and tell the world that there is needy soul, share the word, and
your life as Christ Enters. The hope for a better life and world. be involved in disciple-making.
Grace of God teaches us to say no Sharing the gospel and making Remember, love isPr. a verb!
Samuel Misiani in Kamagambo

to sin and to live soberly, disciples become our lifestyle.

Samuel Misiani is the President of West
righteously, and godly in the Kenya Union Conference of the Seventh-day
present world. Adventists.

Image courtesy of Canva


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3


Speaking on the Public Campus refresh and maintain the
Elder Albert Kuhn, the
Ministry, Elder Kuhn pointed out positive aspects of society
Associate Secretary and Adventist
that even though campus ministry by having positive
Volunteer Service Director of the
is exciting, it has challenges since contributions in terms of
General Conference (GC) of the
it involves helping and guiding ideas and energy that in
Seventh-day Adventists recently
young people living in very turn help resolve social
visited the West Kenya Union
challenging environments. He issues.
Conference (WKUC) to encourage
affirmed that as a church, we While in college young
and explore ways through which
need to be inclusive of everyone people think more about their
the church can involve the young
at the same time be grounded in future and how to achieve their
adults in the mission of the
what the Bible teaches us to be. set goals. Too much thought of

Photo by WKU Media

the future at some point may

Kuhn was in the company of He also urged the leaders not
bring confusion and distress
Pr. Robert Muhune, Associate to be complacent with what they
leading to wrong and unsettled
Secretary of East-Central Africa have already done since there is
Division, and WKUC Youth still room for improvement in
Director Pr. Philemon Odhiambo order for the gospel to fully The PCM’s slogan, "Inspire to
while addressing youth leaders saturate our territory. Be. Empower to Share." aims to
from all over the Union. inspire, educate, equip, and
Pr. Muhune on the other hand,
empower Adventists to be
He said that the time for our emphasized loving, understanding,
ambassadors and missionaries
young people to be completely and guiding the youth in the right
for Christ on campus, church,
involved in the mission has come. direction and reminded the
and, community. PCM enables
“My purpose for being here today attendees that a lot of care needs
one to understand their faith
is to meet with the youth leaders to be exercised so that we do not
and strengthen their
from WKUC to listen to them, compromise the Bible principles.
relationship with God.
encourage and affirm what they Young people are the majority
are already doing and most of all in our universities and colleges Maureen Were is the Associate Editor,
challenge them to do more in and the future of society,
Exploits, at the West Kenya Union
Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists.
involving the youths in mission.” therefore there is a need to renew


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3

Photo by WKU Media


There was immeasurable joy
on the beneficiaries' faces as they
Chair the Love of the United They had earlier donated 140 got a means to move about
Photo byfrom
WKU Media

States of America in partnership wheelchairs at the University of one point to the other with ease.
with West Kenya Union Eastern Africa, Baraton. Glen while Chrispine Opiyo, a recipient
Conference (WKUC) distributed speaking about their mission mission appreciated the good nod by
64 wheelchairs to people with observed that their ministry is to Chair the Love to improve their
disability within WKUC. share Christ’s love with physically mobility.
challenged people by making their “I am very glad today, now I can
The function attracted
lives easy so that they can move reach my workplace and other
representatives from 15 counties
around in wheelchairs. places in time and with ease
that are covered by the West
Kenya Union Conference. Mrs. because of this wheelchair,” he
Pr. Samuel Misiani, WKUC
Caroline Agwanda, personal marveled. Nyaburi Primary school
President, expressed gratitude to
adviser to Kisumu County in Kendu Bay, Homabay County
the Chair of the Love organization
Governor, and Hon. Ogada, a was one of the schools that
for using their resources to come
Member of the County Assembly benefitted from the ministry.
to Kenya to transform people’s
(MCA) from Migori County also lives. “We are grateful to God for There is a great need for our
graced the occasion. inspiring you to transform other lives to overflow with mercy, love,
people’s lives. This is what Jesus and compassion so that many
Glen Mather, Founder and
did, he ministered to people’s may work towards improving the
Director of Chair the Love said
needs, they loved what He did, livelihood of others. As disciples
that they planned to give 280
and followed Him,” he said. of Jesus, each person must follow
wheelchairs to the people of
Him and respond to the greatest
Kenya. “In our charity, every dollar
needs of others with love and
we raise goes towards the
purchase of wheelchairs.”
The Seventh-day Adventist
Church's Possibility Ministry is
working tirelessly with passion
and intensity to make the church
and the world aware of the needs
of people with disabilities to
ensure they are comfortable and
treated with dignity and love.

Maureen Were is the Associate Editor,

Exploits, at the West Kenya Union
Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists.
Photo by WKU Media


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3


They will emphasize the use of The Adventist Youth Ministry

devotionals at the family level and department works closely with
work with the Sabbath School Public Campus Ministries (PCM)
Department in local churches, to department in every church to
ensure members are encouraged empower youth in Public and
to read the devotionals. Private Institutions of learning to
Secondly, harnessing the media participate in the mission.
for the mission will help to Institutions of higher learning in
recognize the immense power of Kenya and its environs, provide an
new media (social media important melting point for
Photo by Frank Mireri on Facebook
networks) and traditional media, Adventist youth to share their
coupled with the agency and faith with others, and through
During February’s visit by the their character, draw many to
General Conference President Pr. innovation of youth. Youth
Ministries Departments at all Christ
Ted Wilson to Kenya, it was
uplifting to hear the emphasis of levels are encouraged to allow the
the church on Mission and the
role of youth in achieving the
youth to share strategies towards
harnessing these platforms for
mission and placing youth at the
Great Commission (Matthew
28:19–20). center of implementation. ADVENTISTS ARE
WKUC Staff fellowship in the Garden

Training the leaders at the

Pr. Ted Wilson acknowledged
that the East-Central Africa
church level and institutions YOUNG PEOPLE
should be done to prepare and
Division (ECD), is the largest
improve the working relationship Lastly, mentoring youths
division in the Adventist world
between the young people and the between the ages of 18-35 to
church, with a membership of
church to create, plan, and participate in decision-making
over 5 million, 65% of them being
implement mission initiatives forums of the church,
young people, under the age of 35
years. Equipping youth for the implementation of programs, and
mission by encouraging them to preparation for leadership roles is
West Kenya Union Conference
participate in Youth Ministries an important part of ministry.
(WKUC) together with other
training programs such as Only then will there be an army of
Conferences, and Fields, is
Adventurers, Pathfinders, young people dedicated to the
committed to doubling the
Ambassadors, Master guides, and mission, and also nurtured in the
church membership by 2025, with
Young Adults (SYL) plays a great leadership of the church.
local church being the emphasis.
role in acquiring the right skills for
In line with this call, WKUC has
the mission. Once equipped, Philemon Wilson Odhiambo is the Youth
aligned its strategic plan for
mentored, and guided, they will be Ministries Director at the West Kenya Union
2020-2025 to the “I Will Go”
ready to go into God’s vineyard. Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists.
mission, and young people are
Photo by WKU Media
called upon to be a central part of
this mission.
Firstly, to equip the youth, there
is a need to cultivate a Bible-
reading culture which in turn will
help build up youth in God’s word
to reflect a Christ-like character.
They will also develop and avail
mission-focused morning
devotional books targeting each
level of basic education.


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3



The 21st century has realized We ought to study the bible daily Make sure they are well versed
an overflow of information, to get opportunities for objective in every branch ofEvangelistic
WKC Youth learningCampaign
knowledge, and skills. In sub- and practical lessons. are gifted with knowledge and
Saharan Africa, every home is good judgment. God gave those
working to surpass the limit of a four young men an unusual
minimum threshold of education aptitude for understanding every
which is going to school to get a aspect of literature and wisdom.
certificate, diploma, or degree.
The question that Whenever the king
needs valid assessment is; is consulted them in
education creating schooled, consulted them in any
learned, educated, or modeled matter requiring wisdom and
people? Learning occurs with the balanced judgment, he found
interaction between the teacher, them ten times more capable
the student, and the subject than any of the magicians and
matter, with the equilibrium of enchanters in his entire
teaching and learning being the kingdom. Daniel 1:20.
balance of education. Like giffen God gave Daniel a special
goods, knowledge does not obey ability to interpret the meaning of
the law of demand and supply visions and dreams. Daniel 1:4-17.
hence the more we get the more Daniel soon proved himself more
we demand. capable than all the other
Both the Bible and science administrators and high officers.
have demonstrated that Due to Daniel’s great ability, the
knowledge is never used unless king made plans to place him over
applied or shared. Deuteronomy 6: the entire empire. He was faithful,
4-9 has a passage that provides always responsible, and
the central theme of completely trustworthy. Daniel
Deuteronomy (the book of the 6:3, 4.
law) as it sets a pattern that helps The best model for the right
us relate the word of God to our education can be traced from the
daily lives. success story of Daniel. As an
We have an obligation to love educator, I always urge parents
God, obey His commandments, that education without God will
teach the commandments to our always be vanity. Parents,
Photo from Canva
children, and live each day by the teachers, and Christian educators
guidelines of His word. Our must go back to the foundation of
creator has emphasized the knowledge. The foundation is to
True education can most
importance of parents teaching know God and propagate that
effectively be administered in a
His word to their children knowledge to others. Education
God-fearing home. Education and
should be viewed in the context
The church, school, and role modeling must develop the
of redemption. Its dimensions go
society cannot take the sole soul, mind, and body to have
beyond man's understanding.
responsibility of guiding our outstanding growth and
children. Each parent should development. This ideal model
value their God-given has produced evidence of
responsibility and give their success, in the Bible, history, and Oscar Musamali is the Education Director of
the West Kenya Conference of the Seventh-
children the right education. contemporary society. day Adventists.


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3


BY KEVIN OPIYO The Bible is rich in information
for all ages and has various
With the rise in the number of
principles that can guide
smart devices that are always
humanity to visit and use the
connected online, many are
right digital space and extract
exposed to valuable information
information with dignity.
as well as misinformation,
coupled with the risk of falling While using and living in the
prey to online predators. Due to digital age one should watch what
technological advancement, they see, for it is written that by
Christians have also embraced beholding we are transformed. PhotoPr.

various digital platforms and Deliberate efforts should be taken King Hezekiah was condemned
social media. to avoid watching anything that for showing all that he had to
would not give glory and honor to strangers and the prophet
The same digital blessings
God. warned him that the enemies
might as well be a curse
depending on the individual’s Job made a covenant with his would take advantage of what
usage. The devil would have eyes not to watch a woman they saw. Likewise, many target
digital advancements which lustfully (Job 31) and this kind of those who are careless with their
would be useful in reaching the covenant is needed now more posts exposing every bit of their
world with the everlasting gospel than ever since some people’s lives online.
of Jesus Christ and be used to online status updates are full of Use the basic security
advance the kingdom of darkness things that ought to be carefully features in your smart devices,
avoided to keep our minds pure so that even when they are
God’s children should be
and focused. One should take stolen or lost you can still keep
cautious about the use of digital
careful consideration before your privacy and protect
space lest they be ensnared by
sharing anything online. yourself and your contacts
the enemy and risk losing
eternity. Mathew 10: 16 “Be ye wise from criminal attacks.
Excessive use of digital devices
as a serpent and harmless as a
WATCH WHAT YOU for longer hours is harmful to
your health therefore be
Our ultimate hope is in the
second advent of our Lord Jesus
SEE,BY BEHOLDING temperate. Be careful and avoid
free things offered online and
Christ. This year we have a call to
get involved in mission and YOU BECOME know that if it is free, you are
the product being sold.
mission alone. Mission requires
that we be faithful in all that is at
our disposal. Humanity is called
CHANGED Cybercriminals lure
unsuspecting victims with such
to manage assets for the Master links to gifts as bait. Let your
till He comes. It's our solemn duty Ask yourself whether your online presence be a blessing
to protect what the Lord has put digital footprints lead people to to your contacts. May your
in our hands. eternity with God or to light shine so that those who
damnation. Avoid the temptation would be lost in the dark web
Photo from Canva
to forward unverified information come to know the Light of the
and baits that hackers spread to world. Do not let the digital
attack unsuspecting victims. device be your idol, but let
Most records on the dangers them aid you in answering
of the tongue apply to digital God’s call by saying, “here am I
space. Choose carefully what to Lord Send me. I will go.”
share or publish online. Not
Kevin Opiyo is the Director of Information
everything in your life is for Technology at Kenya Lake Conference of
public consumption. Seventh-day Adventists.


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3

Photo WKU Media


He observed that “the population The union president also
BY MAUREEN WERE of Kenya is growing every day and pointed out that the purpose
there is a need to scale up the of education is to prepare
West Kenya Union Conference partnership to meet the need of the people for service on earth
of the Seventh-day Adventists society. We cannot go by the and in heaven. He defined true
had an Education day at the measure we used in the past.” education to be more than
Union headquarters in Kanyakwar Dr. Samuel Misiani, the West wanting to become someone
Kisumu on the 5th of March 2023. Kenya Union Conference President, in life or even pursuing a
The event was packed with implored the students to know God particular line of study, it is
learners, teachers, Adventist and be closer to him because he is building up character and
faithfuls from all over the union, the source of true education and the integrity to raise people who
and leaders across the Union who secret to success. Touching on the are focused on service.
gathered to celebrate the current debate in Kenya, The The West Kenya Union
achievements of the Adventist president told the students that their Education Department led by
schools in 2022 KCPE and sexuality is what God made them be. Pastor Nicodemus Onyango
KCSE. has scaled great heights to
Speaking at the function, improve the quality of
Bishop Paul Kariuki, head of education in Adventist
Equity Bank Religious sector, schools. The department
confirmed that there is an decided to centrally
existing partnership manage all schools within
between the bank and its territory to asses
the Seventh-day Adventist Photo by WKU Media
and evaluate schools
Church. The existing and teachers to ensure
partnership is already there is quality learning
providing scholarships and and equal attention for
internship programs for Adventist Dr. Misiani appealed to the
all schools.
students. Bishop Kariuki congregation that if one has gone
recognized that there is a need astray through peer pressure or
Maureen Were is the Associate Editor, Exploits,
and room to do better. inherited tendencies, the Holy at the West Kenya Union Conference of the
Spirit has the power to transform Seventh-day Adventists.
him/her, it only requires the will.


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3

Photo by Elder Limo


TO ADVENTIST CHURCH The outreach program yielded
fruits when one of the pastors
decided to give his life to Jesus.
On 11th March 2023, the The members of Global Victors Once this pastor was baptized, he
members of the Adventist church Church had a series of Bible was urged to be a disciple and
in Turbo town Uasin Gishu were studies, and the Turbo district make more disciples. He decided
all jubilant to welcome home the pastor George Makokha took to start from his stronghold. His
new babes in faith from Global them through the fundamental former church. Knowing that
Victors Church. Over the past two beliefs for over a year. When they accepting to be an Adventist
years, the Greater Rift Valley were convicted of the truth, would mean that he would no
Conference (GRVC) organized a eighteen members gave their lives longer pastor his church, he had
fellowship program with to Christ and were baptized. an open conversation with his
Christians from other According to Pastor Makokha, the members and they voluntarily got
denominations. This continuous field is ripe and ready for harvest. interested in his newfound faith.
program has been attended by
over twenty bishops and pastors Knollyne Gai is the Managing Editor of Exploits
at the West Kenya Union Conference of the
from various denominations
Seventh-day Adventists.
across the region.


The CNC Health Ministries
Over two hundred patients Director James Okeyo lauded the
were assisted when Central Conference for sponsoring the
Nyanza Conference (CNC) camp as an initiative to revamp
organized a free medical camp at the health facility whose viability
Maliera Adventist Mission has lately been challenged mainly
Dispensary on March 8, 2023. The due to lack of consistent
medical camp is one of the many personnel.
methods through which the
While expressing deep
Adventist church gives back to
gratitude to the personnel who
the community.
were majorly volunteers from the
This time, the beneficiaries of Photo by Pr. Onunga senior medical class at Uzima
the free medical camp were University in Kisumu, He added
residents of Maliera village. The The camp through the help of that such camps should be held
camp was organized by Maliera CNC provided health education regularly to benefit the local
Dispensary and the CNC health and leaflets that would go a long community.
ministry’s department provided way in helping the public
the needed reinforcement. understand and practice self care. Vincent Onunga is the Communication
Director of the Central Nyanza Conference
of Seventh-day Adventists.


MARCH 2023 VOL 5 | ISSUE 3

Photo by Kenya-RE


Behold what manner of love The leaders were in a
“I will go” is more than just a Christ bestowed on us his glamorous way at Kenya-Re
logo for Adventist Youth Ministry. followers. This year’s GYD was church. The youths and
It’s our responsibility to our God’s not any different. The general pathfinders neatly dressed in
Great Commission. God himself theme of the week of prayer was their regalia paraded and
says, “He is …not willing that any dubbed, Love is a Verb. Pr. Samuel marched towards the set flags to
should perish but that all should Misiani the WKUC president was be raised accompanied by the
come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9, the guest speaker at the launch of leaders.
NKJV). “I Will Go” then is our the youth week of prayer held at
commitment as Joshua-like Kenya-Re Adventist church.
leaders to lead and send our
He started his presentation by
youth into the enemy’s frontlines
making a call to the members
and rescue the perishing souls.
present. His call was that he had
Since 2013 the month of March passed by to lead a soul to Jesus.
has always seen Global Youth Day Pr. Misiani was accompanied by
set aside to launch the official the local conference president,
Youth Week of Prayer. The vision Pr. John Ojunga, and the union
of GYD is to recapture the reality and conference youth directors.
of Adventist youth as a global Pr. Misiani also encouraged the
movement mobilized for service, worshippers to do everything
contributing to the proclamation possible to encourage the young
of the everlasting gospel and people on their journey to heaven.
ushering in the second coming of The journey begins at home and
Jesus Christ. then in the community. He also
The true practice of religion encouraged the young people to
involves the revelation of God’s have a personal walk with Christ
love in living out Jesus’s gospel in order for them to withstand
commission as He bade us to the current trends of changing
before He ascended to heaven: times
through all manners of selfless acts It is not enough to just come to
that point a desperately needy the church, it’s not enough to be a
world to the ultimate hope of the baptized member of the church. It
better world He has made possible is not enough to participate in
for us. Grounded in the concluding youth activities, a knowledge of Photo by Kenya-RE

words of Jesus in the parable of the God and personal relationship is

Good Samaritan, “Go and do more crucial for such a time as John Odiwuor is a freelance Journalist in
likewise” (Luke 10:25-37) this. Kisumu.


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