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With the aid of a properly labelled diagram(s), explain how this motor works?

Start with the

statement, “When the coil of wire is placed in the V of the supports, current flows around the
circuit through the coil of wire creating an…”.
When the coil of wire is placed in the V of the supports, current flows around the circuit
through the coil of wire creating a magnetic force that acts on the coil to rotate the coil (Figure
1). When the coil rotates 180°, the direction of the current should be opposed (Figure 2) if the
entire coil of wire is conducting. It will cause the coil to experience a magnetic force that is
opposite to the previous one. Therefore, the coil cannot be turned 360°. Instead, when a half of
the wire is isolated, there will be no magnetic force acting on the coil when the isolated part
contacts the V of the supports. The coil will move just due to inertia until the conductive parts
contact with copper metal again.

Figure 1
Figure 2

Imagine that we had made a rectangular coil instead of a round coil. With the aid of a properly
labelled diagram(s), explain whether all four sides of the coil would experience a force?
Only two sides of the coil would experience a force. The reason is the magnetic force
equals 0 when the current is parallel to the magnetic field. Other two sides of the coil are
perpendicular to the magnetic field, so they experience force.

Figure 3

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