Self-Love Workbook

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10 Things I Love About Myself and why
Hey you! You have amazing qualities, characteristics, talents, skills, and gifts! And they
should be celebrated! Loving and appreciating your own uniqueness isn’t always
easy to do. A good way to practice appreciating your unique self is to write down what
you makes you special. What do you love about yourself and why?

Io amo il fatto che sono bello

e prendermi cura di me stesso
perchè mi fa sentire speciale

Io amo essere sorridente e positivo,

cercare sempre di portare felicità alle altre persone
perchè mi rende felice avere un impatto di gioia sugli altri

io amo essere determinato e instancabile

quando bisogna portare a termine un progetto,
perchè mi fa sentire forte

Amo essere curioso e

approfondire i concetti quando
lo ritengo necessario perchè mi
affascina quello che non
conosco e la novità

Amo essere sempre in

contatto con il mio e farmi
spesso domande se sto
facendo bene o come potrei
fare meglio
10 Things I Love About Myself and why

Amo vestirmi bene, ed essere

curato perchè sono convinto che
le impressioni siano importanti e
debbano riflettere il nostro io

Amo prendermi cura della mia famiglia,

perchè un giorno vorrei averne una mia
stop the negative self-talk
It's likely that for years, you've been talking negatively about yourself, and unconsciously
training your brain to think negatively as well.  This causes those negative thoughts to
become automatic. Use this worksheet to help stop those thoughts and challenge those

negative thought:

what triggered this thought?

What emotions do i feel while having this thought?

Is this negative thought true or just my opinion?

stop the negative self-talk

Could i be wrong about this?

How else can I look at this?

Is this negative thought serving a positive purpose in my life? If so, how?

Is this thought interfering with my happiness?

stop the negative self-talk

How can I r eframe this thought into something more positive?

Is the true reason for this thought because I'm trying to avoid something?

What is the worst thing that could happen if this thought is true? 

What's the best thing that could happen if this thought is true?
stop the negative self-talk
Turning your negative self-talk into positive talk is tough, but it can be done. Check out
these examples of changing a negative thought into a positive one. Use the space at the
bottom to write your own.

negative thought positive thought

i'm a failure I'm learning as i go

i'm taken advantage of i'm trusting
i'm tired i'm getting rest I need
i'm not attractive i am beautiful as I am
i'm no good at this i need more practice
i'm bored i love new challenges
i can't i can
i'm not sure i'll figure it out
i'm not like anyone else i'm unique
focus on gratitude
Gratitude is powerful! a gratitude practice can help you become more aware of the positive
things in your life. When you feel and express gratitude on a daily basis, you can become
happier, more energetic and more confident. Try listing 10 things each day for at least two
weeks. Journal how it makes you feel. Do you notice a better mood? Better relationships?
More good things coming to you?

today i am grateful for:










boost your confidence
If you are not comfortable with who you are, it’s time to give your confidence a boost.  This
worksheet is designed to help set the stage to become more confident and self-loving!

If I had more confidence I would:

Top 4 talents, skills or good qualities I have:

I like myself because:

My friends say I have great:

boost your confidence
People say I am good at:

I've been complimented on my:

I have a natural talent for:

I've been successful at:

confidence affirmations
A great way to love yourself is to affirm your greatness! Spend time each day stating or
writing affirmations of confidence. Here are 10 confidence affirmations to get you started.
Then spend some time creating your own. Write them in the space provided!

I am worthy of happiness and success.

I forgive others and their actions.
I change myself into the best version of me.
My choices are my own decisions.
I choose to give priority to how I want to live.
I am ready for success.
I choose joy in my life.
I am making my life better every day.
I am strong and able to accomplish anything I want.
I have what it takes to make my dreams a reality.


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