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1.  Identification of variables affecting employee

satisfaction and their impact on the organization

Alam Sageer, Dr. Sameena Rafat, Ms. Puja Agarwal (2012) stated that Employee satisfaction is the
terminology used to describe whether employees are happy, contended and fulfilling their desires and
needs at work. In this paper various variables responsible for employee satisfaction has been discussed
which give satisfaction to employees. Attitude surveys, focus groups and exit interviews are conducted
to analyze the results to determine staff attitude, opinions and motivation. The study’s conclusion imply
that employee attitudes typically reflect the moral of the company So, every organization should
develop strategies that strengthen the work environment and increase the employee morale and
employee satisfaction.

Sageer, A., Rafat, S., & Agarwal, P. (2012). Identification of variables affecting employee satisfaction and
their impact on the organization. IOSR Journal of business and management, 5(1), 32-39.

2. Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial

performance: An empirical examination

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between employee

satisfaction and customer satisfaction, and to examine the impact of both on a hospitality
company’s financial performance utilizing service-profit-chain framework as the
theoretical base. Furthermore, this study examines the mediating role of customer
satisfaction on the indirect relationship between employee satisfaction and financial
performance. Data for this study was collected from employees, customers and managers
of three- and four-star hotels. Structural equation modeling (SEM) with a two-step
approach was utilized to empirically test the proposed hypotheses and the relationships
between the constructs. Findings suggest that while customer satisfaction has positive
significant impact on financial performance, employee satisfaction has no direct
significant impact on financial performance. Instead, there is an indirect relationship
between employee satisfaction and financial performance, which is mediated by
customer satisfaction.

Chi, C. G., & Gursoy, D. (2009). Employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and financial
performance: An empirical examination. International journal of hospitality management, 28(2),

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