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21st Century Literature of the Philippines and

of the World
21 st Century Literature of the Philippines
and of the World




For the learner/s:

Welcome to the subject 21st Century Literature of the Philippines and of the World
Our mind is the most powerful part of our human body, with our mind working at its best, we can achieve anything.
Despite different circumstances we might face, we should stand firm and continue with life. Our mind is associated with
our ability to learn, appreciate and create essential things. Hence, this signifies that you as a learner is capable and
empowered to succeed. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module aims to provide the essential concepts, skills and competencies needed which are useful in real life situations.
The lessons and activities in this module are designed with accordance to the skills and tasks suited for 21 st Century

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Objectives - These are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons in
the module

Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be mastered throughout the lesson.

Lesson- This section will discuss the topic for this module.

Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform.

Generalization- This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons.

Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module.

In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Determine the ethnic lines that constitute the indigenous self as a product of history and

B. Reflect on what message is the author trying to impart to his readers.

C. Create meaningful presentation/s depicting the message of the literary text


DIRECTION: Upon seeing the word inside the box, what are the first five (5) words you can associate with it?
Provide a short justification.


1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________

5. __________________


Telesforo Sungkithails from Sumilao, Bukidnon where he

actively campaigns for natural plating method and where he
plants coffee, rice, corn, and narra trees when he is not writing
and doing advocacy works.

He has won the National Commission for Culture and the

Arts (NCCA) Writer’s Prizetwice – the first in 2007 for the novel,
“Mga Gapnod sa Kamas -an” and the second f or “Ang Agalon sa
mga Balod” in 2011.


Telesforo Sungkit Jr.


I you called pagan, you say pagan is

bad people.
You say you is Christian and
Christian is good people.

You laugh I kneel on big rock or I

pray before big tree.
You angry I call Migbaya, you say
my God is devil.

I not laugh you kneel on dead tree or you

pray to hanging God there.
I not angry you call your God, and I not
call Him devil.

I angry you get my lands,

I angry you get my golds, I angry
you burn my wood books, but you say I
should love enemy.

You say love enemy but you

killed grandpa baylan, you killed
grandma bae, you killed uncle
bagani, you killed even dog


I you called savage you say

savage is bad people.
You say you is civilized and
civilized is good people.

You laugh I speak wrong your tongue or I not

knowing you say.
You angry I speak my tongue, you say I
silent I not speak your tongue.

I not laugh you speak in your noses or you

kalamura speak my tongue.
I not angry you speak your tongue,

I not say you silent you not speak my tongue.

I angry you kill my datus,

I angry you burn my house,

I angry you get my honey,

I angry you get my sakop, but you say

I should know democracy.

You say know democracy

but you commanding all you

telling I not speak you forcing I live
near plantations
You making all us sakop you
killing my brothers not liking you.

I you called brother you say

brother skin also brown.
You say you is my brother and
brother is good people.

You laugh I kneel on big rock or I

pray before big tree.
You laugh I speak wrong your tongue or I not
knowing you say.
You angry I call Migbaya, you say
my God is devil.
You angry I speak my tongue, you say I
silent I not speak your tongue.

I not laugh you kneel on dead tree or you

pray to hanging God there.
I not angry you call your God, and I not
call Him devil.

I not laugh you speak in your teeth or you

kalamura speak my tongue.
I not angry you speak your tongue,

I not say you silent you not speak my tongue.

I angry you get my lands,

I angry you get my golds,

I angry you dishonor my sisters,

but you say I should love brother, skin also brown.

You say love brother, skin also brown but you

help kill grandpa baylan, you help kill grandma bae,
you help kill uncle bagani, you help kill dog
talamuod, you help kill even my balangkawitan

I angry you help kill my datus,

I angry you help burn my house,

I angry you help steal my honey,

I angry you paying cheap my abaka, coffee, coconut, banana, etc.

but you say I should know government.

You say know government but you

commanding all you telling I not speak
you forcing I live near plantations you
making us all sakop you killing us not
liking you.


I pagan?

I savage?

I brother?


I knowing gooder, I knowing bad.

I knowing badder, I knowing good.

I knowing brother, I knowing stranger.

I knowing things yesterday, today, tomorrow.

I ancient.

I Higaonon.


The persona, mask or the speaker is the voice that talks to the readers in poetry.

It is important for readers to understand that in most cases, the persona or speaker is not the author, unless of
course, it is an autobiographical poem. The persona is a creative invention of the writer which serves as a
mouthpiece of his/her ideas or feelings.


DIRECTION: Throughout the world, indigenous peoples suffer the brunt of modernization,
globalization, and climate change. Compare and contrast the conditions, issues, and problems
confronting two indigenous communities, one from the Philippines and one from another part of the
world as spring board of discussion. Present your findings using the graphic organizer below.



I Higaonon by Telesforo Sungkit Jr. focuses on the discrimination experienced by the indigenous group
featured in the literary text. In this poem, Sungkit gives emphasis on the problems encountered by indigenous
people with other religious groups whose beliefs and values were significantly different from them. Colonialism
forced them to depart from their ancestral lands.


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions

1. Who is the speaker in this poem?

2. How ethnic stereotyping does affects the status of living of the indigenous people?

3. Why is it important for the speaker to highlight his/her ethnicity? Explain.

4. Are the beliefs, values, attitude, and practices of the speaker similar or different from the listeners? In
what way?

5. How significant are the last two lines of the poem

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and of the World





In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Distinguish the message of the literary piece

B. Relate the theme of the story to oneself through life experiences

C. Create a meaningful presentation through song association about father and

children relationship


DIRECTION: Listen to the three (3) songs enumerated below about father and child relationships and then find
parallelisms between your own experience with your father and the message or theme of the songs.

1. Leader of the Band

2. Father and Son

3. Dance with My Fat her






Cirilo F. Bautistais the 2014 National Artist in Literature. He is

the author of the “Trilogyof Saint Lazarus”, an epic cycle on the
Philippines made up of the following books: The Archipelago
(1970), Telex Moon (1975), and Sunlight on Broken Stones (1988).
Bautista is a Palanca Hall of Fame Awardee and a Centennial
Grand Prize winner for Epi c Poetry in 1988. He lives in Quezon City
with his wife, Rosemarie.

Source: TEXTSCAPES: 21st Literary Landscapes of the Philippines

and of the World


Cirilo Bautista
My father worked in a cigar factory outside Manila, supervising fifty women rolling and
cutting tobacco leaves. He eyed every cigar closely, testing smoothness to the touch, the
right smell and visual appearance.

He rejected those with imperfections.

Before sunset he would be on the bus again for our place in Sampaloc, an hour’s ride or


He could take out any number of cigars, he could put in the pockets of his

shirt, that was one of his perks.

He would remove his clothes,

I would wipe his body with a face towel soaked in a warm water, swish-swoosh, swish-
swoosh, may times, His chest, his armpits, his back, trying to erase the smell of
tobacco that stuck to him the whole day long, but no matter how I tried, the smell

In fact you knew he was around by that smell

which made my mother mad because she could not wash it off his clothes even with tons of detergent soap.

Father took a bath only on Sundays because water was

scarce and there were fifteen of us using the same faucet.

We lingered over dinner of rice and dried fish roasted over embers, lingered
over terrains of our misfortune, the many relatives and friends killed in the war,
some still missing, what to do about the leaking roof and when we could buy a
piglet to fatten.

Till I was a young man I thought poverty was a condition of existence. Father
listened rather than talked, nodding his head or shaking it,

His face full of concern that I thought was sorrow. Then he would sit in is favourite chair by the window and
ask me for his box of cigars. He would pick out one, pass it once or twice under his nostrils, then sigh. He
would peel off the cellophane wrapper, the brand band (this he would give to me for good behavior) and clip
one end of the cigar. When he struck a matchstick to light the cigar, that was my sign to leave him alone.

There he would stay until bedtime, whorls and whorls of white smoke would envelope his head while he sat
quietly, motionless.

So sudden did death take him that I never knew what was he thinking. He visited me
often when I was already married- nothing great, small talk about the children, my
books, politics, the cost of living. The gloom was still in his face and the cigars in
his pockets.

Had he written down the narratives of his bone, accounted for the years
we slept on dirt floor, the women crying when the children cried for
food, and the rats sneaking past our legs to sniff the air? I did try to
forget him between my trips to the museums, the island resort, the
warm memorial, the library. That was some years ago as I said, but
tonight he was there again.

I was putting down my briefcase on the hall table when I caught

the whiff of cigar smoke in the air.

Father was sitting in my chair near the window staring into the night.

I’m here, Father, I said, what do you want?

He gave me an aggrieved look and it was then

I knew that he wanted to come home.

So I brought out the face towel and the warm water.


Theme is the central truth about life exemplified in the text. It refers to the message, idea or insight revealed in a
literary selection. The theme is not supposed to be confused with a moral lesson which though didactic or
instructive in nature, has the tendency to focus only on ethical or moral values in a selection.


DIRECTION. If you were to identify a song that would best describe your relationship with your father,
what would that be, and why?


The self gets initiated to the outside world through authority figures in a family. Cirilo
Bautista’s “My Father’s House” talks about a son’s reminiscence of his father as a good
provider and role model. Also, the poem give emphasis on the importance on having a
father figure and how it became a big part on the development of the children.

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions

1. What is the theme of the poem?

2. What daily routines bound the father and the son?

3. Why do you think the poem is entitled “My Father’s House”?

4. How did the son react to his father’s death?

5. Was the speaker successful in his attempts to forget his father? Yes or No? Explain.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines

and of the World


Module 3


In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Distinguish the intention of the author in writing the blog

B. Relate the message of the blog to oneself through life experiences

C. Compose a blog for someone you admire through social media platforms


DIRECTION. If you were given thirty (30) seconds wherein the whole world’s attention is on you, what will you
say? Write at least five to ten sentences


Ben Realuyo’s fame via his two internationally

published literary texts. “The Umbrella Country”, (1999) a
novel; and “The God’s We Worship Live Next Door”, (2006) a
collection of poems which was awarded the 2005 Agha
Shahid Ali Prize. His blog entries have appeared at the
Huffington Post. Realuyo is an educator, poet, essayist, and
fiction writer.

Source: TEXTSCAPES: 21 Literary Landscapes of the

Bino A Realuyo

What a humbling experience to watch your circuitous path toward the Miss Universe crown. It is easy to get lost
in your triumph, easier even to fail to see the message. It is easy to participate in the glory of winning, especially yours,
especially retrospectively, although none of us will ever know what it was really like for you making an attempt for the
Miss Philippines crown three times, how those years must be like when you were the only one who could see your star
consistently shine. However, in the coming year that you will your crown and your dream, we need to remind those of us
who waited for forty-two years for this moment not to get blinded by the glitter of gems, but to remain focused on the
transformative power of your humble story.

Humility has become so rare in our age of tribal nationalism. When Filipinos say they waited for 42 years for
another Miss Universe crown, we didn’t expect it to turn into a global telenovela switched on the moment the wrong
winner was announced. As I write this, the fires are still burning in the heart of those who couldn’t simply translate
“defeat” or “grace” into their native languages, but instead resorted to spewing hateful and highly personal online sound
bytes. The tribal conversations quickly left the deeply human and traumatic realm of public humiliation and entered a dark
mob-like online rant about how Colombia deserved a back-to-back win and expectedly made a downward spiral into
conspiracy theories. It is disturbing how quickly the global village showed its ugly horn, unable to recognize the truth in
the story from the fantasy of wishful thinking.

The message of winning humbly is lost on many of us. Even more, the idea of resilience in the face of numerous
defeat. If anyone understands how to transcend the agony of losing, it is you, the breadwinner of your family since you
were 11 years old. For the last three years I have tried, people are laughing at me and saying that I was trying too hard.
And my answer is yeah, I really am trying hard. I try my hardest because this is what I want. Indeed, there is grace and
humility in losing, and you demonstrated that for the few minutes that you were Miss Universe first runner-up. You called
it, destiny, and gently surrendered to your fate as second best. Fortunately, the universe had a better plan for you. Even
when you were ultimately declared the true winner, your hesitant walk to the front stage was one full of sympathy and
tenderness for the other woman who was humiliated in front of millions by Steve Harvey’s humanly error. Even with the
crown on your head, you made an attempt to comfort the suffering Miss Colombia, risking being ignored or rejected by
the other scorned candidates. For you, kindness is more important that ambition. The crown can wait, a human touch
can’t. Amid the ruinous noise, you humbly reached out to Miss Colombia by publicly apologizing for an error that wasn’t
even yours to own. And Miss Colombia somehow managed to post pictures in her Instagram of herself winning the Miss
Universe crown, considering public testament by one of the judges, Perez Hilton, that you were the unanimously voted
first placer. Before you even start your Miss Universe voyage, your legacy in humility is already being written. Never
mind those who doubted you, never mind those who are still bashing you online, never mind the Latinas who still think
winning Miss Universe is their birthright, never mind the obstacles that you have yet to face in the coming years, we, the
PIanatics, are here to do our part in our bayanihan. You have reminded us in the past twenty-four hours to search within
and elevate our human values against angry mobs. You have transformed a beauty pageant of glitter, appearances, and
high-heeled logic into a pageantry of virtues and human decency. You have taught us already to never give up on your
dreams and move forward with grit. You are showing the world what it means to be a daughter of the global village, and
how she must carry herself on the ashes of controversy. But most of all, your triumph is embedded in your humility, a
message so desperately needed in a global village that keeps getting battered by hubris, impulsive reactions, and lack of


A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting
of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so
that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page



DIRECTION. Create a web blog for any of the famous personalities you admire most. The web blog will be
posted in any social media platform.


The blog generally pointed out the good characteristics of Ms. Pia Wurtzbach as she won the
battle for the Miss Universe 2015 crown. In everything that we did and were about to do, there are
people who will judge and doubt us. Wurtzbach, faced the challenge and hindrances on her journey to
the crown. We are all going our different path as we prepare ourselves for the journey of a litetime, along
the way, people will doubt you don’t mind them.


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions

1. Filipinos are known to be obsessed with beauty contests, which is why a beauty queen winner often
treated as a hero regardless if it’s local, national or international. Discuss Realuyo’s take on Pia Wurtzbach’s 2015
Miss Universe feat.

2. How difficult it is, according to Pia, joining the Binibining Pilipinas thrice, Say something about this.

3. What do you think does Realuyo trying to impart when he stated that “Humility has become so rare in our
age of tribal nationalism?” Justify your answer.

4. How does Pia demonstrate grace and humility in losing?

5. Explain “Kindness is more important than ambition. The crown can wait, a human touch can’t”.
21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and of the World





In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Identify the different tone of Urbana in each letter

B. Relate the message of the literary piece to oneself through life experiences

C. Create meaningful presentation through letter writing responding to Urbana’s letters


DIRECTION: Upon observation, what can you infer about the difference and similarities of the two


Jose Javier Reyes is a nonfiction writer, playwright, actor,

and director. He has won Gawad Urian, Metro Manila Filmfest
Awards, and Star Awards for the Movies for the memorable films
he wrote and directed such as “Pahiram ng isang Umaga”, “May
Minamahal”, and “Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo”. Reyes won a Palanca
award for his play “Lamat” in 1982.

Source: TEXTSCAPES: 21 Literary Landscapes of the Philippines
and of the World


Jose Javier Reyes

12 Hunyo

Pinakamamahal kong Ate Fely:

Masaya at malungkot. Iyan ang aking nararamdaman habang isinusulat ko ang

aking liham ngayong nandirito na ako sa Maynila. Maliit pa tayo pinangarap ko nang
makapag-aral dito sapagkat wala akong nakikitang kinabukasan sa pagtatanim ng ampalaya at
kalabasa o sa pag-aalaga ng ating mga paboritong manok, baboy at kambing kahit na ba tinuturing natin silang
bahagi na ng ating pamilya.

Maayos naman ako dito sa dormitory. Labingdalawa kami sa kuwarto at kung gabi ay nahihirapan
lamang ako dahil hindi lang kami siksikan kundi kaiingay ng aking mga

kasamahan. Tama ka, ate Fely. Iba ang mga babaeng namantsahan ng kabalahuraan
ng lungsod. Wala silang pakundangan sa kanilang pananalita. Kung mabihis sila ay hantad ang mga
dibdib at ipinaparada ang mga nakaluwang pusod para tuksuhin

ang mga kalalakihan. Ako ang napapahiya para sa kanila ngunit nagsasawalang-kibo na lamang.
Sa katunayan lagi akong walang kibo dahil wala ring kumakausap sa akin. Ang
estudyanteng natutulog sa ikalawang-palapag ng aking kama ay saksakan ng kiri. Walang

inatupag kundi magpintura ng mukha, magsuklay ng buhok at pagkuwentuhan ang

inaatupag nila ng kanyang kasintahan kapag sila ay nalulugmok sa dilim. Diring-diri ako sa kanya: sabi
nga ng aming kasera, yan raw si Betsy ay daig pa ang patis na sawsawan na ng halos lahat ng mga kalalakihan sa
aming paaralan. Hindi ko alam kung maaawa ako sa
kanya o pandidirihan.

Papaano siya makakakuha ng matinong asawa pagdating ng panahon kung natikman

na siya ng buong bayan? Lagi kong iniisip ang inukilkil sa aking utak ni Nanang bago ako
lumisan sa ating nayon: na pahalagahan ko ang aking pagkababae at huwag na huwag maging marupok sa
mga tukso ng mga kalalakihan dito sa Maynila… kahit ang totoo ay

ang dami-dami talagang mga gwapo at maraming kahawig si Piolo Pascual. Ngunit
huwag kang mag-alala, ate Fely. Nakatanim sa aking utak at puso ang mga dakilang aral na itinuro sa akin nina
Nanang at Tatang.

At kahit kabila’t kanan ang mga mestisuhing binata na kung makatingin ay puno ng kalaswaan at
pagnanasa, hinding-hindi ko ipagpapalit ang aking si Juaning sa sino man sa mga ungas na ito. Ginagalang ko ang
aking pagkababae.

Laging kasama ka sa aking panalangin, ate. Sana ipagdasal mo na ring magkaroon ako ng kaibigan dahil
mahirap rin itong walang kumakausap at makausap. At hindi rin nila

maiintindihan kapag kinakausap ko ang aking sarili para huwag lamang mapanis ang aking laway.


09 Agosto

Hi, Ate!
Parang it’s OK na rin here. Wow, pa-Ingles-Ingles na ako ha? Pasensya ka na. Kasi sabi ng friend
kong si Betsy it’s not cool daw if I talk in heavy Tagalog not unless I am an activist or a Communist. At naku,
alam mo namang takot tayo sa Komunista even if they say that they are really maka-masa hindi ba? At saka
ever since sumali si Kuya Junjun sa NPA, di ba sabi nila na hindi na rin siya believe kay God. Whatever!

Anyway OK rin ang school. Kaya lang parang shift na yata ako ng course because medyo boring ang
accounting. At saka after a while, it’s kinda nakakasakit ng ulo with all the numbers here and numbers there.
Uso raw dito yung HRM – o kaya MassComm. Besides, it’s more tsika naman to work in a hotel or sa TV
studio or sa Regal Films kaysa naman to be a kadiri accountant di ba? Whatever!
Anyway again thank you sa prayers mo ha? Marami-rami na rin akong friends now. At least, hindi na ako all
alone sa kwarto sa dorm pag weekend. We go out na like sa Megamall (grabe ang laki!) and then one time
Betsy and her boyfriend, si Jacko (gwapo, ate, hawig kay Dingdong Dantes pero gumagalaw ang bibig pag
nagsasalita) took me to Glorietta.

Ay, ate! Glorietta is like heaven kahit naligaw-ligaw ako ha? Ang daming tao talaga at bihis na bihis
lahat, parang magpaparty kahit kakain lamang ng spaghetti o bibilig ng kropek na sinasawsaw sa kamatis.
Grabe! Tapos they took me pa to Rockwell dahil doon daw talagang class! Class naman talaga, ate. As we say
out here in Manila, mega-to-themax ha? Walang nakasuot ng tsinelas sa Rockwell kahit ang daming naka-
shorts! Iba talaga out here, ha?

Anyway, I cannot write long. We will got out kasi dahil it’s another Friday night and Wilson –yung
isa pang boyfriend ni Betsy—is giving me a date. Ate, don’t worry. Inaalam ko lamang ang buhay-Maynila.
Ina-understand ko lang ang mga bago kong friends at yung kanilang tinatawag na lifestyle para naman hindi
ako ma-out-of-place.
Ate, pakisabi na rin kay Nanang na please lang huwag nang magpadala ng mga tinatahi niyang blouse
na may nakaburdang mga bulaklak. Kasi, that’s not the get-up out here. Request ko na lang na magpadala na
lang siya ng kahit kaunting pera para naman makabili ako ng masusuot kahit sa tiangge sa Greenhills. Hindi ko
na ma-wear yung mga paldang lampas-tuhod ang haba dahil pinagkakamalan akong dispatsadora sa canteen sa
aming school.

Regards na rin kay Juaning. Sabihin mo nakuha ko yung kanyang pinadalang photo na kasama ang
kanyang kalabaw. Whatever!

Gotta go,
10 October

Hey, Sister!

You should really visit me here, Sis! I mean now na that I have ang dami-daming friends, na, oh wow!
Like talagang oh, wow!

I mean, kung naiwan ako there, what would have become of me no? I mean like last night,
Jennalyn and three other of my tropa, we went to this place called Porch where talaga namang shet! Ang dami-
daming cute!!! I mean, I have never seen so many ang dami-daming cute including artistas like Patrick, Cogie, and
some other pa na ang dami

talagang tisoy, sis!

At saka now that I sorta know na Manila, iba talaga! We went pa to this place called
Wasabi and then straight to Makati Avenue in this in na in joint called Orange na talaga

namang may tropa ang I just went like slamming ha? There we met even more guys and sis,
akala ko heaven na yung San Mig Lights but you should try yung tequila ha? I was like sorta weng-weng
already pero fun, sis! Fun!

Well, yeah I know medyo pissed off sina Mom and Dad dahil medyo ukray yung grades ko and all that
pero kasi naman, hindi talaga ako maka-relate sa HRM. Siguro shift course na lang uli ako, no? Well, lahat naman
of my katropa shift nang shift ng course kaya normal lang yon. Besides, I don’t think naman I’m gonna be masaya
being a hotel receptionist

lang ano? So baka shift ako sa MassComm.

And, no, ate! Hindi ako nagda-drugs ha?! I know na Mom thinks na I’m going around
with adik-adiks just because yung pinadala kong picture naka-labas yung tiyan ko and

naka-maong shorts ako and all that. Tapos she thinks na I am luka-luka dahil I added five
more earrings on each ear including one on my nose. But that’s the way we dress here, ano? Gusto niyo ba
akong pagtawanan ng mga friends ko?
Well, don’t tell them na lang nagpa-tattoo ako, ok? Ok it’s kalokohan pero cute naman eh. Girls
here wear tattoos at saka cute naman yung design ng demonyong may tinutugtog na ukulele na pinalagay
ko sa aking hita. Work of art yon in a way no?
At saka please tell that Juaning na to stop sending me those baduy letters ha? May

paiyak-iyak pa and all that shit. Kadiri as in grabeng kadiri! At saka sabihin mo nga sa
kanya na maligo siya. Everytime he sends me pictures, paitim nang paitim siya. Yuuuuuck!

12 December hi
big sis:
Guess wht? i jst got a new clphn & like my frnds I realizd i cant liv wdout txting. Dis is d way we tok
hir. its cald hi tek pero u wil not undrstnd dat til u get hir 2 mnla.
Just broke up wid my bf sam. pero oks lang ksi b4 we split on na kami ni luigiboy. b4 sam namn,
medyo badtrip c tony dahil nabust ang gago kaya buti na lang binreak ko na cya even if he promisd to kill all
my relatives pag iniwan ko him. kaya mas ok c luigiboy & u wil not even suspek dat he just came out of jail 4
illegal pssession of firearms. mdyo sabog lang cya at times—at me pagka-war freak dahil 4 na pinatay pero
more times hes ok lang. besides, anak cya ng general ano? kaya mdyo tkot lang d ppl sa kanya ksi nga
skinhead at mron rin cyang tattoo ng snake sa nek pero btr naman than sam na kulay pink ang buhok tapos flop
pa yung rock band nya no? or c tony na pumapatol sa bading ksi artist daw. yah, rite!
lst nite luigiboy gave me dis pill ksi sbi nya it will make me feel gud. sbi ko, scared me sa pills kasi i only take
yung natural—especially lagkitan, say nya 4 d xperience, so i xperienced it. oks naman, bond kmi agad, feels
as in in para we r one talaga. masakit lang sa panga & drink ka ng drink ng 2big pero sarap 2 party ha! ganda 2
yakap-yakap yehey.
U want me to send u some of dis stuff 4 xmas? try mo sis! feeling gud ka, promise! wlang binatbat d kare-
kare of lola sula. heben, man, heben! sarap tama more dan nomads. Got news: juaning getting married
daw 2 luring. pikot ba? Just send him congrats and tell him, “mwahahahahahahahahahaha!” bagay sila. At
least, juaning will now stop snding corny ltters no?
Tell mom & dad I nid na money. not sure if i will go home 4 xmas. mababa2 lang me der. saya me na

meri xmas/hpy new yir b-ny ps. tell mom/dad m luking 4 another skul. not 2 worry.
dami pa skulls hir.


Epistle is a letter, missive, note, correspondence, or any written form of communication. It may be formal or didactic of
informal or funny and humorous. The epistolary style is manifested in diaries, letters, emails, blogposts, twitterature and
Facebook messages


Write a reply to urbana’s letter showing your response to her actions and conduct.



It was believed that nothing is permanent in this world and everything changes. That is really true, human
beings change to adapt to a certain norm in a society he/she belongs. In this literary piece, we can observe just by
the style of writing that Urbana change because of the environment she belongs. She was influenced by the new
environment she lived in. Just like Urbana, we also change regardless if it’s for the good or the bad.


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. How is Urbana described in the three letters? What are the factors affecting her sudden changes?
2. Describe the clash between rural and urban, past and present, and tradition and modernity as gleaned from
Urbana/s letters.
3. How does the change of language used in each letter manifest the change in Urbana’s personality, beliefs
and values?
4. If Felisa take Urbana’s place, will she change the same way as Urbana? Justify your answer.
5. Using your own experiences, kindly explain how the environment became one of the biggest factor for
someone to change.
21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and of the World



Module 5 OVER


In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Familiarize sociological Approach as one of the common literary approaches

B. Relate the message of the literary text to oneself through life experiences

C. Create meaningful presentation depicting children engaged in child labor as a way of raising
consciousness regarding oppression of children


DIRECTION: List at least five (5) possible reasons on why children are forced to work and explain.







Bienvenido L. Lumbera was born on April 11, 1932. He

spent most of his youth in Batangas until he entered the
University of Santo Tomas in 1950 to pursue a degree in
journalism. He completed his M.A. and then his Ph. D. in
Comparative Literature at Indiana University in 1967.
Lumbera writes in English and Filipino, and has produced
works in both languages .


Bienvenido Lumbera

May lumbay na kinakapa/nilulusong

Ang biyolin at piano

Sa casette-player ng kotse ko.

At dahil Disyembreng malamlam ang araw,

At buhol-buhol ang trapik,

Nagpapalaluan ang inip at panglaw.

STOP ang ilaw, walang galaw.

Sa sulok ng mata’y bigla kang nariyan-

Nakalikmong parang itim na sultan,

Sa kongkretong taniman ng halaman,

Tila basta tumubo na lang.

Nakatiklop ang mga biyas, Nakatutok ang

tingin sa dulo ng linya
Ng mga KIA, Mitsubishi, Toyota, at Honda.

Wari’y malayo ang paroroonan,

Pero walang masakyan.

Ano nga ba ang mga larawang

Hinihintay dumapo sa balintataw?

Ano nga ba ang mga buhol ng utak

Na isa-isang kinakalag?
Ano ang hubog ng kawalang Hinahawi ng mga
Tigilan ba kita at lunsarin

Sabay dantay ng palad sa balikat na marusing,

Usisain hinging magbitiw ng mga salita

Na lalagom sa hapding hindi madadaing?

Taga-saan ka, bata? Saan ka

Pagkabata-bata pa

Natulala na lang bigla

Sa kapal ng wala Na parang trapik

ang dagsa,
Wala, wala, wala, wala, wala.

GO na ang ilaw.


Ang mga sasakyan


Baka maubusan

Ng daan. Batang grasa, paalam.

Sa aling kanto kaya

Muling mabubuglawan?

Marahil, marahil malamang,

Doon, ikaw ay titigilan.

Aaluking sumakay,

At pangangakuan,

Na wala nang palaboy

Pagdating ng araw.

Aalukin ng mga salitang ipupuno sa wala,

Paghihintaying sikatan ng gintong tala

Ang sandipang langit ng kapwa mo dukha.


Sociological Approach is one of the many ways in which literature is read. Other reading strategies include
biographical, historical, psychological, linguistic, moral and formalist. In a sociological approach, readers take
into consideration the issues, problems, and challenges affecting society as they are reflected in a literary text .


Come up with a musical video clip about children engaged in child labor, prostitution and trafficking in children.
Share your MTV to your social media accounts as a way of raising consciousness regarding oppression of




Children in the Philippines engage in the worst forms of child labor, including in commercial sexual
exploitation, sometimes as a result of human trafficking, and in armed conflict. Children also perform dangerous
tasks in agriculture and gold mining.


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. Describe the tone of the poem.

2. Compare and contrast the situation of the persona inside his car, and the batang grasa beside the Tandang
Sora fly-over.
3. Why is (self) interrogation used as a rhetorical device in this poem? Do you think it is effective in
articulating the guilt and grief of the persona?

4. As a Filipino citizen, how do you think this poem depict the current situation of the Philippines? Explain.

5. Discuss the theme of the poem.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines

and of the World





In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Identify the importance of social media platforms as a medium of learning process.

B. Relate the message of the literary text to oneself through life experiences

C. Create presentations depicting the message of the literary text


DIRECTION: List at least five (5) dreams you’ve had ever since you’re a child and explain why it
changes as you grow older. Provide a short explanation on why it changed.







Joselito D. de los Reyes is currently a resident fellow of

the University of Santo Tomas Center for Creative Writing

and Literary Studies and a research fellow of the Research
Center for Culture, Arts and Humanities of the same university. He has a
BSE Social Science degree from

Philippine Normal University. He obtained his master’s and

doctorate degrees in Philippine Studies from De La Salle
University where his final research project was given an Outstanding Dissertation


Joselito delos Reyes

Sa aming tatlo, si Ditse lang an gusto talagang maging titser. Titser ang ditse sa mga larong kailangan ng tiser-titseran.
Ang ate, gusto yatang maging reporer o journalist noon. Nag-exam siya sa PUP para kumuha ng journalism. Hindi
pinayagan ni nanay na makapasok sa PUP para kumuha ng journalism. Hindi pinayagan ni nanay na makapasok sa PUP.
Kesyo mahal daw ang pamasahe mula sa amin sa Valenzuela hanggang Sta. Mesa. Kesyo malayo at matrapik. Kung
paanong sa Normal siya napadpad para maging MAPEH major, hindi ko na maalala ang dahilan.

Automatic, sa Normal din ang ditse. BEEd. Wala na yatang kinuhanan ng entrance exam ang ditse maliban sa antigong
gusaling kulay nitso sa Taft Avenue. At ako, salawahan sa pagiging abogado at journalist. Taktika daw ang kumuha ng
Educ para madaling magkatrabajo, tapos mag-aral daw ako kung saan ko gusto, anumang kursong gusto kapag natapos
ang Educ. Iyong gulang kong noon, nakumbinsi. Kaya heto.

Wala naman talagang gaanong inihatag na pamimiliang iskwelahan si nanay para sa amin. Aral sa Normal o tumigil at
magtrabaho. Iyon pala, pangarap nyang maging titser. Nalaman koi to nang mabaldado na si Nanay sa istrok. Kung
naktakas siya sa sumpang maging mananahi, titser ang kukunin niyang kurso. Ang hindi niya nagawa dahil sa walang
humpay na pananahi, ipinasa sa amin.

Tumigil ng tig-iisang taon ang ate at ditse para magtrabaho sa pagitan ng kolehiyo at hayskul. Sa takdang panahon, apat na
taon, nakatapos ang ate at dite. Ako? Nakamatayan na ng magulang ko ang paghihintay sa diploma kong lumabas—sa
wakas!—matapos ang walong taon.

Hindi ko na hinahanapan ng mas malalim na dahilan ang pagtulak sa amin para pumasok sa matayog na salansan ng adobe
sa Taft corner Ayala. Simple, ang maging titser ang gusto sa amin ni nanay dahil siya ay hindi.

Sa Normal ko nakilala ang aking mapapangasawa. Titser din. Dedikado nang husto. Iyong halos pagselosan ko na ang
kanyang atensyon sa trabaho. Kung nakuha ko lang ang one-tenths ng sigasig ni Angela sa pagtuturo, baka may world
peace na.

Final demo ko sa Villamor High School sa Pasig Line nang kumustahin ni nanay sa ditse kung gagradweyt na ako. Oo,
sabi ng ditse. Magfa-final demo na daw ako. Kuwento sa akin ni ditse nang inihahanda na ang burol ni nanay, napangiti
daw si nanay sa kanyang sagot. Parang sinasabi na “Mission accomplished” kahit ang totoo, tatlong taon pa ang lilipas
bago ko mahawakan ang kapirasong papel na nagsasabing tapos na ako.

Kung naging titser si nanay, baka wala kami. Baka hindi ang pulis-Bulacan na si Santos ang napangasawa. Madamot ako
kaya sa isip ko, sinasabi kong buti hindi siya nagging titser. Buti hindi siya nakapag-aral sa Normal, ang tanging
iskwelahang kilala nya.

Ang araw-araw na pagharap at pagtanghod sa klase ang masasabi kong paraan upang gumanti sa malupit na maniobra ni
nanay na maging guro kaming lahat. Ang pagsisikap na maging mabuting guro ang ganti ko upang magkaroon ng
pamimilian ang aking mga anak sa kung anong kurso at kinabukasan ang gusto nila. Hindi tulad ni nanay. At kung sakali,
at may sintomas na nga nito kay Divine,na maging titser pa rin ang gusto ng dalawa kong anak, sino ba naman ako para
hindi pasayahin si nanay.

Ngayong paparating muli ang Araw ng mga Titser, si nana yang naiisip ko. Gusto kong amyendahan ang pagdiriwang.
Tawaging din sanang Araw ng mga Nangarap maging Titser. At si Nana yang epitome ng okasyon.


Facebook Status contains messages or pieces of information on any topic under the sun designed to update friends and
followers regarding what is going on in the mind of the author. In social networking sites like the facebook and twitter, an
author may post quotations, reactions, messages, funny thoughts, and short contemplations on sundry matters. Updated
status appears on the wall of the user and the newsfeed of friends.


DIRECTION. Give a personalized greeting card to your teachers, in profound appreciation and gratitude for their
work as beacons of light and formatters of the youth.



Everyone has dreams but not everyone possesses the power, knowledge and ability to make their dreams a
reality. All successful people possess certain truths and habits, principles that make them the success that they are.
Also, some of us are trying to fulfill a dream of people close to our hearts

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. Why did the author’s mother want her children to become teachers?

2. How was the mother depicted in the essay?

3. What is the theme of the essay?

4. How did the author’s mother react when she heard that he was having his final demonstration teaching at the
Villamor High School in Pasig Line?

5. Why did the author say that it was good thing that his mother did not become a teacher? Explain.
21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and of the World





In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Familiarize fantasy genre as one of the literary genres

B. Relate the message of the literary text to oneself through life experiences

C. Creatively transform the literary piece into a poster


DIRECTION: List at least five (5) supernatural beliefs you’ve had coming from your respective
provinces. Provide a short description on how these particular beliefs influence the lives of the natives.







John Barriosis an Associate Professor at the University

of the Philippines in the Visayas. He is one of the editors of
“Selebrasyon at Lamentasyon: Antolohiya ng mga Maikling
Kwento sa Panay”, “Bigkas Binalaybay: Kritisismo at
Antolohiya”, “Bueabod”, a journal of Akeanon writers. His
first book of Akeanon stories was published by the National
Commission for Culture and the Arts.


John Barrios

“… y por este se llama el pueblo Calivo, que significa mil…”

- Fr. Gaspar de San Agustin, Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas

“…there was no old tree to which they did not attribute honor, and it was a sacrilege to think of cutting it under any

- Fray Francisco Colin sa E. Blair at J. Robertson, The Philippine Islands

Nariyan siya. Mahigit sandaang taon nang nakatayo sa plasa. Saksi sa halos lahat ng pinakamahalagang
pangyayari sa bayan. Halos kasing edad na sana siya ni Don Juan Azarraga, ang kinikilalang pinakamakapangyarihang tao
noong panahon ng Rebolusyon sa Aklan. Walang nakakaalam ng kanyang (h)istorya dahil pilit ibinaon sa limo tang
kanyang alaala. Sa iba, siya ang kontrabida sa (h)istorya; sa iba naman, siya ang hindi kinikilalang makina ng bayan.
Kayat habang pinapalo ng kumadrona ang malusog na puwet ng sanggol na Azarraga, siya’t butyl na nagsusumikap na
makaakyat sa lupat at masilip ang araw. Binalak na niyang manalamin sa ilog ng Aklan sa kanyang paglaki. Napakabilis
ng kanyang paglaki. Nakisabay siya sa pagtatayo ng mga naglalakihang bahay sa lugarm sa paglilibing ng mga bakal sa
ginagawang riles ng tren, at sa paglatag ng kahoy sa daungan ng kanilang mga gintong bapor.

Kasabay ng paglaki ng kahoy na balete at ni Don Juan Azarraa ang pagtatayo ng syudad ng mga ta(maw)o. Ikatlong
syudada ito sa trianggulasyong ginawa ng kanilang arkitekto sa buong isla ng Panay. Ang unang dalawa ay nasa bayan ng
Miag-ao at Estancia sa Iloilo. Walang nakakaalam tungkol sa syudad ng ta(maw)o. May mga mangilan-ngilang
nagkukwento tungkol dito ngunit agad-agad din namang pinabulaanan: ang isang drayber ng traysikel na naghatid ng
pasahero sa simbahan ay nakakita ng mailaw na daan at naglalakihang bahay pang-mayaman; isa pang drayber ang
nagsabing bigla na lang siyang napaapak ng preno dahil may dumaang tren sa kanyang harapan; tatlong ahente ng San
Miguel na naghatid ng limampung kahon ng serbesa ay hindi na nakita ang dating mailaw na daan na kanilang pinasukan;
at ang isang lalaki na nagsasabing naimbitahang sumakay sa gintong bapor na ngayon ay kinikilalang buang. Ang mga
kuwentong ito ay halos nagbabanggit ng puno ng balete. Na ito na lang ang kanilang nakita nang lingunin nila ang daang

Ang balete ay nag-iisang labasan at pasukan ng syudad ng ta(maw)o. Nakita ni Don Juan Azarraga ang syudad dahil
dinala siya rito ni Maxie. Sampung taong gulang siya noon nang tinaboy niya ang mga kumakahol na aso sa harapan ni
Maxie. Mga aso nila ang mga ito. Hindi nila kilala ang batang babae kaya nila kinahol. Nabahag ang mga buntot ng aso
nang Makita si Juan. Nilapitan niya ang batang babae at tinanong kung nakagat ba ito. Ipinakita nito sa kanya ang konting
glos. Nagulat si Juan nang makitang unt-unting naghihilom ang sugat hanggang sa tuluyan na itong mawala.

“Sino ka?”namamanghang tanong ni Juan.

“Ako si Maxie,” nahihiyang sagot nito.

“Saan ka nakatira? Ngayon lang kita nakita rito sa plasa, a.”

Hindi na sumagot ang batang babae ngunit itinuro niya ang puno ng balete.

“Saan ka nakatira?” muling tanong ni Juan habang tinititigan ang baligtad na mukha sa mga mata ng kausap. Muling
itinuro ng batang babae ang puno.

“Binibiro mo lang yata ako e, puno yang itinuturo mo.”

Sa halip na muling sagutin si Juan, hinawakan nito ang kanyang kamay at saka hinila palapit sa puno. Nang ilagay nito
ang kanang kamay sa puno, ang puno ay naging pintuan. Inaya nito si Juan na sila’y pumasok. Sumunod naman siya. Sa
paglingon ni Juan, hindi na niya nakita ang kanilang bahay, ang kumbento, ang simbahan, at ang plasa. Sa halip,
tumambad sa kanya ang isang syudad na may mapuputing tao. Maliban sa kulay ay halos kapareho sa kanya ang kanilang
mga hitsura. Napandin din niya na walang kanal-kanal ang ilalim ng kanilang mga ilong. Magtatanong sana siya ngunit
pinigil ito ng ngiti ni Maxie.

“Ito ang aming syudad. Mas maraming bahay at tao kesa sa inyo. Hayun ang bahay naming,” sabay hila kay Juan papunta
sa isang malaking bahay na gawa sa semento at kahoy. Wala pang nakitang ganitong hitsurang bahay si Juan. Dalawang
grado na ang bubong ay hugis trianggulo. Matataas halos na parang gustong abutin ang langit. May mga poste ng ilaw ang
daan kung saan dumadaan ang mga sasakyang malayong-malayo sa karwahe. May usok na ibinubuga ang mga ito sa
likurang bahagi. Mabilis ang takbo ng mga sasakyan.

“Awtomobil ang tawag dyan,” paglilinaw ni Maxie. “Ilang taon pa lang ‘yang naimbento ng aming mga siyentista.”

Sa bandang kaliwa, nakita niJuan ang isang gintong bapor na malakas na humihikab at humihinga ng usok.

“Diyan kami sumasakay kapag gusto naming makapunta sa ibang kaharian. Pero hindi pa ako nakasasakay riyan.”

“Bakit ganyan ang kulay?” pag-uusisa ni Juan.

“Hindi ko alam. Pero sabi ng ina ko ang kulay nay an daw ay isang simbolo.”

“Ng ano?”

“Hindi ko alam. Hindi ko naitanong.”

Pumasok sila sa isang bahay na may malapad na sala, parang pwedeng maging sayawan. Sinalubong sila ng isang lalaking
nakasuot ng putting damit na may puti ring kurbata.
“Missy, kanina ka pa hinihintay ng mommy mo,” sabi nito sa lengguwaheng hindi naintindihan ni Juan. “At sino itong
mukhang unggoy na hila-hila mo?”

“Kaibigan siya,” sagot nito sa wikang sila lang ang nagkaintindihan, sabay ngiti sa kanilang valet.

Pagkakita nang ina ni Maxie kay Juan ay agad itong napatabon sa bunganga.

“Ohmigosh! Nagdala ka ng hayop sa ating kaharian!” at hinila nito sa isang tabi si Maxie. “Ba’t nagdala ka niyan? Di mo
ba alam na bawal magdala niyan dito sa atin?”

Hindi nakasagot si Maxie. Hindi niya alam na bawal ang magdala ng hayop (kasi nga akala nila ang mga tao sa Pilipinas
as nakatira sa itaas ng puno) sa kanilang kaharian. Hindi rin kasi alam ng mga magulang niya na ilang beses na siyang
pumasok sa mundo ng mga tao. Samantala, nakatunganga lamang si Juan. Hindi man niya naiintindihan ang pinagsasabi
nila, alam niyang siya ay nasa hindi mabuting kalagayan. Ang sumalubong sa kanila kanina ay nakita niyang may
kinuhang baril at ngayon ay lumalakad na palapit sa kanya. Tumakbo si Juan at tinalunton ang dating pinagdaanan.
Hinabol siya ni Maxie ngunit hindi na niya nilingon ito. Sa pagbangga niya sa puno ng balete ay bigla na lamang siyang
bumagsak sa lupa. Sa pag-angat ng kanyang mukha ay nakita niya ang kanilang bahay at ang simbahan ng Calivo.
Nilingon niya ang puno at tumakbo papunta sa kanilang bahay. Hindi na muling nagpakita sa kanya si Maxie hanggang sa
edad na labing-anim.

Kaya nagulat na lamang siya isang araw nang tabihan siya ng maputing dalaga habang nakaupo sa isa sa mga upuan sa
plasa. Kahit anim na taon silang hindi nagkita ay parang hindi nagbago ang hitsura ni Maxie. Inamin ng dalaga na palagi
siyang lumalabas sa puno at nagbabantay sa kanya sa loob ng anim na taon, sa tuwing kabilugan ng buwan. At nang ayain
siya ng dalaga na pumasok sa kanilang kaharian ay hindi na siya tumanggi.

Mula noon ay pumapasok na sila tuwing kabilugan ng buwan at saksi ang pintuan ng syudad para sa kanilang buwanang


Fantasy genre includes fairytales, legends, folktales, horror and myths. The presence of the magical, supernatural, and
enchanting are common elements in stories of fantasy. Farah Mendelsohn mentioned the types of fantasy narratives in
“Rhetorics of Fantasy”. They are portal-quest fantasy, intrusion fantasy, luminal fantasy and immersive fantasy.



DIRECTION: After reading the short story, creatively transform it into a poster.

“Love knows no reason, no boundaries, no distance. It has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time
called forever - Unknown” ― H. H. Fowler, Love Knows No Bounds


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. Discuss the dual meaning evoked by the title, “Syudad ng Ta(maw)o”.

2. How significant is the epigraph derived from historical accounts in situating the narrative?
3. Describe Juan de Zarraga and Maxie. How resilient is the connection which binds them in the story?
4. How do the parallel worlds compare and contrast with each other. Describe the place, inhabitants, and culture
of parallel realities.
5. How important is the ‘balete’ tree in the story? Explain.
21st Century Literature of the Philippines and of
he World



In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Familiarize the artistic technique used by the author

B. Relate the message of the literary text to oneself through life experiences C. Create and
present possible continuation/ending of the poem


DIRECTION: On the table below, write your answers to the question.

What do you feel when you’re longing for someone?

1. 2.


What do you usually do to ease it?

1. 2.




Ruth Mabanglo is both a poet and scholar. She has been publishing

poetry for over 30 years and has received numerous literary awards and
honors, most recently the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature Hall of
Fame Award, the 1992 Commission on Filipino Language "Makata ng
Taon" (Poet of the Year) for the poem "Gahasa" (Rape), and the Manila
Critics Circle 1990 National Book Award for Poetry for Mga Liham ni Pinay
(The Letters of Pinay). Mabanglo has also published many academic works and currently is a
professor at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, where she

teaches Tagalog Language and Literature in the Department of Hawaiian

and Indo-Pacific Languages and Literature.


Ruth Elynia Mabanglo

Inuuwian niya ang pag-ibig

Tuwing gabi

Mag-isa siyang nauupo sa

nakahaing hapunan.
Nakatanghod ang relos. Alas otso. Humahalo ang bango ng kanin sa samyo
ng adobo at ensaladang pipino. Naghihintay ding maangat ang takip ng
siguro'y sinigang o pancit molo.
Nililikom ng hapag ang iba pang hapunang ganito,
Lunes hanggang Sabado. Nakalista na
ngayon sa noo ang iba't ibang kirot at
reklamo. Sa paligid, walang nagbabago
at di naiino:
kumukurot sa alaala ang isang mahagway na anino,

Idinadawdaw ang daliri sa

ulam, tinitikman.
Piping sinasang-ayunan ang nalasahan.
Pagkaraa'y haharap sa TV, manonood o

Ugong ng humintong sasakyan.

Siya'y nagulantang. Saklot ng

kapanabikang tumayo siya.
Nasaling ang mesa. Nanginig ang
tubig sa baso ngunit pumanatag

sa panunumbalik ng katahimikan. Pawala na ang

usok ng kanin. Naupo siya, kinuha ang tinidor at


Objective Correlative is an artistic or literary technique wherein a writer presents a situation or event in order to objectify
a particular emotion. Symbols are used in evoking feelings in order to create the necessary emotive response from the



DIRECTION: Form a group of five (5) and discuss your preferred ending or continuation of the poem titled,
“Mesa Para sa Isa”. It should be presented through video presentation.

Longing has to do with feelings or desires for someone that meets our needs and fantasies. This is entirely
different from the love that is real and present. Longing aches your heart, but love heals it. We easily fall into the
trap of longing because someone unavailable often looks more attractive. It is a strong feeling of need or desire
for someone or something. ... A longing describes an unfulfilled desire. The days might feel long as long as you
are longing to see someone you love, if that person is far away.


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the tone of the poem?

2. By the choices of local cuisine stated in the poem, where do you think is the setting of the poem?

3. What does the persona mean in the line, “Inuuwian niya ang pag-ibig/tuwing gabi? How will this line
relate with the succeeding lines “Mag-isa siyang nauupo/sa nakahaing hapunan,” and “Nakalista na sa kanyang
noo/ ang kanyang iba’t ibang kirot at reklamo?”

4. Why does the persona recall a tall and statuesque figure dipping his/her fingers in the food? How will you
characterize the relationship between the persona and the expected guest?

5. When the sound of a vehicle stopping nearby is heard by the persona, why does she instinctively stand
up? What happens after the persona’s expectations are not met?

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and of the World




In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Identify and familiarize the literary highlighted in the literary piece

B. Relate the message of the literary text to oneself through life experiences

C. Compose a song addressing the gender discrimination and upload to social media platforms to
raise awareness


DIRECTION: Identify the word that is link with the displayed pictures below. Write a short description of your




Aristotle Pollisco(born October 18, 1977), known

professionally as Gloc -9, is a Filipino rapper, singer and songwriter.
Regarded as one of the best Filipino rappers of all -time, his fast-
flowing vocal style has made him one of the most successful hip -
hop artists in the Philippines. He was described by fellow great
Filipino rapper Francis Magalona as "a blacksmith of words and
letters, and a true Filipino poet.


Gloc-9 ft. Ebe Dancel

[Ebe Dancel:]

Ako'y isang sirena

Kahit anong sabihin nila ako ay ubod ng ganda

Ako'y isang sirena

Kahit anong gawin nila bandera ko'y di tutumba

Drum na may tubig ang sinisisid

Naglalakihang mga braso, saki'y dumidikdik

Drum na may tubig ang sinisisid

Sa patagalan ng paghinga, sa'kin kayo ay bibilib

[Gloc 9:]

Simula pa nang bata pa ako,

Halata mo na kapag naglalaro

Kaya parang lahat ay nalilito,

Magaling sa chinese garter at piko

Mga labi ko'y pulang pula,

Sa bubble gum na sinapa

Palakad-lakad sa harapan ng salamin,

Sinasabi sa sarili "ano'ng panama nila?"

Habang kumekembot ang bewang,

Mga hikaw na gumegewang

Gamit ang pulbos na binili kay Aling Bebang

Upang matakpan ang mga pasa sa mukha

Na galing sa aking ama

Na tila di natutuwa sa tuwing ako'y nasisilayan

Laging nalalatayan,

Sa paglipas ng panahon ay di ko namamalayan

Na imbes na tumigas ay tila lalong lumambot

Ang puso kong mapagmahal

Parang pilikmatang kulot.

[Ebe Dancel:]

Ako'y isang sirena

Kahit anong sabihin nila ako ay ubod ng ganda

Ako'y isang sirena

Kahit anong gawin nila bandera ko'y di tutumba

Drum na may tubig ang sinisisid

Naglalakihang mga braso, saki'y dumidikdik

Drum na may tubig ang sinisisid

Sa patagalan ng paghinga, sa'kin kayo ay bibilib

[Gloc 9:]

Hanggang sa naging binata na ako

Teka muna mali, dalaga na pala 'to Pero bakit

parang lahat ay nalilito pa rin
Ano bang mga problema nyo?

Dahil ba ang mga kilos ko'y iba,

Sa dapat makita ng inyong mata

Sa tuwing nanonood ng liga laging natutulala

Kahit di pumasok ang bola ako'y tuwang-tuwa

Kahit kinalyo na sa tapang, kasi ganun na lamang Akong paluin ng tubo kahit kinakalawang

Tama na naman itay, di na po ako pasaway

Di ko na po isusuot ang lumang saya ni inay

Kapag ako'y naiiyak ay sumusugod sa ambon

Iniisip ko na lamang na baka ako'y ampon

Kasi araw-araw na lamang ay walang humpay na banat

Ang inaabot ng ganda kong pang-ilalim ng dagat

[Ebe Dancel:]

Ako'y isang sirena

Kahit anong sabihin nila ako ay ubod ng ganda

Ako'y isang sirena

Kahit anong gawin nila bandera ko'y di tutumba

Drum na may tubig ang sinisisid

Naglalakihang mga braso, sa'kin dumidikdik

Drum na may tubig ang sinisisid

Sa patagalan ng paghinga, sa'kin kayo ay bibilib

[Gloc 9:]

Lumipas ang mga taon, nangagsipag-asawa

Aking mga kapatid, lahat sila'y sumama

Nagpakalayo-layo ni hindi makabisita

Kakain na po itay, nakahanda na'ng lamesita

Akay-akay sa paglakad paisa isang hakbang

Ngayo'y buto't balat ang dati matipunong katawan

Kaya sa iyong kaarawan, Susubukan kong palitan

Ang lungkot na nadarama, wag na po nating balikan

Kahit medyo naiinis hindi dahil sa nagka-cancer

Kasi dahil ang tagapag-alaga mo'y naka-duster

Isang gabi, ako'y iyong tinawag, lumapit

Ako sa'yong tabi ika'y tumangan, kumapit

Ka sa aking kamay kahit hirap magsalita

Anak, patawad sana sa lahat ng aking nagawa

Di sinusukat ang tapang at ang bigote sa mukha

Dahil kung minsan mas lalaki pa sa lalaki ang bakla

[Ebe Dancel:]

Drum na may tubig ang sinisisid

Naglalakihang mga braso, saki'y dumidikdik

Drum na may tubig ang sinisisid

Sa patagalan ng paghinga,

Sa'kin kayo ay bibilib

Ako'y isang sirena

Kahit anong gawin nila

Bandera ko'y di tutumba


Rap is a type of popular music in which the lyrics are spoken and not sung. As the rapper renders the spoken poetry a beat
pattern provides the background music in the performance.


DIRECITON: Form a group of five (5) members. Base on your own experience; compose a song addressing
people who experienced discrimination. Record it and upload it to your social media accounts to raise awareness
on gender discrimination in our country.


We should realize that, it is a person’s right to choose his/her gender preference and we have nothing to
do about that. We should not label them negatively just because we are a
Catholic country. Accept everyone if you want them to accept you as you are


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. Who is the persona in the song? Do you think that the persona in the song is a member of LGBTQ+

2. Describe the relationship of the queer persona with his father. Do you think that the way the father deals with
his son’s gayness appropriate? Why or why not?

3. In the refrain of the song, what does the “drumful of water” symbolizes?

4. How do the Father and his bakla son reconcile in the end?

5. Why do you think the song is titled “Sirena”?

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and of the World





In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Identify and familiarize the literary technique used in the literary piece

B. Distinguish the author’s perspective and identify its impact to the literary text

C. Relate the message of the literary text to oneself through letter writing


DIRECTION: Answer the following question below; write your answers under each item.

1. Have you ever been in a situation wherein you’re being torn between two decisions in your life?
2. If you can think of a song that will relate to your life, what is it? Explain why.

3. During your most difficult times, what motivates you to keep going?



Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter is an American singer,

songwriter, actress, director, humanitarian and record producer.
Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Beyoncé performed in various
singing and dancing competitions as a child. She rose to fame in
the late 1990s as the lead singer of Destiny's Child, one of the
best-selling girl groups of all time. Beyoncé is often cited as an
influence by other artists.


Beyonce Knowles

Listen to the song here in my heart

A melody I start but can't complete

Listen to the sound from deep within

Its only beginning to find release

Oh the time has come for my dreams to be heard

They will not be pushed aside and turned

Into your own, all 'cause you won't listen

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads I'm not at

home in my own home
And I've tried and tried

To say what's on my mind

You should have known

Now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what

You've made of me

I followed the voice, you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened

There was someone here inside

Someone I thought had died

So long ago

Oh I'm screaming out

And my dreams will be heard

They will not be pushed aside or worse

Into your own

All cause you won’t



Listen, I am alone at a crossroads

I’m not at home in my own home

And I’ve tried and tried

To say what’s on my mind

You should have known

Oh, now I’m done believing you

You don’t know what I’m feeling

I’m more that what you made of me

I followed the voice you gave to me

But now I gotta find my own

I don’t know where I belong,

But I’ll be moving on

If you don’t

If you wont

Listen to the song here in my heart

A melody to start

But I will complete

Oh, now I’m done believing you

You don’t know what I’m feeling

I’m more that what you made of me

I followed the voice you gave to me

But now I gotta find my own

My own


When a character in a prose or a poem directly communicates a message to another individual, it is called Direct Address.
While in literature, it is commonly used to emphasize the feelings and thoughts of the speaker towards another character.


DIRECTION: Write a letter to yourself regarding decision making.

Dear Self,

Decision-making is perhaps the most important component of a person’s life. It plays the most important
role in the planning process. When a person plans, he/she decide on many matters as what goals he/she will
pursue, what resources to be used, and how to perform each task.


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the central message of the song?

2. Based on the lyrics, describe the kind of relationship the persona has with her addressee.

3. Listen to the melody of the song. Do you think the lyrics and the musical accompaniment match? Do you think
the overall composition is effective in expressing the message of the song?

4. What do you think motivates the persona to finally decide to find herself?

5. Have you experienced the same sentiments being felt by the persona? How were you able to deal with them?
21 st Century Literature of the Philippines
and of the World





In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Familiarize Malaysian Literature

B. Identify the symbolisms used in the poem

C. Relate the message of the literary text to oneself through life experiences


DIRECTION: Before we explore the literature of Malaysia, let us see first how much you already know about the
continent. Around the map, share some interesting facts that you know about Malaysia.







Zurinah Hassan was born in Alor Setar, Kedah. She studied

at the Universiti Sains Malaysia for the first degree. After working for
fifteen years, she took an early retirement to devote her time writing. Besides writing she
also pursued a Master's degree at
Universiti Putra Malaysia and later a PhD degree at University of Malaya. In
1974, Hassan authored Sesayup Jalan, and subsequently published poems, short stories
and novels, some of which were translated into French, Spanish, and Russian. She won

the Putera Poetry Award in 1984. She is best known for works such as
Facing the Harbour, Memorizing Zurinah Hassan: Tracking
Poetry, Decisions, Dawai Dawai and From Mount Jerai to Pekan



Zurinah Hassan

I stand on the waterfront

Seeing them off one by one

Those boats

As they sail to the river of age

To the ocean of time

As I have said at the jetty

Be careful my children

May you anchor on the best land,

This is your only boat

Keep your sail afloat

Standing on the jetty

I told my children

The ocean is a challenge

Malaysian Literature is characterized by all literary texts produced in the Malay peninsula until 1963 and in the entire
Malaysia thereafter. A great deal of Malaysian literatures are in Malay, Chinese and English and the common themes
exhibit the culture of Malaysia.

At present time, only Malaysian literatures written using the Malay language are qualified to receive awards sponsored by
the Malaysian government.



DIRECTION: Interview your parents/guardian and ask them the question below. Write their responses on the
space provided below.

Question: If this is the last time that you will see me before I venture to the real world, what advice
will you give me that you think will help me to survive and to triumph in life?


We always taught that we should prepare ourselves before venturing into the real world in order to
survive it. Most of the time, we needed help from our parents to prepare us. They’re not just our parents, they are
our first teacher, our mentor and the shoulders we can lean on. Child, do not ignore every advice nor learning
you’re parents gave to you. They may come in handy in the near future.

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. What is a “jetty”? Do you think this is an effective symbol in the poem?

2. Who do you think is the persona in the poem? Support your answer.

3. Who is/are the addressee/s in the poem? What is the message that the persona wants to convey?

4. Why do you think the poetess uses bodies of water as symbols in the poem? What are the qualities of
water that lends itself as a powerful symbol?

21 st Century Literature of the Philippines

and of the World



In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Familiarize Japan’s literary forms

B. Relate the message depicted in the manga to oneself through life experiences

C. Portray your childhood dream through manga making.


DIRECTION: DIRECTION: Before we explore the literature of Japan, let us see first how much you already
know about the continent. Around the map, share some interesting facts that you know about Japan







Eiichiro Oda was born on January 1, 1975 in Kumamoto, Japan. He said that at age
four he resolved to become a manga artist in order to avoi d having to get a "real
job". His biggest influence is Akira Toriyama and his series Dragon Ball.He recalls that
his interest in pirates was probably sparked by the popular TV animation ser ies titled
Vicky the Viking.He submitted a character named Pandaman for Yudetamago's
classic wrestling manga Kinnikuman. Pandaman was not only used in a chapter of
the manga but would later return as a recurring cameo character in Oda's own

Eiichiro Oda


Manga is a comic strip in Japan. It first appeared in the late part of the 19th century, and since that time, it has become
one of the famous literary genres not only in Asia but also in the world.

Reading Manga is very different from the traditional comic strips in the western world. Instead of starting from left to
right, this Japanese comic strip is read from right to left.



DIRECTION: Think about your wildest childhood dream and create your own ‘manga’. Use the space provided


There is always one time in our life where something will happen and it eventually pushes us to where we
should be. In Luffy’s case, he really wanted to be a pirate because he admired Captain Shanks and wanted to be
like him. To prove something, himself. Just like Luffy, we should be goal-driven and do whatever it takes to
achieve that goal.


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the ultimate dream of Luffy? Who influences him to have this goal in life?

2. What particular incident changes his view about “pirates”? Do you think he can still be a great pirate after

3. What happens to Luffy after eating the Gum-gum Devil fruit? Do you he can still be a great pirate after this?

4. Describe the community where Luffy lives. Do you think the place where he lives has a great impact in the
way he sets up his goal?

5. What do you think is the reason behind Captain Shacks’ refusal to take Luffy with him in his voyages?
Explain your answer.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines

and of the World



In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Familiarize the literary piece highlighted in the module

B. Identify and relate the message of the poem to oneself through life experiences

C. Creatively make a spoken word poetry depicting the message of the literary piece


DIRECTION: Write at least five (5) things you knew about LOVE.







Phil Kaye was born in California to a Japanese mother

and Jewish-American father. As a child, Kaye spoke almost
exclusively Japanese in his home until age five, when he was sent to American
kindergarten. Kaye's family, along with his
Japanese and Jewish heritage, are recurring themes in his later

Sarah Kay was born in New York City, New York, to a

Japanese American mother and a Jewish American father.[5]
She has a Master of Arts in teaching from Brown University, and
an honorary doctorate in humane letters from Grinnell College. She now
currently writes, reads, and performs poetry for diverse audiences. She is also the co-director
and founder of her current project, project VOICE. She began performing poetry at the

Bowery Poetry Club in the East Village at the age of 14, joining their Slam
Team in 2006.


Phil Kaye and Sarah Kay

I knew exactly what Love looked like in 7th grade

Even though I hadn’t met Love yet, if Love had wandered into my home room I would have recognized him at first glance
– Love wore a hemp necklace.

I would have recognized her at first glance – Love wore a tight French braid.

Love played acoustic guitar, and knew all my favorite Beatles’ songs.

Love wasn’t afraid to ride the bus with me.

And I knew I just must be searching the wrong class room, just must be checking the wrong hallway.

She was there, I was sure of it.

If only I could find him.

But when Love finally showed up – she had a bull cut!

He wore the same clothes everyday for a week.

Love hated the bus.

Love didn’t know anything about the Beatles.

Instead, every time I tried to kiss Love, our teeth got in the way!!!

Love became the reason I lied to my parents. I’m going to Ben’s house.

Love had terrible rhythm on the dance floor but made sure we never miss a slow song.
Love waited by the phone because she knew if her father picked up that’d be “Hello”… “Hh..” “Hello?” “Hh…” “I guess
I’d hang up.”

And Love grew.

Stretched like a trampoline.

Love changed.

Love disappeared, slowly, like baby teeth.

Loosing parts of me I thought I needed.

Love vanished.

Like an amateur magician everyone could see the trapdoor but me.

Like a flat tire – there were other places I had planned on going.

But my plan didn’t matter.

Love stayed away for years.

And when Love finally reappeared, I barely recognized him.

Love smells different now, had darker eyes.

A broader back, Love came with freckles that I didn’t recognize.

New birth mark – a softer voice.

Now there were new sleeping patterns.

New favorite books.

Love had songs that reminded him of someone else.

Songs Love didn’t like to listen to, so did I.

But we found a park bench that fit us perfectly.

We found jokes that make us laugh.

And now Love makes me fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies.

(But Love will probably finish most of them for a midnight snack.)

Love looks great in lingerie but still likes to wear her retainer.

Love is a terrible driver, but a great navigator.

Love knows where she’s going, it just might take her two hours longer than she planned. :< Love is messier now.
Love is simple.

Love uses the word boobs in front of my parents!

Love chews too loud.

Love leaves the cap off the toothpaste.

Love uses a smiley face in her text messages.

And turns out… Love shits. :]

But Love also cries;

And Love will tell you “You are beautiful”, and mean it.

Over and over again.

“You are beautiful.”

When you first wake up, “You are beautiful.”

When you’ve just been crying, “You are beautiful.”

When you don’t wanna hear it, “You are beautiful.”

When you don’t believe it, “You are beautiful.”

When nobody else will tell you, “You are beautiful.”

Love still thinks, “You are beautiful.”

But Love is not perfect and will sometimes forget. When you need
to hear it most, “You are beautiful.”
Do not forget this.

Love is not who you were expecting.

Love is not what you can predict.

Maybe Love is in New York City already asleep.

You are in California, Australia, wide awake.

Maybe Love is always in the wrong time-zone.

Maybe Love is not ready for you.

Maybe you are not ready for Love.

Maybe Love just isn’t the marrying type.

Maybe the next time you see Love is 20 years after the divorce.

Love looks older now but just as beautiful as you remember.

Maybe Love is only there for a month.

Maybe Love is there for every firework. Every birthday party. Every hospital visit.

Maybe Love stays. Maybe Love can’t. Maybe Love shouldn’t.

Love arrives exactly when Love is supposed to and Love leaves exactly when Love must.

When Love arrives, say, “Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.”

If Love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her.

Turn off the music. Listen to the quiet.

Whisper, “Thank you for stopping by.”


Spoken Word is an oral art which mainly focuses on the beauty of word play, intonation, and inflection of voice.
Basically, this is a kind of poetry that is recited aloud. In some instances, this may include poetry slams, hip-hop and
traditional poetry readings.




We all have our different standards when it comes to choosing someone to love but at the end of the day
these standards won’t matter anymore. We were used to expecting something from someone wo love but we
shouldn’t. Love indeed moves in a mysterious way. We often say that we will only love when we are ready but
love is playful. She will catch you off guard, and you will not be ready for it. No matter what happened, we
should love no matter what.


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. How is love represented in the poem? What are the changes as time goes on?

2. After reading the poem, what are the things you realized about love and loving?

3. Do you think the word “Love” personifies the same person all throughout the poem? What makes you think so?
Explain your answer.
4. What do you think is the message of the last few lines of the poem? What do you think is the importance of the
line “thank you for stopping by?”

21 st Century Literature of the Philippines

and of the World





In this lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Identify and Familiarize social media platform highlighted in the module

B. Understand and relate the message of the literary piece to oneself through life experiences

C. Create meaningful presentation depicting the message of the poem through a



DIRECTION: What can you infer regarding the following statements?

1. “If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” —Confucius

2. “Never miss a good chance to shut up.” ―Will Rogers

3. You have the opportunity to make a difference in the world and in yourself. Make the day meaningful. –

4. The power of habit can transform your life. – Anonymous

5. Judge others favorably. You never know what battle they are fighting. – Anonymous



Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and

attended a Jesuit school. At 17, Coelho's parents committed him

to a mental institution from which he escaped three times before being released at the
age of 20. Coelho was born into a Catholic

family, and his parents were strict about religion and faith. Coelho
later remarked that "It wasn't that they wanted to hurt me, but they didn't know
what to do... They did not do that to destroy me,

they did that to save me." At his parents' wishes, Coelho enrolled
in law school and abandoned his dream of becoming a writer.
One year later, he dropped out and lived life as a hippie,

traveling through South America, North Africa, Mexico, and Europe and
started using drugs in the 1960s.


Paulo Coelho

What I learned in life is,

That no matter how good a person is, sometimes they can hurt you &
because of this we must forgive.
It takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it ..

We don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change.. The

circumstances and the environment influence on our lives, but we are the one who
responsible for ourselves..
That you have to control your acts or they will control you..

That patience requires much practice.. that there are people who love us, but simply don’t
know how to show it..
That sometimes the person you think will hurt you and make you fall..

Is instead one of the few who will help you to get up..

You should never tell a child that dreams are fake, it would be a tragedy if they knew.. It’s not always
enough to be forgiven by someone, in most cases you have to forgive yourself first..
That no matter in how many pieces your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop to fix it ..

May be God wants us to meet all the wrong people first before meeting the right one..

So when we finally meet the right one we are grateful for that gift ..

When the door of happiness closes, another door opens..

but often we look so long at the closed one.. we don’t see what was open for us ..

The best kind of a friend is the kind in which you can sit on a porch and walk…

Without saying a word & when you leave it feels it was the best conversation you ever had. It’s true we don’t
know what we have until we find it, but it’s also true, we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it
It only takes a minute to offend someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love
someone, but it takes a life time to forget someone.
Don’t look for appearances, they can be deceiving, don’t go for wealth even that can fade, Find someone who
makes you smile, because it only takes a smile to make a day better, find what makes your heart smile..
There are moments in life when you miss someone so much..

that you wish you can take them out of your dream and hug them for real..

Dream what you want, go wherever you want to go.. because you have only one life.. and one change to do
the things you want to do ..
The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the
best of everything that comes their way.
The best future is based on the forgotten past..

You can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.


Youtube is video-sharing website founded on February 14, 2005 in San Mateo, California. This company was founded by
Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim who were employees from Paypal. The company became very successful and
on November 13, 2006, Google purchased it for $1.65 billion. It can be said that Youtube changed the way people used
the internet. It opened a lot of opportunities and avenues for some individuals to be instantly known around the world.
This website broadened the spectrum of entertainment. A lot of famous personalities today are products of Youtube
viewership. On the other hand, literature is also affected by this video-sharing company. A number of writers and artists
used this medium in reaching audiences and readers around the world. Paulo Coelho is one renowned writer who also took
the opportunity to use the internet to reach wider audiences. He used blogs and most of his poems are recited and uploaded
on Youtube. The poem “What I Learned in Life” is one of the most widely uploaded and frequently viewed poems of
Coelho on Youtube and this helps both students and teachers in appreciating not only the wonderful poems of Paulo
Coelho, but of other artists as well.



DIRECTION: As you grow older, life becomes busier that you wouldn’t know anymore whether you are going to
the right direction or not. You would just be surprised that time has gone by without you knowing where it was
spent. To have a better perspective and a clearer path for your future, visualize your milestones through a timeline.


As we grow older, we tend to learn life lessons on our way. It is true that we learn while we study but it’s
true also that experiences taught us the most. As we embark to our never ending journey every day, we must
always remember that whether it is good or bad there is always a lesson to it. You don’t have to understand life,
you just have to enjoy it and make the most out of it. As the late Avicii once stated, “One day you’ll live this
world behind so live a life you will remember.”

DIRECTION: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the poem all about? Who do you think is the speaker in it?

2. Who do you think is the addressee in the poem? What makes you say that? Explain your answer.

3. Among the pieces of advice the poet has given which one do you think is the best? Why?

4. Among the lines mentioned in the poem, which ones are close to your heart? Which can be applied directly to
your life right now?

TEXTESCAPES: 21st Century Literature Landscapes of the Philippines and of the


Peace Mindanao anthologies (2013)

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