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By: Faith Brown

The best part of my senior project was learning how the end goes for animals and learning

ways to make sure they do not suffer. The worst part of my project was waking up that morning

before their lives ended, knowing that what they are providing isn't going to waste. I now know

that you have to let the meat sit in the freezer for about a week before cutting it up. Secondly, I

learned that it is not easy. Not just killing an animal there's a lot of work and effort being done as

well. I also learned that there is still so much to learn and remember this was not easy there are so

many things to remember. Such as all the cuts of meat and what is used for what on the body.

What stretched me the most was having to present and talk about what I did for my project in front

of the whole senior seminar class and have to answer all their questions in detail about it.

My senior project made me appreciate life greatly. It's not hard to think about what

happens to them. It's hard to actually do it. They are animals who have feelings just like we do.

They know what's going on even if you don’t think that they do. This project has not changed my

future plans, it has only made me more sure that I want to help animals until their final days. I

wouldn't change anything about my senior project. It was a great life lesson for the field I want to

pursue after high school. The advice I would give to upcoming seniors is don't take the easy way

out of your senior project, and don't wait till the last minute. Once you finish your project you will

be grateful they made you do it, you will learn things about yourself and it helps you pave a path

to know your future plans. If I gave myself a grade it would be 100%, I truly enjoyed my project. I

feel as though this is something a lot of people should know. It's a way to provide for yourself and

others. It's a great way to learn more about how you get your food. I work closely with animals

every day so learning what happens, in the end, opened my eyes to many new things.

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