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Full Body Resistance Band

Fitness Program Project

Alli, MaryGrace, Mac, Tyler


Resistance bands are used for multiple different reasons, whether it is for convenience,
strength, rehabilitation, or stretching/mobility. The resistance bands can be used in a
variety of ways, so they are not limited like some free weights. The idea of using free
weights may be intimidating or too much for the older population, but resistance bands
are the perfect medium.


1. FletcherAllen. “Stretching with Resistance Bands with Corey Cenate, Health Coach,
UVM Medical Center.” YouTube, YouTube, 10 July 2017,
2. Chris. “Resistance Bands for Stretching: 20 Strength & Flexibility Exercises.” Atemi
Sports, 2 Mar. 2022,


1. To create more range of motion

2. Prevent injuries and/or can be used as rehab from prior injuries


1. Workout mat
2. Resistance bands

ACTIVITY (30 mins)

Warmup: 5 mins - 30 sec on 30 sec rest

● Arm circles forward and back (15 sec each)

● Front leg kicks
● Open the gate
● Close the gate
● Knee hugs

Workout: 20 mins - 5 mins each

● Back/chest - MaryGrace
○ Backward arm extension
○ Chest stretch
○ Cobra
● Shoulders - Tyler
○ Side stretch
○ Forward arm lift
○ Table top
● Thighs - Mac
○ Hamstring stretch
○ Inner thigh stretch
○ Kneeling quad stretch
● Hips - Alli
○ Lying hip stretch
○ Child's pose
○ Pigeon (90 90 modified)

Cooldown: 5 mins - 30 sec on 30 sec rest

● Over the shoulder stretch (left and right)

● Over the chest stretch (left and right)
● Side lunges
● Sit and reach
● Butterfly

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