Test Categories

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Test 1: New customer registration

Test 2: New customer registration and vendor registration form validation

Test 3: Customer Login
Test 4: New vendor registration
Test 5: Vendor validation by admin
Test 6: Vendor login
Test 7: Add category by admin
Test 8: Add grade by admin
Test 9: Add product by vendor
Test 10: Edit product by vendor
Test 11: Delete product
Test 12: Add items to cart
Test 13: Checkout using cash on delivery option
Test 14: Checkout using online payment(Khalti) option
Test 15: Update order status by vendor
Test 16: Pre-order items
Test 17: Change password
Test 18: Sign out
Test 19: Performance (Button response)
Test 20: Performance (Navigation response)
Test 21: Compatibility
Test 22: Security

Based on your project, which is an online grocery shopping web app developed using
evolutionary prototyping as the methodology, the tests can be categorized as

Unit Testing:
Test 1: New customer registration
Test 2: New customer registration and vendor registration form validation
Test 3: Customer Login
Test 4: New vendor registration
Test 5: Vendor validation by admin
Test 6: Vendor login
Test 7: Add category by admin
Test 8: Add grade by admin
Test 9: Add product by vendor
Test 10: Edit product by vendor
Test 11: Delete product
Test 12: Add items to cart
Test 13: Update order status by vendor
Test 14: Pre-order items
Test 17: Change password
Test 18: Sign out
System Testing:
Test 13: Checkout using cash on delivery option
Test 14: Checkout using online payment(Khalti) option
Test 15: Update order status by vendor
Test 16: Pre-order items
Test 19: Performance (Button response)
Test 20: Performance (Navigation response)
Test 21: Compatibility
Test 22: Security
Note: The categorization of tests may vary depending on the specific requirements
and functionalities of your web app. It's important to thoroughly analyze and
understand the features and functionality of your application to accurately
categorize the tests for your project.

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