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A Comparative Study on the Academic Performance of Grade-12 Humanities

and Social Sciences Students during Modular Learning and Face-to-face
Classes at Arteche National High School

I. Demographic Profile
Name (Optional): _______________________________________
Section: _____________________
Age: __________
Gender: ___________
Direction: For each statement in the survey, please put a check mark to
the most appropriate and applicable answer for you. Rest assured that your
answer will be kept confidential. Thank You!

Modular Learning Always Sometimes Rarely Never

1. The way the module materials

were presented helped to maintain
my interest.

2. The study workload on this module

fitted with my circumstances.
3. Resources I accessed through the
library, internet or journals, books,
help me to understand the core
concepts of module.
4. Collaborate with a classmate on an
online document, using Google docs
or something similar.
5. I was satisfied with the
opportunities I had to attend tutorials
6. Sufficient opportunities were
provided to check my understanding
of the module for example.
7. The instructions on how to
complete the accessed task were
easy to follow.
8. It was obvious how the module
materials related to the assessed task
on the module.
9. There was enough time in the
study planner to prepare for the end-
of-module assessment.
10. Contact my teacher at the start of
the module helped me get started
with my studies.
11. I could get in touch with my
teacher when necessary.
12. I was satisfied with the support
provided by my teacher on this
modular learning.
13. My teacher encourages me in my
14. My teacher used a
friendly/personal tone in feedback on
my assessed task.
15. My teacher’s feedback on my
assessed task explained the mark
that I’ve received.
16. My teacher’s feedback on my
assessed task helped me prepared
for the nest assessment.
17. My teacher’s feedback on my
assessed task help me to learn.
18. The aims and learning outcomes
of the modules were made clear.
19. The learning materials provided in
the module were helpful.
20. The module was intellectually
stimulating and stretched me.
21. Overall, I’m satisfied with the
quality of the module.
Modular Learning Poor Fair Good Excellent
1.Class Preparation

2. Clear Explanation of the Topic

3. Knowledge of the material available

4. Innovative methods of teaching

5. Enthusiasm for teaching

6. Approachable for help

7. Grading System

Face-to-face Classes Always Sometimes Rarely Never

1. A classroom environment makes

it easier for me to communicate with
my classmates.
2. Face-to-face instruction would
help me understand the lesson
3. The use of technologies
interferes with my ability to
accomplish the required task.
4. Face-to-face instruction would be
a better way for me to learn topics.
5. Face-to-face instruction would
help me learn more.
6. The instructor understand the
environment and makes it easy to
7. The learning environment helps
me comprehend the lesson better.
8. The face-to-face learning
environment would contribute to my
overall satisfaction.
9. Being in class with face-to-face
communication would improve my
ability to learn.
10. Often participate in class

11. Are there any advantages

towards yourself during Face-to-
Face Classes
12. Struggled learning the lessons
Face-to-Face Classes Poor Fair Good Excellent
1.Class Preparation

2. Clear Explanation of the Topic

3. Knowledge of the material available

4. Innovative methods of teaching

5. Enthusiasm for teaching

6. Approachable for help

7. Grading System

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