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Module Code & Module Title

FC7W03NI Work Related Learning

Assessment Weightage & Type

75% Individual Coursework

Year and Semester

2019-20 Autumn

Student Name: Prakriti Kadel

London Met ID:17030793
College ID:170065
Assignment Due Date:17th Jan 2020
Assignment Submission Date:17th Jan 2020
Word Count (Where Required):3400

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a marks of zero will be awarded.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background to the placement ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Structure and role of the company ............................................................................................ 1
1.3 Details of the specific department worked in ............................................................................. 2
2 Review of Activities .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Develop Skills on call Support (layer1)...................................................................................... 3
2.2 Develop communication skills ................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Network Troubleshooting Skills................................................................................................. 3
2.4 New application learning .......................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Proper Time Management Skill................................................................................................. 4
2.6 Team Working Skills................................................................................................................. 4
2.7 Developing problem solving skills and research ........................................................................ 4
3 Academic Context ............................................................................................................................ 5
4 Abilities Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Develop Skills on call Support (layer1)...................................................................................... 6
4.2 Develop communication skills ................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Network Troubleshooting Skills................................................................................................. 6
4.4 New application learning .......................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Proper Time Management Skill. ................................................................................................ 7
4.6 Team Working Skills................................................................................................................. 7
4.7 Developing problem solving skills and research ........................................................................ 7
5 Challenges....................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Future Plan .............................................................................................................................. 9
7 References .................................................................................................................................... 10
8 Appendix: A ................................................................................................................................... 11
8.1 Appendix A – Work Related Learning Form ............................................................................ 11
8.2 Attendance Sheet ................................................................................................................... 13
8.3 WRL Form.............................................................................................................................. 18
9 Appendix B: CV ............................................................................................................................. 19
10 Appendix C: Evidence ................................................................................................................ 20
10.1 Log1: Evidence ...................................................................................................................... 20
10.2 Log 2 : Evidence .................................................................................................................... 22
10.3 Log 3 Evidence ...................................................................................................................... 23

10.4 Log 4- Evidence ..................................................................................................................... 26

10.5 Log 5: Evidence ..................................................................................................................... 29
10.6 Log-6 Evidence ...................................................................................................................... 30

1 Introduction

1.1 Background to the placement

I joined Web surfer (The broadband company) as an intern in Call support department on 16th August 2019.
It was established in January 2001 by a little gathering of youthful computer literates. It was founded in
January 2001 by the Mr. KT Vimalanathan. It is located on Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu. It is one of the ISO
certified company which aims to provide internet service to the people. Web Surfer is the most reliable and
ideal network partner.

1.2 Structure and role of the company

Mr. Suman Lal Pradhan is the Chief Executive officer of the company. He has been actively participated in
working for the development of broadband infrastructure and Penetration in Nepal. He is one of the most
experience chairman working in telecommunications Business. Web surfer is the ISP company and
provides various facilities related internet.

Websurfer offers Intranet/VPN services with Metro Ethernet LAN technology through Fiber Optics
Cable or Wireless Radio Modems (or both Specifically, all the banks and finance companies are now
using such services for their ABBS and other common applications. There are various type of
connection in web surfer like TV net, Fibernet, Wireless and Digital TV. Web surfer also provides.
Cable internet, VSAT Networks, Wireless Internet, Cable Internet, Dialup Internet, Web hosting and
Wireless Hotspots. (Kafle, 2016)

Figure 1 Organizational Structure

Prakriti Kadel

1.3 Details of the specific department worked in

In the company, I was hired for the role as an intern and I worked on the call support department. I used to
receive calls at layer 1, deal with client complains and registered complain ticket at layer 2. I used to register
all complaint connections fibre net, TV Net, digital TV and wireless. For some problems like master down,
AP down problems I would tell the client myself about the reason for no internet connection. Other than
that, I would register a complaint with specific reason To IP engineering and Rnd department. For the cases
like payment collection, renew issue, I would call the clients and tell them to wait for technician for making
their internet connection. I also use to fix the wireless problem of layer1 by checking (Access Points) AP
and checking signals, refreshing it and pinging the IP.

In digital Tv too I used to request client to do auto search and have them I also worked at layer 2 and used
to do troubleshooting and router configuration. In Tv Net I would login to the master and check signal. The
signal should be 24-31 and below 45 for good internet connection respectively. After solving the issue, I
used to call the client and ask them about the internet connection. Most of the time it would be fixed but,
sometimes I used to call the specific branch of the client and ask them to fix it. I also used to add a new
client connection on the spreadsheet. There were also several commands on fiber net used for checking
the kind of stuff like client signal connection router offline online etc. My internship officially started in Web
surfer in 16th September 2019 and ended in 10th December.

Prakriti Kadel

2 Review of Activities
2.1 Develop Skills on call Support (layer1)
There were 2 department which I used to work on. But first, I worked on layer 1 call support is all about
dealing with clients who come up with various kinds of the complaint. Receiving the calls and dealing with
clients, it was not an easy task for me because it was my first time. Also, some clients used to be very
irritated and full of anger because of their issue in internet connection. I used to feel more nervous while
dealing with such clients. But with time and practice, I was able to develop my skill in handling clients. The
problems like internet not working, slow connection, no signal on tv, Los blinking, cab blinking are the
complaints which I used to register on the layer 1 department. The issue of wireless was only the thing that
layer 1 should solve. So, while working in the layer 1 I used to solve the wireless problem only and informed
the client about their queries like package expire, customer id and other different general information.

2.2 Develop communication skills

Communication skills are most important for any kind of business and work field. To make our profile strong
we should know how to impress people by communicating. At first, it was very hard for me to deal with
clients because of my bad communication skills. I have learnt throughout my internship about dealing with
clients and calling the other branch member for fixing the internet. I have always talked to the client about
the solution of the problem and informed them all the necessary information needed. From being nervous
to communicate to be confident to communicate, my internship work has helped me to develop myself as
a confident person. My staff members have also helped me to become confident in communication skills.
By the end of the internship, I was able to improve my communication skill at a good level.

2.3 Network Troubleshooting Skills

The second department is IP engineering & Rnd department which I worked after being capable of doing
layer 1 work. The complaints made is layer1 are shown in the TMS website call complaint list, and we have
to solve them according to the reasons. I have done troubleshooting on both Tv Net and Fiber connections.
In TVnet connection, we have to see the signal. The TVnet troubleshooting was done through each client
master’s number and logging into the master’s IP address. There,I sometimes change the interface and
refreshed the router. Whereas, for fibre net troubleshooting we have to solve by using the application called
secure crt. We have to search for detail according to their location using their mac address. I have learned
CCNA in college so, I little knew about VLANs work. I was happy to see that I have done work related to
the There are different kinds of VLAN like V10, V20, V30 where the details like ont, serial numbers, up-
down time, the status of the device, signal are shown. Each of the VLAN commands is different according
to the VLAN number. I have developed lots of skill regarding the troubleshooting by improving significantly
over the weeks.

Prakriti Kadel

2.4 New application learning

There was a different kind of application used in the office. Many applications like TMS, SMS, Nagios,
Dashboard, air os, were used for solving internet problems. The TMS was used for seeing client details and
registering complaint ticket, seeing complain call log for layer 2, whereas SMS is used for logging into IP
checking session etc. The Nagios was used for various propose like watching network outages (master
down), current network status and also tactical network status (port monitoring). The Dashboard is one of
the most important applications which is used for calling clients. The air os application is used for wireless
as we can solve several internet issues that are happening. Learning the application aim is one of the most
important things while working because we cannot start the work without the knowledge and process of
doing. I was a little confused in solving an issue in layer 2 due to unfamiliar websites. But afterwards, when
I knew the objective of every application, I was able to do my work nicely.

2.5 Proper Time Management Skill

Time is one of the most important things for working in every field. I was very slow while troubleshooting
because I didn’t have much practice and wasn’t professionally skilled. This used became problematic for
staff members too. But with lots of effort and practices I was able to troubleshoot in less time. When there
is the problem of ap down, master down lots of client used to call. I have to handle many calls giving different
clients various reasons according to the connections.

2.6 Team Working Skills

Team work is one of the most important aspects to learn about new things. In the office, I used to follow
other professional staff and constantly communicate with them for completion of task. Any problem that
occurred which troubleshooting or registering complain I used to ask for their suggestion before going any
further steps. While troubleshooting I used to ask the senior staff members about the mitigation technique
if I was unable to do it. I also assisted Operation department member on router firmware by providing router
from time to time after completion of firmware update. I also added new connection where I need technician
support and suggestion about joining the new connection. While working the marketing department would
come to us and gave the numbers of client for adding up the new connection. I was always flexible while
working on team as I used to listen all the information that should be followed by me in order to complete
the task.

2.7 Developing problem solving skills and research

One thing that is certain that while doing troubleshooting there are different way of solving issue. This can
create conflict between people because of their different opinion. So, problem solving, and analytical
thinking skills are important to everyone. So, sometimes this approached to the conflict between my staff
members because of different opinion while troubleshooting. Still, most of the time we only focused on
problem solving consequently and we had very fewer creative differences among us. Hence, in my opinion,

Prakriti Kadel

I am certain that I have developed my way of analytical thinking and most importantly respecting others
way of thinking and working along with others.

3 Academic Context
Being a networking student, network is something closely related to my field. Networking is a wide subject,
so, whatever I had studied until now have helped me in my internship. In all these academic years I have
learned about CCNA, network security about the networks. Due to this, it directly/ indirectly helped me
throughout my internship in Web surfer Nepal Communication Pvt.Ltd.

I was provided internship at call support department (L1 & L2). During my intern I became familiar with
dealing the client and made my communication skill strong. I also made myself familiar with troubleshooting
which was related to my academic field. I learned about using various applications which was very helpful
for doing troubleshooting. The commands used in Vlan for checking connections and ont reminded me of
learning Cisco Packet Tracer (CCNA). I learned how the CCNA was used in client internet solving issue.
Doing intern at the one of the oldest and ISO certified company of Nepal has been the greatest opportunity
to gain the knowledge and enhancing professionally. I have grownup my technical skills much better before
working on ISP company.

During the period of internship, I learned how to deal with clients. Internship of has helped me grow my
confident while dealing with clients and talking with many senior people. I always thought how my academic
modules are going to help me in my future but now I see for what I have become. There are the modules
like Professional Issues, Ethics and Computer Law, Risk, Crisis and Security Management which helped
me maintain my limits. This module taught that even if you have access to do many evil things which can
gain something advantageous, you shouldn’t cross the line for unethical and illegal things. There are laws,
policies and most importantly your ethics which sets the boundary. It will teach us how communicate in a
proper way with the clients. These all module has helped me know the many things that is working on the
office. It became easy to understand the topic and when I was asked to do some tasks it was not that
difficult to do it. So, the academic learning has helped me develop my technical skills and understand better
on my work.

Prakriti Kadel

4 Abilities Evaluation

4.1 Develop Skills on call Support (layer1)

I was able to deal with the client and solve the problem of clients from the phone. For example, In the
problem of wireless, I would ask them if they are near their wireless tower and request them to move the
wireless tower in the main pole. This is the case if the signal is alright then I would refresh the IP and try to
ping it. In Digital Tv also I would request the client to auto search and I refresh the smart card to solve the
existing problem. These techniques used to work sometimes. If this doesn’t work, I would request them to
wait until I register the complaint and until the technician comes to solve it.

4.2 Develop communication skills

Since I was working on L1 & L2 department, I achieved a lot of experience by dealing with different kind
clients. Every day it was new people to communicate with. The constant communication with the different
clients, the company’s staffs and supervisor helped me to moderately increase my communication skills.
By the end of the internship, I was able to develop my communication skill very nicely. I was able to consult
even those clients who would be very angry for not working their internet connection. There was a drastic
change in communication skills especially while dealing with the client. My supervisor was also noticing that
and he praised me for doing my work effectively.

4.3 Network Troubleshooting Skills

As I was working on layer 2, they first trained me well, in order to work properly. I dealt with many
connection issues that have been pending throughout the day. My supervisor was very happy to see the
pending works being completed. It was a great experience in working with troubleshooting problems. I was
very happy to learn it practically as I have known about it theoretically only in college.

4.4 New application learning

There were lots of websites to be learnt throughout the work. It was so confusing to work on different
website at the same time. But I was able to know about these with few practices and notes that I wrote in
order to remember about goal of different websites. I was able to learn fast about application used in web
surfer as I used it on daily basis.

Prakriti Kadel

4.5 Proper Time Management Skill.

I have reached office on time, most of the time. Time management is one of the important skill that should
be developed in every people. Speeding up more while doing work makes person more skillful
professionally. While solving issue of internet I was able to manage proper time as I would finish existing
ticket on short period of time. I also did the work given by the supervisor before the deadline.

4.6 Team Working Skills

I was able to develop team working skills as I started working in the company. I managed to help the
company’s staff when they were busy with other work. As we didn’t have different user, I used to write their
names on the daily troubleshooting log of the internet issues I solved. This became helpful for them and for
me to enhance my practice more. In the operation department too, I managed to help them on a firmware
update which helped me to see the process of doing it and gain knowledge about it. If I couldn’t solve some
problems, then my supervisor and my company’s staff would mitigate it for me. We four interns as a team
were able to complete the task our supervisor gave to us. We coordinated with each other in order to finish
the on time.

4.7 Developing problem solving skills and research

I was not frustrated when new problems arise in my project. I was prepared enough to tackle it by
understanding the error first and then finding a solution. And, if it was not enough, I was able to get my point
across to my supervisor for the proper solution. Hence, I believe my problem-solving skills have developed
along with my analytical thinking that progressed a lot due to internship.

Prakriti Kadel

5 Challenges
As this was my first real-world experience, I was very excited to be technically developing myself. I loved
my workplace every day and was learning various new things in the workplace.

I encountered several problems when working on Web surfer. There was a stage when I feel like I knew
nothing. It was the first time I had been working in the field of networking, and at the same time, I was very
excited and nervous. I didn't have enough knowledge on the practical things and lacked communication
skills. Sometimes the client used to scold so much about their problem with internet issues that I would be
irritated, and I didn't even know how to reassure clients. But, I was trying to improve myself day by day. But
the level of excitement begins to gradually decrease with the time I didn't understand the FTTH
troubleshooting. The supervisor asked me about VLAN 10,20,30's working commands but at that time I
couldn't even respond correctly. It was hard for me to know the instructions, as I was still lost, and it took
me a lot of time to fully understand them. I don't even use to understand things sometimes, but my
supervisor and other workers helped me gain knowledge. Another very challenging thing for me was
travelling by bus to the workplace. Because I live quite far away from the workplace where I have to change
two buses to reach office, because of this, I always used to get in jams and enter late in the office

Communication is the key to solve such issues. I never was afraid to ask for that break whenever I wanted
it. I also used to make notes to understand things easily and so that I wouldn’t forget the commands.

Prakriti Kadel

6 Conclusion
I've completed this module in all these academic years and all the experience, turned out to be one of the
most significant. This prepared me for the real world and encouraged me to meet lots of corporate-level
people. I now have connections where I can apply for a job and only because of this module; once I have
finished my academic qualifications, I can do a job more nicely. Setting the learning outcomes was one of
the most important parts of this internship as it allowed me to understand what I learned and what I was
supposed to learn. Setting aside the work experience was one of the most important parts of this internship
setting the learning outcomes as it made me understand what I knew and what I was supposed to learn.
The writing of the report was incredibly worth, as it allowed me to show what I could not have known if it
was a duty to read logs and write reports. As a result, I intend to continue to set learning goals and a habit
of learning logs even after college study is complete.

This module made me fully aware of the importance of subtle things like communication, time management,
team learning, troubleshooting in achieving a greater goal. In this competitive world, I intend to keep this
habit with myself for life to give better performance in future. This module has enhanced the skills and help
me groom my personality and skills. Not only will I take a certificate of experience but also some amazing
memories where I have made good relationships with my office staffs and supervisor. In all these academic
years, I completed this module and all the experience turned out to be one of the most significant and very
helpful to build a carrier.

6.1 Future Plan

As for the future plan, I would like to enrol into a master’s degree in IT. I would like to gain more knowledge
on networking subject matter like CCNA, Network security. I want to improve my professional skills more
on upcoming days.

I am very happy that I enrolled in networking in Islington College. I can see myself making a career in
Network security in a few years of time. So, I intend to work and become technically advanced.

Prakriti Kadel

7 References
Kafle, S. (2016) in Slideshare [Online]. Available from:
to-web-surfer-communication [Accessed 16 January 2020].

Prakriti Kadel

8 Appendix: A

8.1 Appendix A – Work Related Learning Form

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

8.2 Attendance Sheet

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

8.3 WRL Form

Prakriti Kadel

9 Appendix B: CV
Personal Information
Name: Prakriti Kadel
Address: Balaju Height, Kathmandu
Phone number :9840389907

Objective: Pursuing opportunity which will allow me to grow professionally and build

Academic Qualification
SLC: graduated from KVKSS.

+2 : Graduated from Uniglobe College

Bachelor: 3rd year running on Islington College.

➢ Basic Knowledge on HTML, CSS.
➢ Lan and WAN (Routing and Switching techniques)
➢ Fully aware of professional issues, ethics and computer Law.
➢ Well-known about Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)


Web surfer Communication Pvt.LTD

Call Support and IT department.

Soft Skills

➢ Quick Learning Activity

➢ Good Communication Skill
➢ Team Working Skills

I hereby, declare that the above-mentioned details are true to best of my knowledge and

Prakriti Kadel

10 Appendix C: Evidence

10.1 Log1: Evidence

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

10.2 Log 2 : Evidence

Prakriti Kadel

10.3 Log 3 Evidence

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

10.4 Log 4- Evidence

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

10.5 Log 5: Evidence

Prakriti Kadel

10.6 Log-6 Evidence

Prakriti Kadel

Prakriti Kadel

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