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Environmental problems

Human activity has had an effect on the environment for thousands of

years, from the time of our very earliest ancestors to these days. But
during last two decades our actions and influence on the Earth are becoming the reason for concern.
Rainforest destruction, endangered species, water pollution, climate change and toxic waste are our
reality now.

To my mind, the most significant problem is climate change. It is creating

negative effect and let to other equally important environmental issues.
Volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods,overpopulation, air pollution and ozone
deplention are changing the climate.

As a result,the ocean level is rising, glaciers are melting, CO2 in the air is
increasing, forest and wildlife are declining, and water life is also getting
disturbed (due to climatic changes). Apart from that, if this change keeps on
going then many species of plants and animals will get extinct. And there will
be a heavy loss to the environment.

That is why we need to prevent those negative changes to live a peaceful and
happy life. Afforestation should be practised, and the exploitation of the
existing natural resources must be immediately cut down.
Every day we throw away a lot of litter. However, we can use it again, for example paper, cloth,
glass, plastic, etc.  We should reuse whatever we can. It is impossible to stop technological
process, but instead we can invent new waste free technologies that will not do harm to nature.
Use bycicles instead of cars, eco-bags instead of plastic containers.

In conclusion I would like to say that we have already done a lot of damage to the place we live.
So, now is the time to stop, rethink everything and act wisely to protect our planet.
As a result, the temperature is increasing, glaciers are melting, intense rainfall
and frequent forest fires occur.
That is why we

We are leaving in the world which is changing every day. But unfortunately during last few decades
these changes are

So what are the causes of these? why all these are happening ? And what are ways to prevent it?
Earth’s temperature has increased as a result of global warming. The ice of the poles
is rapidly melting due to which the sea level is rising. Erosion of the ozone layer has
led to increased side effects of ultraviolet rays. Polluted environment is being affected
not only the human life but also on animals and birds and flora. Many rare species
have been destroyed. The number of animals and birds is decreasing. Natural disasters
like floods, droughts, storms, cyclones, earthquake, and land-slides have also

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