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Memo to Facilitators

1. As soon as participants are registered, they will be given copy of the Covid-19
case, with the Notes, for them to start reading. At the same time, each one will
be assigned to a group with an assigned Facilitator. Also at the same time,
you dear Facilitator will be informed of your group and group members.
Please get familiar with them individually and their background. This will
be helpful in facilitating participation.

2. The Guide Questions.

Instead of the 6 Questions mentioned at the end of the case narrative (p. 164 of Good
Governance Book), I suggest this set of shorter ones:
1. Identify the good governance issues presented by the case as
these issues pertain to:
a) actions of the Philippine Government; and
b) actions of foreign Governments.
Why are these good governance issues?

2. How should these issues be resolved?

3. Please touch base with your group members to introduce yourself

by email or whatever, even before the official start of our training.
Remind them that they should be prepared to engage in case discussion.
Get them to feel comfortable so they will be encouraged to be participative.

4. At the end of Session 1, the groups will be ushered to separate virtual

meeting rooms to organize themselves and prepare for virtual case
discussions (as frequently as the group decides). and to SUBMIT A CASE
REPORT by July 19, 2021, a day before the scheduled Session 2 which will
dwell on the Case. The Facilitator should join that group organizational
meeting to guide/facilitate the process of planning the individual group's
virtual case discussion(s) in the period July 7 to 19, 2021.

5. I suggest that for their Case Reports, we adopt a flexible Report length not more than 10
pages or slides. For the oral presentation it should not be more than 5-minute presentation.
Let's allow them to be as innovative in their Report format so let them do their thing.
We shall give prizes to the "best 2 reports “. We have to develop selection criteria.
In judging the best 2 reports, 50% weight will be given to the written report and 50% weight
to the oral presentation.

Santi Dumlao

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