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Positive and Negative Impacts of

Technology on Education
Techbaji StaffandREHMAT ULLAHLast Updated: January 24, 2023

 7 minutes read
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Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology on Education

The rapid advancements and popularity of technology have influenced our lives and our
surroundings in a great way. The same is the case with education, technology has shown a
massive development in the field of education.

Table of Contents
In this article, I will mainly highlight the Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology on

Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology on


tive and Negative Impacts of Technology on Education
Before proceeding towards my main topic of discussion i-e “positive and negative effects of
technology on education”, I would like to inspire my readers by mentioning the most
beautiful saying of Jenny Arledge;

Technology can become the wings that will allow the educational world
to fly further and faster than ever before–if we will allow it

As technology is showing massive development in the field of education, the way of

delivering knowledge and the capability of learning new things has also changed.
Same like any other thing, technology has both Positive and Negative Impacts of
Technology on Education. Let’s have a comprehensive look at each of its impacts.
Positive and Negative Impacts of Technology on
 Technology provides ease of access to Information
 Technology makes learning easier
 Technology enhances Creativity
 Use of Technology in classrooms to enhance teaching and learning

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 Technology kills Social Skills
 Technology and Students distraction
 Technology in education is hindering student’s interpersonal skills
 Technology affects health
 Technology makes the student to waste their time

Positive Impacts of Technology on Education:

We can determine the future of education by looking at the rapid advancements of
technology in education. The rapidly growing technology in the field of education is very
favorable for both students and teachers.

Education is the foundation upon which we build our future

Let’s have a thorough look at the Positive Impacts of Technology in Education:

Technology provides ease of access to Information:
One of the most recognizable benefits of technology in the field of education is that it made
ease in access to information for everyone. Not only ease in access to information but ease
in access to Updated Information.
Updated Information can efficiently benefit both students and teachers. Teachers can search
for the latest and updated information on the internet which will benefit both students and
teachers in a great way.

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The problem with our existing education system is that our teachers are not updated to the
latest and current information and thus delivers outdated information to their students.

But thanks to the development in the field of technology which made it all easy for both the
students and teachers.

My visitors requested me to discuss positive and negative impacts of information

technology on education domain as well in previous posts, so their answer is below

They can simply search for the topic in the Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, etc and the
Search Engines will display the most relevant and top results regarding the topic that is
being searched.

When students and teachers learn updated information they can perform exceptionally well
in their respective fields which is not only the success of our country’s future but our
education system as well.

Technology makes Learning easier:

When it comes to learning through tech, it seems fun. Before the advancements of
technology through education, it was not an easy task to try or learn new things but thanks
to technology which made it all easy.

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Technology helps students to explore and learn new things which will help them to excel in
the field of their choice.

Without the use of technology, it would not be possible for students to learn new things on
their own because students always seem dependent on their teachers for the learning

 Learning through the internet can also be called distance learning. Technology made the
learning process much easier mainly due to the following reasons:

 Technology made distance learning easier because of readily available knowledge on the

 Technology made distance learning easier because retrieval of information made

extremely simple and easy through the internet.

Technology enhances Creativity:

The rapidly growing technology is changing the mentality and mindsets of both students
and teachers. Thus the use of advanced and rapidly growing technologies is making them
exceptionally creative.

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Accessibility of technology made it easier to experience as many things which can in return
make both of them even more productive and creative.

There are some of the necessary factors because of which technology plays a great role in
the enhancement of creativity. The effects of technology are given below:

1. Digital media gave much freedom to students to express themselves in a way they want
and to explore the world as they want.
2. An ease in the accessibility of information through technology is one of the major
factors that increase creativity because whatever they think or observe, they can simply
search it on the internet and can get so many relevant information which thus increases
their knowledge and make them even more creative in their respective fields.
3. Students and teachers must try to learn and innovate things and then their concern,
curiosity, and eagerness towards their interests will direct them towards the path of
Use of Technology in classrooms to enhance Teaching
and Learning:
One of the biggest contributions of technology in the field of education is that when you
use technology in the classroom, it not only enhances your teaching method but also the
learning method of students.

 Using technology in classrooms increases student’s engagement and attention which

helps them to stay focused and clear their concepts.

 When teachers use technology to teach their students, it improves the rate of retention
so they can store information in their minds for a longer period.

 This is beneficial for the student growth and the teacher as well, as it gives a teacher true
satisfaction when their student learns something wholeheartedly.

 Using technology in classrooms makes learning even more fun because when students
interact with visuals, they learn more. It is proved that a human mind understands even
quickly and fast when interacts with visuals.

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Negative Impacts of Technology on Education:

The technology in the field of education made teaching and learning extremely easy but on
their other side, excessive use of technology made our physical, and mental health suffer
badly in some of the cases. Some students asks what is one negative effect technology has
had on education? So, let’s proceed towards the Negative Impacts of Technology in
Technology kills Social Skills:
One of the most negative impacts of technology on our students is that it is slowly and
gradually killing their social skills and prefers to stay isolated. They easily get addicted to
technology which in return causes them to use it more and more.
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So such type of excessive use kills their social skills and hence they do not interact or
communicate well in their real lives which is truly an alarming situation.

Technology and Students distraction:

Technology is a major source of distraction too. Students know very well that technology is
great and open-source of learning for them but as they get familiar with the use of
technology, the majority of them use it negatively.

Instead of learning things, they try to access the invalid things that are available on the
internet. The ease to access invalid and inappropriate things not only distract them but also
affects their learning capabilities.

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Therefore, parents and teachers must be wise enough to impose strict borderline when they
handover the technology to the students. The positive outcomes of students are only
possible if they have a strong check over them.

Technology in Education is Hindering Student’s

Interpersonal Skills:
To develop an education system, the development of our student’s interpersonal skills is of
great importance. With the help of interpersonal skills, a student learns how to interact with
other things effectively.

With the rapid advancements of technology in the field of education, technology is

somewhere hindering the interpersonal skills of our students.
Instead of using their minds, they are becoming dependent more and more. Technology is
also damaging their problem-solving ability just because they are relying more on

Technology affects Health:

Excessive use of technology affects the health of students badly. Technology not only
affects physical health but also mental health.
Physical effects may include:
2-Lesser blood circulation.
3-Curved backbone.
4-Bad body posture.
6-Poor eyesight.

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Mental effects or psychological issues may include:

Technology makes the student to Waste their time:
Is using technology for entertainment a bad thing? Students not only access information for
learning purposes but also for entertainment purposes. When their access to inappropriate
information for entertainment is increased than their access to information for learning,
then it is time wastage.
The Internet is really useful if and only if it is used properly but mostly students waste their
time on the internet.

When students do excessive use of irrelevant information, it not only wastes their time but
also reduces their learning capabilities.
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