EEN1046 Electronics IIIT320002001

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| STUDENT ID N MULTIMEDIA @@W UNIVERSITY Cor LTTE MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY THIRD TRIMESTER EXAMINATION, 2000 / 2001 SESSION EEN1046 - ELECTRONICS HI (All section / Groups ) 10 APRIL 2001 | 2:30PM - 4:30PM (2 Hours) INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENT 1. This question paper consists of 7 pages with 6 questions only ‘Attempt any TWO out of THREE questions in Section A and any TWO out of THREE questions in Section B. All questions carry equal marks and the distribution of the marks for each question is given. 3. Please print all your answers in the answer booklet provided. EENIOA® ELECTRONICS I APRIL 2001, Section A: Attempt any TWO out of THREE questions in this section Question 1 . (a) For the ideal op-amp circuit in Figure QI.1(a) i. Derive an expression relating the output and input voltages. Rp = SkQ and Ry = Ry=30kO, calculate the differential gain and ii, Given that Ry [5 marks] draw the output waveform if V; and V2 are as shown in Figure QU.1(b). [7 marks} Vv, Vv o 80 100 Kens) av R osv oo tims) = 08) 7 Figure Q1.1(a) Figure Q1.1(b) () For the circuit in Figure Q1.2, assuming that the op-amps are ideal: i. Derive an expression relating Vo2 to Vor [4 marks) ii, Draw the waveforms at Vor and Vo» Show all calculations involved. [7 marks] iii, ‘The circuit in Figure Q1.2 is susceptible to high frequency electrical noise Explain how the cireuit can be modified to suppress the effect of high frequency noise. (ms) [2 marks} 80 100 180 200 Figure Q1.2 AEVOUIHROAWWHTAN wT Continued ... EENIOa6 ELECTRONICS tt ‘APRIL2001, Question 2 The LM741 op-amp in Figure Q2 has the following electrical characteristic: Parameter Conditions Min [ Typ | Max | Unit Taput offset voltage Ta= 25°C, Rg = 10K0 1.0 | 50 | _mv Input offset current Ta= 25°C 20 | 200 | nA Input bias current Taz 25°C 0_|_500_[ nA Input Resistance Ta= 25°C 03 | 20 Mo Large signal voltage gain T= 25°C, Vp = 215V 50_| 200, [inv ‘Average input offset voltage drift 75_[uvrc. ‘Average input offset current drift 05 | narec ‘Output voltage swing Ve=2t5V [RL3 10K a2 | ata [ V R22 ko x10 [ata | V Siew rate 05 Vins Gain Bandwidth Product (GBP) 15 MHz ‘Common-mode rejection ratio | Ry = T0ki2 70_{ 90 dB ‘Supply voltage rejection ratio [Rg < 10k. 7 | 96 dB _| Thaw = “55°C, Taax = #125°C For the circuit shown in Figure Q2: (a) Assuming that input offset current lio = 0 and input offset voltage Vio = 0, show that the value of Re must be equal to Ras in order to cancel the effect of input bias current Ip. [8 marks) (b) Caleulate the required value of the offset minimizing resistor, Re. [3 marks) (c) Ifthe ambient temperature is 50°C, what is the range of the output voltage if the input voltage V;= 400mV (de)? [10 marks} (@) Without sacrificing the closed-loop gain, modify the circuit to reduce the effect of input offset current by a factor of 10. [4 marks] Figure Q2 Continued ... “RBVOURHKOAYIWHTAN i EENIOAS ELECTRONICS mI APRIL 2001, Question 5 (a) There are two feedback loops in a Wien-bridge oscillator. What is the purpose of each? . [4 marks} (b) For the Wien-bridge oscillator in Figure Q5(b), assume ¥; = 4,7V and Vp = 0.7V, i, determine the frequency of oscillation {6 marks] ii, verify that oscillations will start and continue when the output signal reaches sav (7 marks} Figure Q5(b) (©) For the square-wave generator shown in Figure Q5(c), assume + = |-Vaai = 10V and Rr = 1.1642), i design the square-wave generator so that f, = 2kHz. [5 marks] ii what circuit parameters determine the frequency of a square wave? [3 marks] c=0.01pF oR R,=10kQ +, om & Figure Q5(¢) Continued ... RIVOUPERKOAYIWATAN eT ENIOAG ELECTRONICS tH APRIL 2001, Question 3 Figure Q3 shows a half-wave rectifier, where Ry = R= 10k@ and Rs = Re = 30k (a) What is the advantage of the rectifier shown in Figure Q3 comparing with a simple diode rectifier? (2 marks] (b) What is the advantage of this rectifier circuit as compared to a superdiode circuit [2 marks] (c) Plot the transfer characteristic (»» vs v,) for this rectifier circuit (3 marks] (d) Explain how the circuit works as a half-wave rectifier and find the voltage gain of the circuit. {10 marks} (©) Add a resistor to the circuit in Figure Q3 to become a full-wave rectifier. Recalculate resistor values appropriately to obtain voltage gain of 2. [8 marks} Ry Ry ~ D, R 4 wt - Vv) + - Yor Yor + Figure Q3 Continued ... ARYOUIRRKOAYIWITAN a7 EEN L046 ELECTRONICS ti APRIL 2004, Section B: Attempt any TWO out of THREE questions in this section Question 4 (a) Give 4 types of active filters; show their frequency response graphs and give general equations of their second-order transfer functions. (b) A band-pass filter has a transfer function as follow: H(s)= 10s 25x10" )s? +5 +100 Find i. natural (resonant) frequency ii, quality factor iii, pass-band gain iv. low and high cutoff frequencies (©) Describe a general way to realize the band-pass filter. [RHIVOUIRRKOAYIWHTAN 37 (12 marks] (2 marks] [2 marks} (2 marks] [4 marks] (3 marks] Continued ... EENIOA6 ELECTRONICS i! ‘APRIL 2001, Question 6 (a) Figure Q6(a) shows one way to limit the load current to safe values even though the output terminals are shorted. Q, R, RL Figure Q6(a) i What are the basic components of the current-limiting circuit in Figure Q6(a)? [2 marks] ii If the input voltage is 15V, what is the output voltage of the regulator? Assume Vge = 0.7V. (6 marks] i. What is the minimum load resistance where regulation is lost? [4 marks] If the input voltage is 15V, what is the power dissipation of the pass transistor when the load resistance is shorted? [6 marks) v_ What is the purpose of adding a large capacitor, C to the base circuit of the Q stage as shown in Figure Q6(a)? (2 marks] (b) The adjustable voltage regulator IC M317 has an internal reference voltage of 1.25V. Determine the regulated voltage in the circuit of Figure Q6(b) with Ry = 2402 and Ry =2.4kQ. Assume [yg = L00}1A {5 marks} y, V, to ou LM317 ~ Figure Q6(b) End of Paper ARYOUKEKOAYIWHTAN 7

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