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Major : UAS of English 1 Date : July, 12-2021

Lecturer: Is Dewangga, M.Pd Time : 08.00-09-20

Class : Regular Class Send to :


1. How many cases of pronoun?
a. Write the definitions and the examples of each pronoun!
b. Revise the sentences below by correcting pronoun case!
- These boxes belong in Mr. Menendez’s office; the other boxes belong in our’s.
- I have seen both proposals, but I still don’t see the difference between you and her’s.
- as yourself created these slides and visual aids?
- The presenters wrote the script for the presentation theirselves.
- The next presentation will be given by Roberto, Angelique, and myself.
- Today’s presentation is split equally between her and I.
- Rosalie is the person that offered to help us.
- The person (who, whom) I saw presenting the material was quite professional.
c. Can the pronoun myself be used in a sentence without referring to another
d. Explain the difference between I and me in the form of Pronoun cases!
2. What do you know about Collective Noun? Give two examples of Collective Noun!
3. What is Modifier?
a. What is compound Modifier? Write 2 or 3 examples!
b. How to avoid misplaced modifier?
c. What are the kinds of Modifier?
d. Place modifiers close to the words they modify.
1. The door on the first floor of Kinsey Hall which is red is hers. (Example)
The door which is red on the first floor of Kinsey Hall is hers.
2. The FedEx truck broke down by a bridge carrying our supplies on Route 83.
3. Kait kept the legal supplies in the supply cabinet that she had ordered.
4. We could smell the chili all the way up on the 24th floor that was for the fund-raiser.
5. There is a new scanner in the stockroom for your work area.
e. How to correct dangling modifiers?
f. What are the functions of adjective and adverb in the form of modifier? Explain and give
the examples!
4. What is the difference between singular noun as possession and plural noun as possession?
a. Look for possessives and make corrections where necessary. Also correct any errors in
spelling and grammar. For example:
Incorrect: Toby’s input was more helpful than Dugan.
Corrected: Toby’s input was more helpful than Dugan’s (input)
1. Ambras and Lucias instructor refuse to let them work together.
2. Either Alexi’s proposal or Basma will win the bid.
3. Milton suggested that we go to Ditkas for the holiday celebration.
4. My brother-in-laws attorneys opened their office last week.
5. Chandras and her roommate apartment need to be remodeled.
5. What are the steps of editing process?

a. Please edit the Application letter below!

Yogyakarta, May 4th, 2013

To : LBB Pintar

Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar pintar

Jl Gedong Kuning Selatan, Perum BKN no 35,

Kotagede – Yogyakarta

Dear MR/MS :

Thank you for posting your need for a teaching position and I have read it. I am available to fill
this opening and can begin work immediately after hiring.

My name is Is Dewangga. I am 23 years old. I am student at Muhammadiyah University of

Yogyakarta. My major is English Education, I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that
would allow me to blend with your school.

From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have excellent spoken
and written English skills. I have already demonstrated those skills as I contributed to develop
English program in my university.

I have attached my resume for your review and this should give you some ideas of my educational
qualifications and experience. However, I look forward to an opportunity to meet with you and
further discuss my qualifications.

Very truly yours

Is Dewangga

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