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Patumahoe Village Incorporated Minutes 23rd August, 2011 Patumahoe Tennis Club Meeting Opened at 8.

20pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Colin Berger, Vicki Lacy, Andrew Sinclair, Louise Sinclair, Glenn Hunter, Gary Morriss, Nick Wolfe. Apologies: Suzanne Avison, Ross and Liane Wilcox, Sandra Utatao, Dave Puflett Minutes of previous meeting: Moved that previous minutes were accurate Louise Glenn Agreed 1. Treasurers report see attached Vicki suggested that we speak to Hayden Easton rereleasing the balance of the grant. Gary asked whether we should be looking at finding other avenues of funding for PVI. Anticipated that the $60,000 for the feasibility study will be coming from AC. Andrew thinks that we should be looking at keeping the funding going for the co-ordinators position. Even if AC comes back with a feasibility study PVI/the community will need to stay involved and ensure that any plans are community led and approved. Could apply for grants such as COGS. After the LTCCP submission in Sept/Oct we will need to consider our role and funding. Move that the payments be approved V. Lacy A.Sinclair All agreed Move that Colin Berger is now a cheque signatory P. Crosswell V.Lacy All agreed FOLLOW UP 1. Paula will contact Hayden re the $20,000 2. We will defer further funding discussion after the LTCCP is lodged 2. Business Listings report This is progressing slowly; we will all look for ways to encourage more participation 3. Newsletter Good feedback from the latest newsletter. Thanks to Paula for again putting it together. We could decrease distribution to 3 times a year cf 4 times and will look for more sponsorship so that newsletter becomes self-funded.

4. Draft Village Plan/LTCCP submission Discussion of how to edit the draft village plan due for submission by end of September. We must have our editing done by 15/9/11. Paula suggested circulating one copy and for others to edit/add to it. Needs to be back to Paula by Sept 4th. Final draft will be discussed at next meeting on Sept 7th. Very important the committee look at the conclusions. After review at our Sept 7th meeting Rose, Solomon, and Hayden will be invited to do a review. This submission will also go to the local board and on our website. Mission/Vision Statement must be clearly articulated. PVI members to have a go at drafting this for discussion on the 7th. Possible vision statement could be: The rural village with a green heart Priorities to include the following areas: Ecological Social Cultural Economic Connecting with the community Sustainable development/small footprints Link urban with rural Well planned growth Caring, connected and safe Vibrant, engaged, future focussed

Nick expressed his concern with some draft plans being possibly being made public. Assured that draft documents prepared by individuals are a basis for discussion only and part of on-going process of seeking community opinion, feeding back and developing possible long term future options. 5. Community Consultation Community feedback looking to get feedback on the submission prior to the end of October (there is some uncertainty re the final date for submitting LTCCP). We can possibly add an addendum to our September submission before the end of October. Paula suggested an open day to be held at Searles subdivision: Static displays of submission Bike day Sausage sizzle Kids can bring bikes along to ride around and we will have people there to do bike maintenance/ safety checks. Louise to ask Noel Burgess at Sunset Cycles if he can attend. Also ask Peter Kraakman, Leonard Lacy to be part of the bike check team. Back up venue to be arranged and marquee from Patumahoe school. Date to be either Sunday Oct 9th or 16th from 10.30am to 2.00pm. Andrew Sinclair to organise mystery walk, commencing at 11.00am. FOLLOW UP 1. Paula to arrange back-up venue and school marquee

2. Paula /Vicki to organise postcard invites 3. Louise to arrange bike team 4. Andrew to plan mystery walk 6. Other business No other items 7. Next meeting set for Wednesday 7th Sept, 7.15 at Patumahoe Tennis Club Meeting closed at 9.30pm

Patumahoe Village Incorporated Minutes 28 July 2011 Patumahoe Bowling Clubrooms Meeting Opened at 7:30pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Kurk Brady, Colin Berger, Vicki Lacy, Andrew Sinclair, Louise Sinclair, Glenn Hunter, Kay Carter, Wayne Carter, Penny Wakelin, Sue Askew, Debbie Langton, Balir Ridgely Apologies: Jo Gribben, Angela Smith, Sandra Utatao, Rob Craig, Brendon Lawson, Gary Morriss, Inger Cuthbert. SUMMARY OF TOPICS DISCUSSED Glenn Hunter accepted request to chair meeting Paula Crosswell taking minutes 1. Minutes of 13 April 2011 and 9 May 2011 Presented and accepted. Moved (Vicki Lacy) Seconded (Paula Crosswell) 2. Ratification of contract for Paula Crosswell. Copy held by Vicki Lacy. Item not on agenda. Contract had been approved by quorum of committee members, required ratification. Contract drawn up and signed by: Glenn Hunter and Andrew Sinclair and agreed to by Paula Crosswell. This contract is for one year from March 1st 2010 to February 28 2011, and requires a monthly invoice. Money for this is provided by the LIDIG grant. Moved ( Vicki Lacy) Seconded (Andrew Sinclair) 2. Treasurers Report: Presented by Vicki Lacy. Expenses presented for approval: Open Day and Archive material - Kay Carter $262.74 (Open Day and archive material) Reimbursement Open Day, Submission, Planning resources P Crosswell Approx $216.82 Reimbursement Open Day Colin Berger $70 Treasurers report accepted, and expenses approved. Moved (Paula Crosswell) Seconded (Kurk Brady) 3. Secretarial position Inger Cuthbert has offered to till this position when time and commitments permit. It was proposed this offer be accepted. Moved (Vicky Lacy) Seconded (Louise Sinclair) 4. AGM Meeting AGM meeting has been set for: Tuesday 23 August 7.30pm, Patumahoe Tennis clubrooms. This will be followed by the August monthly meetings. Agendas not yet confirmed. Moved (Paula Crosswell) Seconded (Andrew Sinclair) Note: All meetings and proposed agendas can be reviewed an checked online by following the what on tab of the community website. 5. Flaxroots workshop

Flaxroots is a North Auckland village planning programme that is similar in intent and model to what we are trying to achieve in Patumahoe. After contacting and meeting Joel Umali, we have been invited to join this network (although at present there is nothing operating in South Auckland). Attending this workhop from PVI: Vicki Lacy, Louise Sinclair, Paula Crosswell. Louise reported that the workshop was attended by several community organisations, including Campbells Bay (who have already produced their village plan), Kaipara Heads, Waiheke Island. The network includes community associations, organisations and church groups. This meeting was also attended by two managers of Auckland planning who support and promote this concept. They reiterated the necessity of submitting to Auckland Council on all the plans that are currently under review. A presentation by Cheng Goh, Settlement Support Coordinator was informative in terms of how to integrate and support new emigrants to our communities. Note: This programme was initiated by the previous North Shore City Council and is funded by a Department of Internal Affairs grant. 6. Local projects Kay Carter Scout Hall project A community grant has been applied for to relocate the hall from its current Mareretu Ave location to Clive Howe reserve. Discussion took place regarding intended use of the hall, and alternative positions but no strong objections were raised and none have been received by Kay at this time. Information has been posted on the 4 Square window for a couple of months now. Andrew Sinclair Whakaupoko Landcare projects A successful working bee took place on the walking track at the back of Clive Howe. Gorse was removed and Dave Puflett has already coordinated native planting. Andrew Moor and Richard Davenburg from Auckland Council came to view progress and are enthusiastic about supporting community initiatives such as this. Proposal to continue this track to include a bush walk and connection to Henrys Bush (entrance currently on Hunter Road) will be investigated and pursued. One of the adjoining landowners, Scott Gavin, has already indicated that he is happy to discuss the creation of an accessway on his land to achieve this. A final stage may include a swing bridge across the bottom of the waterfall, but it is considered to be a complete project with the connection of both bush reserves. Council staff also proposed that a meter to trace usage be installed. A small discussion on owner liablities took place, but it was considered superfluous until such time as council provided support and funding. Searle subdivision Previous to this meeting, suggestions had been made for other local projects. Two of which involved the Woodhouse road subdivision. One was for a planting day along the stormwater reserve and another for planting alongside the road. Both ideas were discussed for several minutes, with the determination to follow up developer requirements with Rose Ward when we attend a meeting next week. It was suggested that planting schemes will more than likely be available from Stuart Searle, and further advice might be found with Jack Hobbs. Public toilets Kurk Brady brought up that the toilets require repainting and signage and suggested a request to council for paint and possible working bee to do the repainting. Council will also need to be contacted re signage. Paula Crosswell to follow this up. Basketball hoop and soccer goals: Clive Howe Reserve Lisa Roulston was directed to PVI after making a request to Auckland Council for Basketball hoop and soccer goals for Clive Howe reserve. After discussion, it was determined that Paula Crosswell ask Lisa to follow this up with pricing and grant applications which the group would be happy to approve.

Patumahoe Bowling green Penny Wakelin After a considerable resowing effort for the green, the club has a current weeding programme taking place. Volunteers from the community are welcomed. A regular working bee is taking place every Monday morning (weather permitting) for the next six weeks or so. If you would like to help out turn up with a weeding implement (sharp knife or similar) and a cup of tea and warm welcome is assured. It was suggested that the club perhaps contact Duke of Edinburgh programme at Pukekohe High to find volunteers looking for a service opportunity. Andrew Sinclair Whakaupoko Landcare Chew Cards project Andrew Sinclair presented again. This time showing a collection of chew cards that have been used to determine pest presence in and around Patumahoe and Mauku (specifically Hunter Road). Members of the community are invited to participate and instructions on how to do so are published on the website under Whakaupoko Landcare and in the August community newsletter. Toothmarks on the chewcards can be interpreted to specifically indicate the presence of rats, mice, stoats & ferrets. This is the best time of the year to perform these surveys as there is not much alternative food sources available for these predators. By monitoring these projects, continued funding applications are supported. A quick discussion was had on a new trap that had been shown on the news that night. Suitable for many pests, but not necessarily proven with good kill rates for stoats. Cycle workshop Paula Crosswell mentioned that a previous discussion had mentioned a cycle workshop for the community. This may be a good project to arrange for late spring. The transport group will look into possible ways to do this. 7. Structure Plan. Kurk Brady presented another plan for discussion, electronic copy to be sent. Paula Crosswell also quickly reviewed another discussion plan. It was determined to have an initial review with our council planning contacts including those Structure Plans previously put forward. A meeting had been tentatively scheduled for Friday 29th July, but had not yet been confirmed. The intent of this review is to provide initial feedback before the 8 th August submission deadline for the local plan. Discussion was had regarding the requirement for extra sports fields, the definition of a village green, the requirement for a credible feasibility study for a community multi-use centre. Bombay has recently gone through this process at a cost of $50k and is currently requesting a land acquisition of 15 acres adjacent to current centre. If was suggested that after review by the planners discussions regarding definitions and parameters take place in a public forum. The community website is available for this (and for free). Also another Open Day needs to be scheduled to provide another access to the community for information sharing and discussion. Andrew Sinclair has suggested that if the workload continues to be large for producing plans, funding should be allocated to those involved. Paula Crosswell to look at possible funding options.

Meeting closed at 10pm

Patumahoe Village Incorporated Minutes 9 May 2011 Meeting Opened at 7:30pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Kurk Brady, Colin Berger, Vicki Lacy, Andrew Sinclair, Gary Morriss, Glenn Hunter, Suzanne Avision, Ross Wilcox, Sandra Utatao Apologies: Kay Carter, Iris Tscharntke SUMMARY OF TOPICS DISCUSSED 1. Minutes of last meeting (13 April 2011) Not presented. 2. Treasurers Report: Presented by Vicki Lacy. Expenses still to be presented: Website charges Tarnya Burge (approx $850 + $750) Reimbursement Open Day & Newsletter expenses P Crosswell Approx $500 Reimbursement newsletter Kurk Brady $145 Reimbursement Heritage expenses Kay Carter to be presented. Treasurers report accepted. Moved (Louise Sinclair) Seconded (Andrew Sinclair) 3. Patumahoe Rugby Club presentation On the request of Annette Smith, Kurk Brady attended a committee meeting for the Patumahoe Rugby Club. Despite some initial confusion about the intent of PVI Kurk detailed the intent of the group regarding the submission of the LTCCP in 2012. He reiterated that it was important that Rugby has a say in this plan as it is such a big part of Patumahoe life. The rugby club has started its season and is also celebrating their 125th Anniversary in June, so are very busy. However, as there are deadlines for submissions to council, Kurk is going to try and get some relevant information from Patumahoe Rugby so that they can be included from the first submissions. The Auckland Unleashed submission needs to be in by May 31 so there is some urgency. Paula Crosswell to forward questionnaire on to Kurk so that he can chase up. Kurk was also contacted recently by Patumahoe Rugby regarding an application for council funding for a cover for the grandstand located on the fields. After some discussion, it was determined that any discussion was unnecessary unless council requested a group consultation. If this is required, a presentation to the committee would allow a full discussion to take place. Kurk Brady will initiate this if required. (Kurk Brady excused himself from the meeting at this point) 3. Open Day organisation History group Kay Carter is organised with this aspect. Transport/Traffic Louise Sinclair is organising display and props with questionnaires Environment & Nature Gary Morriss & Andrew Sinclair will have Whakaupoko Landcare info, and trees Structure Plan Colin Berger Display will have A0 aerial maps, Printouts for participants to draw ideas on,

Franklin District Council - District Growth Strategy document will be available for viewing, Questionnaires will be provided, For participation also: Post-it notes for comments, suggestions on displays Tables with lengths of paper for writing down requirements for residents at different stages of their lives, Also, for the future proofing of Patumahoe/Mauku in ten, twenty, thirty years time. Website Website will also be launched on this day. Membership to PVI is automatic with registering on the site. Will have the datashow set up to show how to navigate. Mission statement Will also need to ask participants/visitors to help define a mission statement. Preparation All those who wish to set up displays on pinboards from Patumahoe School, can meet on Saturday at 9.30am to organise this. Megan Liefting will be picking up all the boards on Saturday afternoon and will deliver them to the Hall on Sunday morning. We should be able to get into the hall by 10am Sunday morning to set up. Jay Patel will bring folding tables, and bread for sausages. Vicki Lacy to organise refreshments. Fire Service should be able to provide bouncy castle for kids. Kay Carter is to ask about borrowing the two datashows and a screen from Patumahoe Primary. Advertising: Press release was sent to FCN, The Post and Enterprise Franklin last week. Newsletter and postcard to be delivered to RD4 (420 addresses) and RD5 (500 addresses) on Friday by rural delivery. 180 postcards to be printed and given to Jay Patel to insert in Community postboxes. Gary Morriss to email Whakaupoko Landcares email list. Paula Crosswell to send reminder on Patumahoe Villages email list. Event published on Eventfinder Postcards/emails to be sent to Des Morrison, Andy Baker, our local board members & Hayden Easton. 4. Meeting with Auckland Council Planning Officers This took place on Friday 6 May. Attended by: Paula Crosswell, Vicki Lacy, Louise Sinclair, Colin Berger, Gary Morriss (PVI) & John Duguid, Ross Moffatt (Auckland Council) This meeting was sent off in response to the letter sent to John Blakely on December 16th 2010. Ross & John explained the changes that have taken place, and the importance of putting in group submissions for the following plans: Auckland Unleashed the spatial plan for Auckland (the big picture if you like) Submissions close 31 May 2011 Auckland Draft Plan Submissions close August 2011 Formal discussions Nov-Dec 2011 Local Board Plan to be submitted before May 31 2011 If we do all these submissions, we prepare the way for submitting our Structure Plan to Auckland Council in June 2012.

Gary Morriss enquired when the rest of the grant would be received. Paula Crosswell responded that we will receive the second part of the LIDIG grant when we produce the concept brief and contact Hayden Easton. Andrew Sinclair asked about the role of Transport planning in our Structure Plan and how will it be included. Louise responded that the Local Board has its own Transport Officer, and by contacting the Local Board we will ensure that they are informed. Both John Duguid and Ross Moffatt stated that the new structure meant that relationships between planning and transport required rebuilding at council level. Jay Patel asked about how we are looking in terms of planning. Gary Morriss replied that in his opinion, the Auckland planners were impressed with how far we have come. They have given us their contact details, and provided us with a plan of steps to take to get us to the concept stage. They will also provide us with some models, and have suggested two community grassroots networks: Flaxroots (Community planning) and Transition Towns. Ross will get in touch with the founder of Flaxroots so that we can have a contact there and perhaps benefit from that associate They will also provide us with some examples of Rural residential models: Helensville. They consider a clear vision statement to be important in clarifying intent. Although they cannot commit to providing planning resources, their flexibility to offer us some when it is required depends on the recording of our intent through the submission process. 5. Local Board Meeting Louise Sinclair has spoken to Andy Baker who is keen to have an informal forum with the group. A tentative date was suggested: Tuesday 24 May 2011. This is an opportunity to give the Local Board an idea about what we have done and where we are headed. Anyone is welcome to attend, but please contact me by email: so that we can inform the local board on attendance numbers. A discussion was held on how to approach this opportunity and a meeting will be held after the Open Day on Wednesday 18 May at 7.00pm at Andrew & Louise Sinclairs house: 89 Baldhill Road, to discuss form and information. Paula Crosswell also mentioned that she has received an email regarding another community summit to be held on Wednesday 1 June at Mt Smart Stadium. She will try to attend. 6. Further Matters Andrew Sinclair would like to raise the agenda item of the work Paula Crosswell has done to get us this far. This matter will be raised at the next PVI meeting. Ross Wilcox kindly offered the use of the Patumahoe Community Church for meetings if required. Due to the difficulties in timetabling this provides us with another venue choice. eg. Matakana,

Meeting closed at 9pm

Patumahoe Village Incorporated Minutes 13 April 2011 Meeting Opened at 7:00pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Kurk Brady, Colin Berger, Inger Cuthbert , Vicki Lacy, Kay Carter, Andrew Sinclair, Gary Morriss Apologies: Suzanne Avison SUMMARY OF TOPICS DISCUSSED 1. Minutes of last meeting taken as read Previous minutes attendance amended. Remainder accepted: Moved (Paula Crosswell) Seconded (Vicki Lacy) 2. Treasurers Report: Taken as read. Payments to be made: Vicki Lacy to submit expenses for last street party Sign Max to be paid for three A0 maps $517.50. Paula Crosswell to be reimbursed for Vistaprint expenses for Open Day $81.79. Clarified that procedure will ensure Treasurer (Vicki Lacy) is the sole initiator for internet payment, as this cannot be set up on the account. Paula Crosswell & Kurk will only act as authorisation after payments have been set up. Moved (Gary Morris) Seconded (Andrew Sinclair) 3. Street Party and Open Day update Kurk Brady Kurk advised that Graeme Weck is unable to host Clive Howe /Mahoe Glade street party in time frame, and he will have to identify other hosts. Police constable is unable to come to open day but might be able to suggest a replacement. Kurk has contacted Barbara Cox who has made some suggestions for the Open Day which he is looking over. One suggestion is to lead people in with flags, or some visual line. Reported that Junior Rugby Clubrooms have been confirmed for the day, and that someone get in touch with the schools to inform them for their newsletters. Paula Crosswell to do this. Kurk asked to be excused from meeting at this point. 6. Working Parties review Environment & Nature: Held meeting today: Iris Tscharntke, Andrew Sinclair, Peter Hardy, David Puflett. Ideas for open day include: identifying animal tracks, offering information on bait stations and traps, guidelines for revegetation etc. Will include information on Whakaupoko Landcare; offer free trees. Will also be generating interest in draft priorities; walking/biking friendly tracks; outdoor gathering spaces, encouraging public access to bush areas. Will be approaching land owners about this aspect. Promoting project of revegetation and pest control, and want to ensure that we have more native bush within the village environs, and advertise clean up projects in the bush and around the creek. In terms of this project: Gary Morriss Secretary; David Puflett Chairperson; Mark Rolston Treasurer. A request was made to walk the E & N team through the website and how to load pages. A time will be set in the next week with Paula Crosswell.

First project: Clear and reveg Clive Howe Bush date set for May 29th. Publicise this also on Open Day. Another possible project: Clean up area opposite St Brides which has recently had trees felled. Paula suggested that we join the Transition Town organisation and will look into this for the group. Structural Plan: Colin has reviewed all the Street party submissions so far and produced a summary document which was read at the meeting. A copy will be posted on the site attached to these minutes. Multi-community centre: As yet no leader has been found for this group. Heritage: Kay reported that she has amassed a wealth of information on the theme of their research which is Changes in Business in Patumahoe c. 1920s present day. She has found it a very intensive but interesting exercise. Wayne has been researching Graeme Wecks business, and will be working with Graeme Weck on the history of the Fire Brigade. Open day will have photos, comments. We need to advertise that we would welcome community input, and arrange to have scanning equipment available for on-site scanning on the day. It was also suggested that due to the short timeframe on Sunday, the pinboards etc for displays be brought in on Saturday to reduce set up time. Need to coordinate with Vicki on this. Suggested that a possible activity could be: Plot the historical sites/buildings on a map with suitable prize and unbiased judge. Transport/Traffic: Already submitted report at last meeting.


Meeting with Auckland Planners on 6th May 2011 Reinforced message that this meeting needs to be pitched at obtaining planning resources for the second part of this process. Decided that a short review of the emergence of the group is required, with an overview of the consultation that has taken place already along with the idea of the open day. A newsletter promoting the open day to be produced that can be shown to them, and a follow up flyer to remind residents of the date. Paula to follow up newsletter, and to contact Matt regarding flyer. Andrew Sinclair suggested it was important to define a mission statement or tagline. Unable to produce ideas at meeting, any suggestions welcome. A quick meeting with those who are attending will be held before the day. Time and date to be advised.


Next Meeting Next meeting to be held on Monday 9th May 2011. Paula to check with Tennis Club to see if rooms are available before posting notice. Meeting closed at 9pm

Patumahoe Village Incorporated Minutes 14th March 2011 Meeting Opened at 7:00pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Kurk Brady, Iris Tscharntke, Wayne Carter, Peter Hardy, Suzanne Avison, Angela Smith, Kerri Hartley-Jones, Colin Berger, Ross Wilcox, Kay Carter, Bruce Carter. Apologies: Matt Earle, Glenn Hunter, Angela Smith, Peter Askew, Dave Puflett, Penny Wakelin, Andrew & Louise Sinclair, Vicki Lacy SUMMARY OF TOPICS DISCUSSED Item 1: Previous minutes: Moved (Paula Crosswell) Accepted (Suzanne Avison) Item 2: Treasurers Report: Moved (Suzanne Avison) Accepted (Iris Tscharntke) Item 3: Street Parties Overview Review of completed street Parties with official numbers as follows; Mareretu Avenue; 28 people Kingseat & Mauku Road; 30 People Mauku; 40 People Agreed that a presentation of preliminary findings bee delivered at Gala Day (10th April). Two more Street Parties to go: Woodhouse Road - Peter Hardy (27th March) Clive Howe Road Graeme Weck (Date T.B.A.). Item 4: Open Day Other surrounding events discussed including an Inorganic Rubbish Collection (Sat 2nd April T.B.C.) and Playcentre Open Day also on 10th April (Julie Brien). Event Organisation: Vicki Lacy Bouncy Castle, Smoke House Playcentre Stall Car Boot Sale Kerri Hartley-Jones Vicki Lacy Lollie Scramble Sports Clubs Promote Sports Kurk Brady Police Car / Constable Sausage Sizzle Council boards / Pin boards Separate stalls/tables suggested for each action group Item 5: Transport/Traffic Report Iris Tscharntke - Sponsorship application lodged with Holcim cement company for Hunter Road footpath (Project that was underway by group of parents from Patumahoe Primary). - Stage 3 (5 to 10 yrs) cycleway to Pukekohe - Louise Sinclair had submitted Mark Bracey report compiled by Cycle Action Network - Kerri Hartley-Jones feedback presented on speed zones between Mauku to Patumahoe. - Speeds in front of schools discussed including historical action addressing issues and lack of results. Item 5: Colin Berger Presentation Presentation of Colins personal vision document

Item 6: Kay Carter Historical Research Presentation - Interviews with oldest members of key families suggested, open Day, eras discussed - A heritage garden suggested for relocated Scout Hall - Designer to provide proposed site plan of relocated Scout Hall and context (Kurk Brady could provide this). - 2nd hand building report obtained giving permission for removal. - Consultation of sports groups required that use the proposed area Meeting closed at 9pm

Patumahoe Village Incorporated Minutes 7th February 2011

Prior to the meeting Trevor McMiken and Ben Petch (planning consultant involved in the Kingseat Road subdivision) undertook a site visit to the Kingseat Road development. At the site visit discussion took place regarding some community concerns over issues such as grading, views, neighbourhood parks, reserves and buffer zones. The main issues raised here surrounded the density of the houses and the views from up on the hill.

Meeting Opened at 7:00pm Present: Paula Crosswell, Vicki Lacy, Kurk Brady, Iris Tscharntke, Suzanne Avison, Louise Sinclair, Andrew Sinclair, Dave Puflett, Glenn Hunter, Bruce McMiken, Trevor McMiken, Gary Morris, Wayne Carter, Matt Earle, Kevan Thompson, Angela Smith, Peter Kraakman, Jay Patel Apologies: Stuart Searle, Ron Gordon


Item 1: Kingseat Road development proposal Ben Petch, a planner who is involved in the Kingseat Road development discussed issues and concerns which had been raised by the community. He outlined the following: Iwi Consultation - Iwi consultation is being undertaken at the moment. - Archaeologists looked over the site and there is no need for further archeological survey. Density Controls Discussion took place over some community concerns regarding the selling of properties and density controls in Patumahoe. Ben outlined that minimum lot size since the rural plan change is 800m, and anything smaller has to go through council. The sites at Kingseat range from 600m 1400m. These sites will have more density towards the town centre, and will be bigger at the rural side to maintain rural feel and character. The average size of a site at the development is 900m. Grading Ben stated that the Kingseat Road development will avoid grading if possible, but some will be required for the road and retaining walls. Where retaining walls are required landscaping will be used to reduce amenity and visual impacts. Design Elements Discussion took place on design elements, gateways, the central park and the commercial corner. It was noted that there is a need to balance the private and public aspects of individual plots with regards to restricting view from the buffer zone and walkway up the hill. The views from Patumahoe Hill were further discussed, and there were suggestions to raise the centre mound of the hill in order to increase views from the top.

Discussion then took place over street names and who decides them. Suggestions for street names were old Patumahoe family names or related to history in some way. A suggestion that an investigation into traditional Maori names for some of our local landmarks was forwarded. Submissions from members or community can be sent via Patumahoe Village Inc to be forwarded on to Auckland Council and the McMikens. Item 2: Minutes from Last meeting Paula Crosswell noted the minutes from the last meeting which included discussion on: the school carpark, the website, street parties, banner, advertising and planning resources. Item 3: Treasurers Report Vicki went over the treasurers report for December, which included stamp duty, setting up expenses for Paula (previous meetings etc). All approved prior to December. - Street party, $104 was spent for food and refreshments for the first street party that happened at the end of 2010. These refreshments were not all used so will be used for the next street parties. Item 4: Chairpersons Report Street Parties Discussion was successfully initiated at the first street party. - Neighbours met, 5 households were present, plus the Askews and four members of the Village Incorporated Society attended. Website This has been slow going with constant meetings being held. The website is now up and looking better but more work is still needed. - There a several different sections on the website which include local news, sports, and nature and environment. - One part of the site is a business directory. Payment is $100 for hosting business details on the site. These have to be local business or local resident. Non Profit groups and charities are free, e.g. book group - There is also notice boards and classifieds: 2nd hand goods are free, but cars and other items may be charged for. This will be moderated. - Moderator is Paula Crosswell at the moment. She has contacted sports club and sought approval to contact other activities of people in Franklin and Pukekohe. This was agreed upon at the meeting. Correspondence Penny Pirrit from the Auckland Council replied to Paulas planning resources letter and outlined that the council has a number of plans in the implementation phase, and are currently preparing a report of area spatial planning for March and April. This report will outline the approach to preparation of new towns and villages. John Duguid, the councils plan development manager is to get in contact with Paula and discuss potential ways forward. - Des Morrison is putting the group forward under the spatial plan, which means there may be resources allocated.

Committees - Sports and Recreation: Committee is needed and someone to liaise between the codes. Current population projections by council need to be challenged with statistics and backup. A breakdown of how many people use the sports grounds, how often, where they come from etc. This will make the Patumahoe catchment bigger, and will help identify the next 10-15 years sports wise and the needs of the general village area. Glen is to coordinate a questionnaire for the sports clubs. Traffic and Cycling: Walkway: Iris Tscharntke requested approval to apply for a grant for a footpath from the corner of Hunters Road to the village. This application was to Holsom, who sponsor half the cost of walkways. Approval and backing of group was sought and passed unanimously. Cycle Action Network: Going to committee and getting back to us. A committee was formed to address this area, Louise Sinclair, Iris Tscharntke and Suzanne Avison to organise. Nature and Environment: Committee to identify areas of environmental significance. Need people who are keen to join the group and identify these. Andrew Sinclair to talk to the Whakapouko Landcare Group to get indications of interest to form a working party/committee. Historic Buildings: Church (Scout and Guide Hall) currently located on Mareretu Road. Discussion was raised of the moving of the church. The church is to go on public land and will remain public. It has been given to community by scouts as long as they can sell site. Church can be used as an additional teaching room and could also have a room for local history. It was noted that Kay Carter wishes to address the group on this particular matter in the future. There is a need to identify historic information and record it and allow access. Angela to help and also noted that the classrooms at Patumahoe School are available for meetings and printing. LIDIG 2012 submission is limited but Hayden Weston has given the group an extension. - Deadline for group is July next year but waiting on Auckland Councils spatial plan. - Because of deadlines the village open day needs to be before the end of April (for concept brief and considerations) Other Items Street Parties Kurk Brady to take over the coordination of these street parties. Dates still need to be confirmed for two street parties but the following details are confirmed: Mauku: Angela Smith/ Peter and Ngari Kraakman 409 Union Road, Sunday 27th February Kingseat/Mauku Road: Karena Brady-Leathem (2363073) 23 Kingseat Road, 3-5pm Sun 27th Feb Mareretu Avenue: Lisa Rolston ( 7 Mareretu Avenue, Date & Time T.B.C. Woodhouse Road: Peter Hardy (0274586156) - Location, Date & Time T.B.C. Information from these street parties will be collated and filtered down to concept brief. Postbox

Vicki requested the use of a postbox which has a fee of $145. Approval was given for this. Open Day Discussion of dates for Open Day: Decided on Sunday 10th April 2011. Need more people to sign up to village group. The more members of group, the more funding we are likely to get. Meeting closed at 9pm

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