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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY From the INTERNATIONAL SEARCHING AUTHORITY WRITTEN OPINION OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEARCHING AUTHORITY (PCT Rule 43bie.1) Date of mailing (aymorniyer) 9306 2024 [Applicants or agents Hie werence on ENSE2020 See paragraph 2 below Temaonal aplication No. Toierinal ling dae (ayiontieary |] Poriy date (ayinonivear) PCT/c02020/000014 23.09.2020 Teatonal Pata Classification (IPG) or bth atonal casiiation and TPC E21B33/04 (2006.01) applicant SOLIMEK S.A.S. 1. This opinion contains indications relating to the following tems: Q 2. FURTHER ACTION Box No.1 Basis of the opinion Box Noll Pray Box No.1 Nomestablishment of opinion with regan to novelty, inventive step and industil applicability Box No.IV Lack of unity of invention DI oxo vy Resoned statement under Rule 4bi.1(3)() with regard to noel, oven step or instal applicability: cations and explanations supporting sich statement Box No. VI Contain documents cited Box No. VII Centaindefics inthe inematonal aplication Box No, VII Certain observations on he trations application fa demand for imational preliminary examination is made, this opinion sil be considered 10 be a writen opinion of th Ieroational Preliminary Examining Authority CIPEA) except tht this doesnot apply where the appicam chooses an Author be than this one tobe the TPEA and the chosen TPEA has notified the International Bureau under Rule 68.15) that writen opinions of this Iterations Searching Authory wil oc be so considered If this opinion is 2s provided above considered to be a writen opinion of the TPE. the applicant invite wo submit to the IPEA wlaen reply roger, where appropiate, with amendmen, before the expiration of 3 ms fom the dite of mallng of Form PCTHSA/200 carbone the expraton of 22 mont fom the ply de, whichever expires ater, For fuer option, see Form PCTIISA220 [Name and naling aes of he SATES acsimile No, Disc of complaion of is opaion Ruabored other Telephone No. Form PCTIISA/237 (cover shed) (Tanuary 2015), WRITTEN OPINION OF THE Tatemational application No, INTERNATIONAL SEARCHING AUTHORITY PCT/C02020/000014 Bor No.1 Basle of cis opinion 1 ‘With regard 1 the language, sis opinion hasbeen exablished onthe Bass of: the interatonal application inthe language in which i¢ was filed ‘atmaslton of the inteatonal application ino which isthe language of a ‘easton famised fo he purposes of lternaiona search (Rules 12) and 23.100. “This opinion has oon exis taking ino account the rectification of an obvious aistake autborzed by or mtd 0 this Avahorty under Rule 91 (le 43bi1()) ‘Wh regard 10 any wclotide andior amino acid sequence disloud In the iteatonal applicadon, this opinion fas been ‘established on the basis of sequence Using: forming part of he iotermationalapplcton as le: in the form of an Annex CIST.25tex fle om paper oi the frm af a image le, fumised together wit dhe international application under PCT Rule 13:1) forthe purposes of lternational search only in the for of an Annex CST25 tet fle, . fumished subsequent othe international ling date fr the purposes of International search ony: Inthe form of an Ames C/ST.25 tut fle (Rule 13er:1(0). 1m paper ori he form of an image fle (Rule 13er.1() apd Administrative Instructions, Setion 713), In akiton, i the case that more chan one version oF copy of a sequence ising as been fied or furnished, the required statements thatthe Information Inthe subsequen or addlonl copies bs lec to that forming pat ofthe application as filed or does mit Teyond the application as fled, ex appropiate, were furnished Adina comments: Foo PCTISA237 (Box No. 1) (January 2015) WRITTEN OPINION OF THE Tatemainal application No INTERNATIONAL SEARCHING AUTHORITY PCT/C02020/000014 oz NV Ressoned satemeat under Rae 4305 1@)0) wih Fea oma, Inventive sep Oneal app ‘ations and explanations suportingeuthsntement 1. Somme Nove (8) chins 1-23 ves Chins no Inventive sp (5) cims 1-23 ves chins No Indstilaplabily (A) Ching 4-23, ves Chins xo 2. Giadons and xpanatns DO1 US 4728296 A (STAMM BRADLEY C) 01/03/1988 Doz CO 2018009813U U1 (TORO PLATA JUAN SEBASTIAN) 22/10/2018 Document D01 relates to an electrical connector for connecting a cable that passes from one atmosphere to another atmosphere having a very different pressure. The cable is inserted via the mouth of an oil well. The connector includes a rigid housing having two sets of bearings that enable a relative rotational movement between the housing parts to allow the upper end of the housing to be threadedly connected to a power plug and to allow the lower end of the housing to rotate so as to axially compress a sealing body of the resilient material that is positioned between a pair of upper and lower retainers. According to figures 2 and 3, the main components of the connector are a housing 56, a sleeve 72, a pair of retainers 60 and 62 and a sealing body 64 located between Form PCTIISA237 (Box No. V) (January 2015) WRITTEN OPINION OF THE Tatemainal application No INTERNATIONAL SEARCHING AUTHORITY PCT/C02020/000014 BorNaV Reasoned under Rae 31a) with regard to novell, Inventive step oF Industrial app

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