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Nama : Bintang Yusma Dian Syahputra

NPM : 21620026
Prodi : S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Midtest Paragraph Writing

I. State the followings with S for sentence, F for fragment, and R for run-on sentence.
Revise F and R into correct sentences!

1. When hospital nurses change from a day shift to a night shift. = S

2. Upon arriving, he or she should immediately go to bed. = S

3. For they eat healthful diets = F

Correction : They look healthy for they eat healthy food.

4. Or they risk getting heart disease = F

Correction : They must sleep enough or they risk getting heart disease.

5. If you wish to live a longer life = F

Correction : Take good care of your health if you wish to live a longer life.

6. The college campus is located in the centre of the city it is very easy to get there by
public transportation = R
Correction : The college campus is located in the centre of the city. It is very easy to get there by
public transportation.

7. I want to study art my parents want me to study engineering = R

Correction : I want to study art, but my parents want me to study engineering.

8. Diet is one factor in how long people live, but it is not the only factor. = S

9. That computer engineering is a popular major. = S

10. Until I pay my tuition = F

Correction : I must save money a lot until I pay my tuition.

II. Change the following paragraph into a good one!

A robot is a mechanical device that can perform boring, dangerous, and difficult tasks.First of all,
robots can perform repetitive tasks without becoming tired or bored. They are used in automobile
factories to weld and paint. Robots can also function in hostile environments. They are useful for
exploring the ocean bottom as well as deep outer space. Finally,robots can perform tasks requiring
pinpoint accuracy in the operating room. Robotic equipment can assist the surgeon for instance. A
robot can kill a brain tumor it can operate on a fetus with great precision. The field of artificial
intelligence is giving robots a limited ability to think and to make decisions. However,robots cannot
think conceptually,robots cannot function independently. Humans have to program them. They are
useless. Therefore,humans should not worry that. Robots will take over the world-at least not yet.

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