Soal-Modifier Compress

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A. Read this dialogue carefully and find clauses from this dialogue!

Andy : Hi, may I sit here?

Windy : Yes of course.

Andy : By the way, I am Andy.

Windy : Owh, I am Windy. What are you doing here Andy?

Andy : I am waiting for my mom. The woman who are wearing red dress in there.

Windy : Is she shopping in this mall?

Andy : Yes. This is the shop where she wanted to go for shopping. How about you?

Windy : So do I, I am waiting for my mom too.

Andy : Really? So we have the same reason why sitting here.

Windy : Yaph. Are you a student?

Andy : Yes I am a student of English Department in University of Lampung. What about you?

Windy : I also a student of English Department too, but in another University and next year I hope
I can graduate.

Andy : Nice. What’s your plan after graduate from that University?

Windy : Looking for a job and I aim to be a teacher in a high quality school. What about you? Will
you graduate next year too?

Andy : Yes, I hope so. But I don’t know, I haven’t created my plan yet.

Windy : It should be planned from now. Where do you live Andy?

Andy : I live on Jl Sudirman 05. It’s near from this mall. My house is the one which was painted
green. May I know your home too?

Windy : Unfortunately, I live so far from your home. My home is located on Jl Teuku Umar Street

Andy : Good, that’s an elite living place, right?

Windy : Yaph, many people whose house near our house said that, but I don’t think so. Andy, my
mother has send me a message and I have to pick her up.
Andy : Really? Yes no problem.

Windy : Ok, nice to see you Andy.

Andy : Nice to see you

A. List the sentences which clauses!

B. Translate these sentences into Indonesian!

1) The book which I had not read fell on my head. (modifying book)
2) The person who made the mess needs to clean it. (modifying person)
3) People whose cats shed need to vacuum often. (modifying people)
4) This is the house where Jack lived. (modifying house)

C. Complete these sentences by using Noun Modifier (Which, Who, Whose, Where)

1. The house, _______ is painted pink, has just been sold.

2. I stopped in Dallas, _______ my sister lives.
3. The doctor ______ performed the operation was very kind.
4. She knew the family ______ house we bought
5. We knew the actress ______ starred in the movie
6. She would often bring home table scraps from the restaurant ______ she worked to feed
to her dog.
7. The classrooms, ______ were painted over the summer, are bright and cheerful.
8. The teachers gave awards to all paintings ________ showed originality.

D. Complete this dialogue by using Noun Modifier (Which, Who, Whose, Where)

1. Gia : Who does have this cloth?

Fia : The woman _____ are wearing sunglasses.

2. Tania : The man ______ motorcycle is Harley-Davison, had an accident yesterday.

Farah : Really? I’m sorry to hear that.

3. Matt : The Hotel ______ we stayed last month, was sold to a foreign businessman
Gina : Oh, we can’t stay there for our next trip on December. It must be more expensive
than before.

4. Ryan : Henni, did you see the Green Ball ______ were put on the corner before?

Henni: No, i didn’t. I just came.

5. Tiara : Ricky, the guy ______ are presenting the slideshow is my Brother.

Ricky: Oh, he must be a hard-worker to finish that awesome Power Point Slideshow.

Key Answer:

Andy : Hi, may I sit here?

Windy : Yes of course.

Andy : By the way, I am Andy.

Windy : Owh, I am Windy. What are you doing here Andy?

Andy : I am waiting for my mom. The woman who is wearing red dress in there.

Windy : Is she shopping in this mall?

Andy : Yes. This is the shop where she wanted to go for shopping. How about you?

Windy : So do I, I am waiting for my mom too.

Andy : Really? So we have the same reason why sitting here.

Windy : Yaph. Are you a student?

Andy : Yes I am a student of English Department in University of Lampung. What about you?

Windy : I also a student of English Department too, but in another University and next year I hope
I can graduate.

Andy : Nice. What’s your plan after graduate from that University?

Windy : Looking for a job and I aim to be a teacher in a high quality school. What about you? Will
you graduate next year too?
Andy : Yes, I hope so. But I don’t know, I haven’t created my plan yet.

Windy : It should be planned from now. Where do you live Andy?

Andy : I live on Jl Sudirman 05. It’s near from this mall. My house is the one which was painted
green. May I know your home too?

Windy : Unfortunately, I live so far from your home. My home is located on Jl Teuku Umar Street

Andy : Good, that’s an elite living place, right?

Windy : Yaph, many people whose house near our house said that, but I don’t think so. Andy,
my mother has send me a message and I have to pick her up.

Andy : Really? Yes no problem.

Windy : Ok, nice to see you Andy.

Andy : Nice to see you

B. Translate these sentences into Indonesian!

1. Buku yang belum saya baca itu terjatuh di kepala saya

2. Orang yang sudah membuat berantakan harus membereskannya.
3. Orang yang memiliki kucing berbulu lebat harus sering membersihkannya.
4. Inilah rumah dimana Jack tinggal.

C. Complete these sentences by using Noun Modifier (Which, Who, Whose, Where)

1. The house, WHICH is painted pink, has just been sold.

2. I stopped in Dallas, WHERE my sister lives.
3. The doctor WHO performed the operation was very kind.
4. She knew the family WHOSE house we bought
5. We knew the actress WHO starred in the movie
6. She would often bring home table scraps from the restaurant WHERE she worked to feed
to her dog.
7. The classrooms, WHICH were painted over the summer, are bright and cheerful.
8. The teachers gave awards to all paintings WHICH showed originality.

D. Complete this dialogue by using Noun Modifier (Which, Who, Whose, Where)
1. Who

2. Whose

3. Where

4. Which

5. Who

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