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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY PCT INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT (PCT Article 18 and Rules 43 and 44) “Applicant's or agent’ file reference FOR FURTHER see Form PCTASA/220 OP160744 ACTION as well as, where applicable, item $ below. Intemational application No. Intemational filing date dayvmonthisear) — | (Bafliest Priority Date (dayvinontt/vear) PCT/CN2016/099852 23 September 2016 24 September 2015 pean INNOLIFE CO.,LTD. “This international search report has been prepared by this Intemational Searching Authority and is transmitted to the applicant according ‘o Arde 18. A copy is being transmited to the Intemational Bureau This international search report consists ofa total of _7-_ sheets Itis also accompanied by a copy of each prior art document cited inthis report. 1. Basis of the report rch was carried out on the basis of: With regard tothe language, the interational [7] the intemational application in the anguage in which it was file, 4 translation of the international application into Which is the language of a ‘translation furnished forthe purposes of intemational search (Rules 12.3(4) and 23.1(0)) ». [) tisinvemational search report has been established taking into account the rectifleation of an obvious mistake authorized by or notified to this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 43,6bis(a). [J With regard to any nucteotide and/or amino acid sequence disclosed inthe international application, see Box No. L 2 [Z] Certain caims were found unsearchable (see Box No. I). 3B Unity of invention fs lacking (see Box No. ID. 4. With regard tothe tide, 7] the text is approved as submitted by the applicant, the text has been established by this Authority to ead as follows: S. With regard to the abstract, the text is approved as submitted by the applicant, 7] tne text has been established, acconding to Rule 38. within one month from the date of mailing ofthis inte by this Authority as it appears in Box No IV. Tae applicant may, tional search report, submit comments to this Authority. 6. With regard to the drawings, the figure of the drawings to be published with the abstract is Figure No. _1 [7] as suggested by the applicant as selected by this Authority, because the applicant failed to sugges a figure, as selected by this Authority, hecause this figure better characterizes the invention, b, 7 none ofthe figures is to be published with the abstract. Fon PCT/ISA/210 (first sheet) July 2009) INTE] NATIONAL EARCH REPORT. Intemational application No, PCT/CN2016/099852 Box No.I Nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence(s) (Continuation of item Le ofthe first sheet) 1. With regard 1 any nucleoside andlor amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application, the international search was carried out on the basis of a sequence listing filed or furnish a (means) on paper 7] in electron form b. Gime) 7] in the international application as fled ther with te international application in eleetronie form subsequently 1 this Authority for the purposes of search In ation, inthe ease that more than one version or copy of a sequence listing has been filed or Furnished, the required statements thatthe information in the subsequent or additional copes is identical to that inthe application as filed or does ‘ot go beyond the application a filed as appropriate, were furnished. 3. Additional comments: Fon PCT/ISA/210 (Continuation of Fist sheet) Quly 2009) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Intemational application No, PCT/CN2016/099852 Box No. II Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet) This internationa search report has not been established in respect of ce tain claims under Article 17(2\a) forthe following rea 1. [J ctaims Nos: 1-24, 33-35 because they relate to subject matter not required 0 be searched by this Authority, namely [1]. The subject matter of elaims 1-24 and 33-35 relates to a method of treatment of the human or animal body by therapy and therefore does not warrant an international search according to the set ‘out in Rule 39. 1(iv). Thus, the search is based on the subject matter that could reasonably be expected to be claimed later in the procedure, and the corresponding claims, namely use of a composition comprising a copper chelating tewramine in the manufacturing of a medicament for repairing and regenerating ischemie tissue Claims Nos. because they relate to parts ofthe intemational application that do not comply withthe prescribed requirements to such an extent that no meaningful interational search can be carried out, specifically B Claims Nos. because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4). Fon PCT/ISA/210 (Continuation of Fist sheet) Quly 2009) INTE] NATIONAL EARCH REPORT. Intemational application No, PCT/CN2016/099852 Box No.IV Text of the abstract (Continuation of item 5 ofthe first sheet) Methods of ischemic tissue repair and regeneration thrnigh promoting tissue redistribution and reuse of capper by administering ‘composition comprising a copper chelating etramine, such as trientine. Methods ancl compositions for increasing intracellular copper lever anor inducing repair of an ischemic tissue in an individual. Increased copper level in an ischemic tissue may promexe copperdependent HII transcriptional activities and tissue repair Fon PCT/ISA/210 (Continuation of Fist sheet) Quly 2009) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Inemnational application No, PCTICN2016/099852 ‘A. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER AGIK 31/132200601is A6IK 31/1312006.01)i; A6LP 9/10200601) Acconding to Intemational Patent Classification ({PC) orto both national classification nel PC B. FIELDS SEARCHED Minimom documentation searched (chssifiation system followed by classification symbols) AGIK, AGIP. ‘Decumentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that sich documents are ineluded in the fiekis searched Electron data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) (CNABS:DWPLSIPOABS: VEN:CNTXT:EPTXT-USTXT:WOTXT:CNKLSTNatrientine, syprine, uiethylenetetramine. copper chelating tetramine, ischemia, ischemic, Cu, copper, hypoxiseinducible factor, HIF DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT Category® Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, ofthe relevant passages Relevant to chim No. X___ | ZHANG, Lin etal. “Protection ofthe heart by treatment witha divalent-copperselective 2 ‘chelator reveals a novel mechaniso underlying cardiomyopathy in diabetic ras™ Cardiovascular Diabetology. Vol. 12, 31 December 2013 (2013-12-31), age 123 Y | ZHANG, Lin etal. “Protection ofthe heart by treatment with a divalent-copperselective ‘chelator reveals a novel mechaniso underlying cardiomyopathy in diabetic ras”™ Cardiovascular Diaberology, Vol, 12, 311 December 2013 (2013-12-31), page 123 28 Y | SHAO, Tongxian etal. “Change and influence of content of zine and copper in acute 1-24, 20-38 myocardial ischemic’ Journal of Luoxang Medical College, Vol. 18, No. 01,31 Mare ISSN: 1672-688X, pages 15-17 A | WO 2004017957 Al (PROTEMIX CORPORATION LIMITED) 04 March 2004 (2004-03-04) 1-38 see claims 5 and 10 2000 (2000-03-31), [7] Further documents are listed inthe continvation of Box C. [7] See patent family annex. Special tape of Sted ovat “Ta deus pad ter he xeatoal ing dae oper “AY document defining the general sate ofthe an which i otconsidered _ Seam notinconflit wih the application Bu ted fo understand the tobe pra seence eco ee ees Oo eee a {afi pplication or patent bt published on or atthe international “*” Sree nolo ann comida mule avenue Sep ing de ‘thn he dosent etken sone docrent which ay ow dubs on piety cl) oe wih 8 ay rues pti eee: de died nveton cana ‘Seo al the publtion de tater catonorther“Y” eeu advo sat lncave spa the dose. Spec caso fas pected) corned with on or mote her ie cues, ch contaon 50° hen fering oan rll, ae, exibition or ather ng obvios taper le nt name Secunia a douent publish pir ote iteration ihe pr dated date but er than Dae ofthe actual completion of te international search ‘Date of mailing of the international search report 22 December 2016 28 December 2016 ‘Name and maling address of the ISA/CN ‘Ruthorized officer STATE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF THE P.R.CHINA 6, Xitucheng Re. Jimen Bridge, Haidian District, Beijing JIANG.Wei 100088, China’ Facsimile No. (86-10)62019451 Tel 86-10)62088437 Fon PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) Gul INTE] NATIONAL EARCH REPORT. Intemational application No, PCT/CN2016/099852 Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, ofthe relevant passages Relevant to elim No, ‘A | CN 103467577 A (WEST CHINA HOSPITAL SICHUAN UNIVERSITY) 25 December 2013 (013: see clan 1 A | US 2014171508 Al (HEALTHPARTNERS RESEARCH FOUNDATION} 19 June 2014 (2014-06-19) see description, para ps [0019] and 0021] Fon PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) Guly 2008) INT NATIONAL ‘ARCH REPORT Information on patent family members Intemational application No, PCT/CN2016/099852 acme | RMA, | retinitis Foun PCT/ISA/3I0 (patent Family annex) Guly 2008)

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