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Servlets ee Serves, hecho ace tcl ea ra a appl calinn hat Sapicles “Gl eure sare eal See . awe F Ie web TF Keb Applicatiny i an applicabai, tat iy accenible —A wel, app cabin, ws Compote ce webs aes bee Seavlee Fp Sawer tide Hom ele ao P Clienk- Sickle ear p Sewe- Side Tava (oR) Sewlel : —> Sewlet # % ea cca s tr Server Sickle irae moda disk Runs Srila Tava enabled device the Reguaslr obtenel fa Saas prbecel » bul oe D> WW & © Tava web cenver and —> sewlee ax ret at ee pyc chienk Sever used with HTTP. Sy do eee ee setel” Com: — Sewlee Ime Web Seaver eae “ihe wal We ichent Sen i ” 3 ;z ov feeb Seuvet Sn Leaprets ar Sd tus eee woilke, the = devine ey Ihc Server ane joa rope ofp» —> Since gkyVick hunt thee J) oe even older veitior en as ; nu of (tha Con tripe wiet in oe ol SNer (; lore . = an (Wa apo thal Rug On o WebCerver OL ot chs, save and geek come riddl. layer bw a Angus 4 prom + eb biderer oro (anmeatae. then and doe oA ap plicabiens on the Amp Seve, pee penal acess Neceea|— oe el — oi Jealiry a Crag Cee Ag Oe beoken (End veer) ( Gesvlela/TSp ) Ss peb ae ere: Leavlel Can Le chet cureettamuineran= me endenp Calla ee acs 4 a | moe sO ptechnole. oy tae poe appicotnn intesjocedet claws eee =O” ApL that provieles rear traplemerted te cesaboy one - Servlet 04) hae that musk oe Sewwlee B a lan tee extercl the copies eral Auperd jae erat Ragusil- a j component gop ee sifiaf on (re suv be Crook Cee web poge Advantegs! of comlelr OMe Applet: prereieG: alia Ae me & grea Srople Ham coote Le eneented Leaployd wome pores covrectty, even ha Ne bros fe? No Browtet al oe iciigergte AUS! olda ver F ple ence Comes clients brouser j 4 ave fs i Ii Seve phere Ap browser ncompatdbily - Sewlels sf copguted prope Patel en ca te s|s Setooeeae iden eee pa ieel, Fcc such ar ater tle wt than applele- es Cellet eM i | en > Seek A ernatives: 4. cae 2 te Mette Comore Sesver—eicle Soluboru , is % seipkg technology - cgi opp ln fe an indepen danke Pr? Hrok Recelves Rag uals frm Hic Wwebiceeet eens it back be Wa Web Server robbins: — a nee proces by Ceraked Cre bee Ie web sever Riceives o cg Aagprerl- voli, Reeulle Vie diley Aespoe Hymne - Ceuvent neem out of ele 4 not congue Pape — ¢q2 opp ay eis) ora = most oF Mri VE ote platfetm = ndspen clare: — AlHuagh pul ir] platfosm -—independink S33 ber pooegud tenk preeeing rea > Ft cae Rag uate ik Agus a nee indeaprele Jo be steocted wobich woke cee moyenos Ratperse tire Lo a 3 — & a eqs Lh te a Compl separate pres Fi le ld a ; Non We tL femminala@ abnesmaltg bye Seaport? & Web Sever hor no ail cb hoapp tHute Apis Ob Web fever — robles: ventions de Proprietary sever Ailes PPG OT ang gle Choos Ex Nebtcoper NS ApL tae compatible gcse eee a 3 O'Rei thy ws apt pe ce developed a ele+t orl 5 hen wr tenth mremetiy Leakey 7a Coke c iteecon erst ilo Seavets howe (EEE Suppose pe Seaver- de ung. Probl — Ne joo terver that ees spechnolegy 2 ’ Miceorpt’ Grteenee Drfosmabin Seve (oan | succes a Sele Stinng ie + (en) Advantapes . Exapk TH, cbmc ean Compelt wills Servlel eee Advanlsyer ate Bs) Efficient — When a Sele galt Doadedf tm lke seevee aL Remains sn We Seeverl memoty of & Single objuk ‘irdance. Each new Aural iis ella, aiheneeel F a tie id Java thread Apasoned tm Itz Semwlet — Caches Me previout Compucbaticn g Kup He |b connectirna en a) PeristenE — Sewlee ¢2, marta, I Semen by bong Whe Sim teal pt Cookies mechan thal helps ts track oe wast te Request te, Ingo ton De Seved a peustene Storepe & ean be Lebtieved fom it whe Ie Ceaviet ts loaded nenl time: 3) Potlebl — Sewlels twte Once Run Amy tehare (Hora) Pr es N ar wilten in Java. 4) Rebwt — Sewtele o> we It entite Tok — provide oda Jolene beta ate See exeep hon handlig Gasbeye Collection to handle ™ Leake » Std chew Lt. pol nf a pe Support , AlL accem + ditibuled objet Componenti: Don Support » secuily » ELL poceayes ik. 5) Extentible — Cewlet Can make use of Jove oljet atientatery fetes sip fnheitanc. — oot entendable ¢ Bec a . “tubdleau thelr feos of Super dau 4 addition feoliau & methods Can be adlolesl. 6) Seome — Seles Sun br o Tava - enabled wy eh, fewer -tbah oj Uy Can we secusily mrechaniime from beik he Wyde tever § Wa Java Cocuailiy Mansper (asm). a» Cosh The Condatner Web Container (ory Serle Con | Servlet Gontaines Sup eaiteh ar a Seavlel vabhiny Lute a Websawver 5) When Ui Contein Aeceiver a Raguut frm % client end dletermones Hat (Re Regul (neil hail “Tyee then Ike Container perfec ae follersing shee Step A: The Combacres chetla J an Pulancop ath taupe Semlet- exnulz or vot: dees wok ent { Feast Request), Me aa hp: Finds one deeds feels = = & Aafaalt » Ne Savile u vel hoadesl Unb Ihe b keguak & Secvel gu-Ft — Bifore a Sulee Le tnvoked » Naz Seaulee Contam ras gtesk fool th Chew depriileny - Peles loolas ate Rupersible do Lood Nhe Seevlee chet ely ao etal whee pat Sagas Wz bleb Cerbainer- fs Colle a4 A Con te) The Serle ke Ihe Geuwlee is K— bh ! -—o a Shale ats Regul te Came Seevlet Gewlel Coteirer. frutence Steps: Calla te tik) meted 0m Tet reed to imitalze ee dhe Seertel tritences Nz web a ar Creoty liz init) method Wa web Conterner Cals is Soviet before Ue pot regustt au an wales — Senuletss bys oye ie hete. Tous LU be Called Onl Bnte by Containet » cee inibiobize We Ia web teolained Be tatt) meted bl frepleity » jest opts RH intdenhala and loos the fewlee Fo Ie ful Aeguetle din to wile liz Pepe ety melkod 5 his ew yao P| purtlent Conpagunation cee) Ait ts tuna Mie. oP Pidizag onl = peyoe@ ony olige, eos ackwi Beery is We Ca meted of avert Seales See Inleyore Ink (SenleeOrtig) totolape: oid ae ee puble id init ( Selek Config config step B: a ek Seavlel Geatcec.) methed by pauing « type objext and SeevleeResporve 4 pe obgjedt: : A-lood Senlet clay 2. 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Servlet - Cewlee intertose = inspek Ue. gekSerulek Config) & a Geel inOmeae Properties 4 ao Gewlel ab ae whab contocy Aalaun Gente Copy a a 2 g Ce tip alge Ruban a Shane sie ae : Ie Sele Auch 4 Semler Aachitedae: Serle architects los emcee tC bes te shee pa | s packages Jovan: servlet -ltlp Jovan. Servlet | Canjeins tep-tevel toteyoms & | = ? ‘4 ‘ae proweled Jor Cesyleli Chaues thak ote used berrcesd can ee by au savlele Ragusa — Joven: Seulet Seavlet- — tc Ikke top-level tatedoce Haak previcles MWe ratte penctien als lw of alt liz Seavlete Heat ou cteated by ingle eae this interspace clinch or indict Javart- Scevlet- Gervlee Javan: Servlet - Seay = chest O) Gh © Be as fT Faget exh Grit Paxamelix C) get tit Pesarcteathorl) O Sewlee Indo) sll ) tse > Semce) or? — Generic Servlet chou : gee ee Servlet GeneicSemlele claw imaple mente indepace and Seatet Contig fnteyace clay defines ieee probecat - indepen be used to pretle Servlet tmplorantaten Bc oor Semvlet qe exic Corwlel Sewlee ie, ft Can of oo probed gua), gon, SND prp and SMTP ean provides Tmplementatens of We ee melas nit CO) Ceviceed) ener) and a wall os melkeds in Servlet Config inh etceee pubic ord rok (Seek Conti Config) Proves GeustbEncephien = yj cal esiee ( SeevlelPayt Lee Seev|etRuspere Suspense) HW ecas! Saute Enception » Lo Coupkor vid duibeey Requst _y GerwletRepunl pbyerl: hee oy ‘va us. to enliod ing We op ; r y¥ te be denk a HHpSeviee tou: Jet hetp. HHpSerwlet clau enlends GerecieSendet chu mework | handling wrTp Rag eile” ae wank & handle ce mop Raguuile oe ee at he ee Seu a tl prev Nere, Sele” Hat crealed by extends oa Att Senulet proviclas an a Hp sesulet: chats: leery fer the Semin) melted lemental hes liz mntlked ae land | nd fovekes = ay fa Saguak Cpecipe matted based om = “ead * degeo Jeaite ofc) tes, Se, ne ned & 7! ervtenclory Atipsewtet oss Ape aaa 3 pease sda Web Browser Webseaver TRACE ydoltacet) Options >daOphout) | fy: Wupseatee in delien Ne oc Geatet ot “Teg Bimulbeneous dealt : Note: Cbwvlelz Cerabid ty e muulkiple tohiel, ere wr ce bande age Cee te fe each Reguart i enice() relied ae £ - : be Timyt ddd Seaver * i 5 7 Conpiqusable. uu, Cle TORS SH fn pot compel coma ft fom apede. gl demons Ct oe sail ap (en) oaipe ban file + Sewbau tt step by en ate: foid= = = Shep Shast Ite post teen and Se Bene Shales Suceenfetinn pen oth btorwee and type eu ee mone RooT- WeEB-INF ie Web -%xmt — Root gg lle Fomeal installatier directory by PTEMCAT-HEME te, Ct | pro. tamfils | apache-horntat—6°0 6 Represents SO haeclany fn ¢: delve Aepsers wlio (ey ct fopache- tomtak 60°16 —> Some ‘mapottente [beg domeal fitecterig Uncle fromcaT- Hore au: conch of & 1 Shukdown & villa Seip do chek iia Iz Sesver DebSeau ay tomcat 6 trttetteel 1) bin — For windas, + bat files Gor Uninf Mnwn , ** ssh pile ) Consists 4 a wet fla " scale pie ed « Tutet ¢ : or] fa plu tok ou ended for fewer be tiie. oe Wwe Can place Cutbom Jo file fo Was cbse claiy Se ee ce find Ham of Mntinw By Waka canlnts Nah append age tan Cust Ot fe dine lig (0m ope) unde — bebapps Rocr —ty Naz diets Gontens he jolt wn I val f° ear re] Weganf — nse ite, Cordes Wie beat (Aagmaallt wont ey century the dager pe Fe in me unda webapps dice claty tassel toek, application woluth oteemed ek epplicater and beeen mh yo = Sub—disaten clase] — fr samy, 1 etemany Avo Sub-dits mr = be Te Abes: _— Fo pe Locbemel fa 4 Ke boeh oppiin ap duscarplon ple tat aus Mh hth, applitaben Mc, Ragk chewed Wo Vernet fe Lenn oy OO es : ie ae Sewlee t cliplag ea : ele cent tS NY 4) & Sima Ihe Seavlek indeyace 2) Ry tnheet, Vk Generic Seeviee cleus >» By Begs We Hee Seles 8 an Hrne clocwrunt- JE 4 objet — dhe output et eipel) mettiad of Sigore either — SerletResporse YHpSeevlek Clow det by cute bent) hem! es tent] plein Tip Selb Reporte opplientien | pas ier is images) jp ) melted! pitatcin] mtrwotel cating getblalest) fine rhea —> Pintlisilée object ts obtained by fs used to tenol cata te Ihe client Gnapork Jove bors Ure jevex Sesvlek - 5 a claw Samples exdlet entencls Gentes public void Gemice (Servlet Regusst agit elie Servleb Exception , Loexcep ton rie) throws 1 reer selContent Type (“tent | het Sys Print lial ouk = response. gotloalen; cut-printin(" Fat ceulet ’ ouk-println( "), Bs, out printdn (" Helle toate (1 <1h1>")5 ouk-printtn("< Ned Senet > out -cloeC); _ydocer Ike paintliul& object closes 7 5 Nore: eut.clesec) Is wot manslalsig, ay Whe Web tonlained prnthiil objet automatically. tte. dient Spe clipes whee be put Wea £ web Combaine at ha ing PS Lupend b uz Chere Gromcar tome 4 -\peag onl the bens 60 “~_t a) are 22 gamle I dundany webapps us. web appiccton : i. Sample | pWea- MF i Wweb amt onenret Claues Bei Gsst so Seulet TTR Cachan ser fe = one. of =e 5 = SampleSeoeh joer ort java-tor % 5 van Sewlek 3 tmpert Se 4 “fon taste = bilp Se tie ceene ee anipservlee wast Maquenst bbpSesulek Reapers 4 public void dager (s4hp sens heg Auaporve) throws Seavteberceptor = a Aas e. set Contertiype ("tent hee); Punk our + vaperte pwtet)s out pint tn (* hima > Aelle "); — to = Jo Compile lta Setolek pa oppreprak jar fie # Aepured to be Leaded. 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