Imran Khan

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''Who is my favorite hero and why I admire him''

People who have done some numerous acts throughout history are called heroes. Heroes are not the one who
becomes a false hero just for show off. They act to be a hero. The real heroes are the people who don’t care
for their life they only focus on their AIM. Their aim is the most important thing in their life. He is selfless and
cares deeply about others and can give everything for other people. He should have a compassionate heart.
.Usually we called those people hero who had done some acts that a normal person can't do

Everyone has a hero or sometimes we can call role models. My hero is Imran khan. He is a man who wears
many hats he is a former cricketer a philanthropist and the current prime minister of Pakistan however what I
admire most about Imran khan is his dedication to the betterment of Pakistan and his unwavering
commitment to his principles

As a cricketer Imran khan was one of the successful and celebrated athletes in the world he captained the
Pakistani cricket team to victory in the 1992 world cup achieved before he was also a fierce advocate for the
game of cricket and used his platform to promote the sport and inspire young people around the world
however Imran khans achievements as a cricketer are just a small part of the story after retiring from cricket,
he turned his attention to philanthropy and politics where he has made an even greater impact

Imran khan founded the shoukat khanum memorial cancer hospital and research Centre in memory of his
mother who died of cancer the hospital provides free cancer treatment to patents who can't afford it and has
saved countless lives since its inceptions Imran khan's commitment to healthcare extends beyond shoukat
khanum hospital as he has also spearheaded initiatives to provide free healthcare to the underprivileged and
to improve the quality of health care service in Pakistan he also issued health cards and the most important
thing he had done is that at first people use bad words against our Holy Prophet (saw) and there was nothing
said to them but he (Imran khan) had announced that if a person will be arrogant in the honor of Holy prophet
.(saw) he would surely be arrested

In addition to his philanthropic work, Imran khan is also renowned politician He founded the Pakistan Tehreek
e Insaaf (PTI) political party in 1996, with the aim of creating a transparent and accountable government in
Pakistan. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks over the years, Imran khan never wavered from his
commitment to his principles. In 2018, after years of campaigning, Imran khan led the PTI to a historic victory
in Pakistan general election, becoming the prime minister of Pakistan. What I admire most of Imran khan is his
dedication to his principles he has always been a vocal opponent of corruption and has made it his mission to
create a transparent and accountable government in Pakistan he has initiated various projects aimed at
improving the quality of life for the citizens of Pakistan, such as the construction of new schools and hospitals,
and the provision of drinking water. Imran khan leadership skills are also impressive. He has successfully led his
political party from being a small opposition party to becoming the ruling party in Pakistan. His ability to
.inspire and motivate people is truly remarkable

I admire him because of his commitment, leadership skills and philanthropist work. His pure intention and
honest personality are the big reasons behind his success in every field of life. he also ad injured his leg but he
:said that
"Allah the almighty had given me another life to deify thieves "


He is a living example of what can be accomplished through hard work, dedication, and a steadfast
commitment to one's beliefs. He has never compromised on his principles, even when it has cost him
personally and politically. As a leader he has shown remarkable wisdom and foresight in tackling some of
Pakistan's most pressing challenges, and his vision for a better more equitable society is one that resonates
with millions of people around the world. Imran khan's leadership style, characterized by honesty, integrity,
and a strong sense of purpose, is an inspiration to all who aspire to make positive difference in the world. His
vision for Pakistan, as a prosperous and democratic nation that is respected on the world stage, is one that we
.can all support and work towards

I am proud to admire Imran khan and his leaderships, and I hope that others will be inspired by his example
.and works toward creating a better world for all

Daim Abbas


Lahore grammar school (LGS)

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