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The Water Dragon’s Treasure

One day, in the School of Thorns and Roses, Oliver and Robert were
assigned a quest to find the sunken treasure of the Endurance III. This
shipwreck is guarded by a bulky Water Dragon in the depths of the sea.
Oliver and Robert had registered for the school because they heard that it
not only provides good education, but also a dragon-hunting experience!
When they were both accepted into the schools, they were extremely
happy. Oliver and Robert had been waiting for their redemption quest, and
were nervous but gleeful to receive one very soon. The pair had been
practicing at the Zero Gravity Gym (ZGG) to improve their physical skills
and power. Even though they still were not that confident in themselves,
they accepted the quest anyways. Before starting the quest, they needed to
find a third person to accompany them. The third person could support
them physically, mentally, and socially.

Soon, they were on their way to find someone. In front of Robert and
Oliver was a village. When they approached the village, someone knocked
the pair out of their consciousness. When Oliver and Robert awoke, a girl
was apologizing to them. She thought they were burglars due to their
weapons from their belts and therefore hit them with a pan. She introduced
herself as Shasta, and Oliver and Robert introduced themselves as well.
The duo also described their situation right now, and asked if she could
help them in their adventure. Shasta agreed and told them that the whole
village here are witches and wizards. She then provided them with some
potions of underwater-breathing for the quest. Robert also asked if she
would join their small team. Shasta hesitated, but finally agreed. Suddenly,
a loud cackling sound came from behind them. They spun around, seeing
nothing that could have caused the laugh. They didn’t bother to check
outside because they thought it was their ears playing tricks on them. This
was a huge mistake.

When they reached the murky deep dark waters, they drank their
underwater-breathing potions to help them breathe. Before jumping into the
ocean, Shasta confessed that she had thalassophobia. Thalassophobia is
the fear of deep waters in large bodies of water. Shasta tried to back them
down from this quest, but Oliver and Robert were convinced to do this
quest. Hesitantly, Shasta put her head under the water and tried to conquer
her fears.

Once submerged, Shasta felt like there was a huge monster in the
waters, lurking around, getting ready to feast on her. She yelped at the
thought and tried to calm down. Oliver and Robert were saying that there
was nothing to be afraid of, and that everything would be fine. When
Shasta got calmer, the trio examined their surroundings. The team saw lots
of obstacles, some being clingy seaweed, and some being ferocious
octopus. The trio decided to talk about their plan first before charging.

“We must first get rid of the obstacles,” said Shasta, “or else they will
slow us down when we surface with the chest”
“We have to take another route, clear of animals and seaweed,” said

“Just charge!” yelled Oliver.

“NO!” Shasta and Robert simultaneously yelled.

Too late. Oliver was swimming towards the Endurance III at top
speed, knocking away the seaweed and animals in his path. The Water
Dragon suddenly emerged out of nowhere and opened its mouth, eating
Oliver in one gulp. Shasta and Robert tried to chase after the dragon, but
were too slow. The pair swam and swam until they reached the sunken
Endurance III. The Water Dragon noticed them and let out a furious roar,
as if he was annoyed at getting disturbed many times. Shasta and Robert
didn’t hold back. Robert unsheathed his sword and lunged at the dragon
while Shasta threw harming potions at the dragon. The dragon, however,
seemed to be only affected a little.

“These sacrifices are puny!” mocked the dragon.

The dragon picked up Robert and fung him across to the shipwreck’s
mast. Robert screamed out in pain and slumped to the floor. Shasta was
not only shocked at the dragon talking, but when he said that they were

“WE ARE NOT SACRIFICES!” yelled Shasta in rage, “WE ARE

The dragon made a loud sound that sounded like laughing.

“Didn’t the principal tell you?” said the dragon, “You are being
sacrificed to me!”

Shasta looked at the dragon in shock. No way this is true, she


“He is sacrificing students to me so I won't attack him!” continued the

dragon, “He’s covering it up by calling it “redemption quests” to new

Shasta suddenly had this feeling of burning rage in her. She was
going to make the dragon and the principal pay.

Before she could attack, the dragon exploded, and the shockwaves
sent her back to the ship’s mast, beside Robert. When Robert awoke, he
saw that Oliver was standing where the dragon used to be. He thought he
was dreaming, so he rubbed his eyes. He then asked if Shasta could also
see it, and she said she could.


When the team reunited, Shasta told Oliver and Robert what she had
heard. As she predicted, Oliver and Robert were also steaming mad. They
decided to go find the principal. Suddenly, a man swam towards them. It
was the principal!

“I see you have killed the dragon,” said the principal, “but you cannot
get through me!”

Out of pure rage, all three attacked the principal and sinked their
daggers into him. The principal was shocked at this, and stumbled back.
The three took out their daggers and let their principal sink into the depths
of the sea. They groggily went inside the shipwreck and took the treasure
with them on the way to the surface.

Once safely returned to the village, they opened the chest. To their
surprise, the chest contained unimaginable amounts of gold, jewels, etc.
They whooped in joy at the amount of treasure they have, and decided to
give some to the village and the school. After this experience, they were
qualified as official students of the school.

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