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Loneliness is a timeless thing, tragically.

“life is Warfare and a journey far from home”

1. Be a better friend to urself

Here’s a man talking to himself, criticizing himself, berating himself. Clancy’s stops him and says:
“remember u’r not talking to a bad person”.

Be kind to urself, be friend to urself.

We had to remember that we’re not bad people and how we talk to ourselves matters.

The decision to treat urself like shit is not a good decision.

“Until you learn to love urself

The door is locked to someone else “

©The Head and the Heart

If u don’t think u’r worthy of


‌or relationships

‌or connection

‌or love

How is anyone else gonna see it?

2. Express love, feel love

If u wanna feel good, do good.

Don’t expect to people make u good.

Express herself with kindness to people, then they will be kind to u.

3. Suffer with other people.

One of the best ways to find community is around with thing u struggle to do by urself.

Mark Aurelius: “we’re like soldiers storming a wall so what if u slip and u have to ask a comrade for

Learning how to be a part of an organization.

Collective a Community Driven organization we’re all coming together and u getting comfort from each
other as u do uncomfortable things together.

4. What u have is enough

Mussonius Rufus, things to be happy:

‌a little bit of food

‌I need water

‌I need sunshine

He realized that simple life is better, simple life is more philosophical.

5. Ask for help

U had to be able to ask for help.

“Asking for help isn’t giving up it’s refusing to give up”

©The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse

Saying “I don’t think I know how to do something” < “I need help to do something”

6. Find peace within

“Men seek retreats for themselves – in the country, by the sea, in the hills – and you yourself are
particularly prone to this yearning. But all this is quite unphilosophic, when it is open to you, at any time
you want, to retreat into yourself.”

©Mark Aurelius

We carry ourselves with us wherever we going.

7. Go for a walk

Whatever u upset about, whatever u’re worried about, whatever is vexing ur mind or racing through it –
go for a walk, put the body in motion, let the mind relax for a minute.

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