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cram for a test [kræm fər ə tɛst] зубрить для теста lens [lɛnz] объектив

at the latest [ət ðə ˈleɪtɪst] самое позднее spanner [ˈspænə] гаечный ключ
have a blast [həv ə blɑːst] повеселиться bait [beɪt] приманка
throw a party [θrəʊ ə ˈpɑːti] организовать tripod [ˈtraɪpɒd] штатив
stick together [stɪk təˈgɛðə] держаться вместе bat [bæt] бита
catch a movie [kæʧ ə ˈmuːvi] сходить в кино runner-up [ˈrʌnər-ʌp] второе место
draw back - wind [drɔː bæk -waɪnd отступать - oar [ɔː] весло
down - hold up - daʊn - həʊld ʌp - расслабиться -
peter out ˈpiːtər aʊt] выдержать -
bloom – prosper – [bluːm – ˈprɒspə] цвести - процветать on duty - on [ɒn ˈdjuːti - ɒn дежурный - в
thrive - flourish – θraɪv - ˈflʌrɪʃ] - преуспевать - standby ˈstændbaɪ] резерве
rod [rɒd] удочка cut out for – right [kʌt aʊt [fɔː – raɪt годиться для -
for fɔː] подходить для
1. Listen to the video. Write about their plans.
- Amy, how you doing?
- Oh, hi, Stuart, ____________________________________________________________________________________.
- Hey, listen ____________________________________________. And a few of our other friends are going to join us.
- Oh.
- And we're, well, ________________________________________________________. Why don't you come with us?
- Hey, I'd love to, but _____________________________________________________________________.
- Oh, come on, __________________________________________. We should be home by 10.30 or 11.30 at the latest. I
mean you're always saying that you don't have any friends and that you love life, well, that you don't have one. Come on!
- I don't think I'd better….. I haven't been feeling well lately.
- Yeah, because you study too much.
- Well, _____________________________________________________. Come on, best friends always stick together.
- Oh, okay.
- Great, I'll pick you up at six.
- Okay, see you then but I have to be back by 10.30.
- Ah, 10.30, midnight, it's all the same. See you at 6.
2. Read the text and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best fits each space.
It is now generally recognised that stress is a major (1) …......of heart disease, and contributes to many other illnesses.
Stress is increased by (2) …...... such as worry, overwork and lack of exercise or relaxation. For it is just as important
from a psychological point of (3) …....... to relax as it is to (4) …......physical exercise. Relaxing does not necessarily
mean just lazing about and doing nothing. The benefits of a weekend away or the diversion of sporting activities are
considerable. If you are suffering from high stress (5) …...... or wish to (6) …...... after a trying day, it is generally
advisable to have a change of (7) …...... Although there are some individuals who (8) …...... on stress, for most of us, it
can lead to exhaustion, mood swings and even severe depression.
1) A reason В motive C cause D purpose
2) A factors В aspects C elements D items
3) A fact В departure C view D return
4) A make В have C undergo D take
5) A rates В layers C ratios D levels
6) A hold up В wind down C draw back D peter out
7) A scene В location C sight D place
8) A bloom В prosper C thrive D flourish
3. Choose two items from the box which are used in each activity (a-h).
rod – flippers – goggles – horse – helmet – lens – hammer – rucksack – armbands – spanner - bait - mask - tripod - pump
- compass - bats
Gymnastics ____________________________ ___________________________
Scuba Diving ____________________________ ___________________________
Fishing ____________________________ ___________________________
Walking ____________________________ ___________________________
Photography ____________________________ ___________________________
Do-It-Yourself ____________________________ ___________________________
Swimming ____________________________ ___________________________
Cycling ____________________________ ___________________________
4. Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.
Last week well over a thousand people (1) took place in/took part in our local round-the-city 10-kilometre fun run. This
kind of race doesn't normally (2) appeal to me/amuse me, as, frankly, I'm not really (3) cut out for/right for long distance
running. But I've got two friends who are dead keen runners and who keep going on about the (4) beneficial/positive
effects of running. So I decided to run, partly for that reason and partly to (5) earn/raise money for charity. Friends and
colleagues agreed to (6) sponsor/support me, and pay for each mile I completed. Well, I hadn't done much training for the
big event, and after two kilometres I was (7) gasping/panting for breath, so I settled down to a slow jog and resigned
myself to plodding along with the (8) strugglers/stragglers at the back of the race. At least I finished, and was very
pleased with myself, as I didn’t need to stop. I timed myself with a stop-watch, and reckon I (9) crossed/arrived at the
finishing line in 43 minutes - not bad for a novice. The heat proved too much for a few people who'd gone off too fast for
their capabilities and ended up (10) suffering from/showing exhaustion. Apparently, the course was very fast, and both of
my friends ran a (11) personal best/personal record. The winner (12) surpassed/broke the course record. I was actually
very impressed with the whole event; the organisation was first-class, with medical volunteers (13) on duty/on standby
throughout, and drinks (14) stops/stations every few kilometres of the route. So now the charity of my choice is £150 the
richer, and as for me, I'm well and truly bitten by the running bug. I go running with my friends regularly now, and I'm
actually starting to (15) catch up with/get near to them!
5. Read the text and decide which answer (А, В, C or D) best completes each collocation or fixed phrase.
Very few popular' (1) …...... sports today remain amateur in any sense of the word. In the past, even in cases where
payment to players or athletes was forbidden, many sports tolerated what became known as 'shamateurism', and even the
sports governing (2) …...... turned a blind eye to such (3) …...... as the paying of 'expenses'. More recently, sport has
become, in effect, a (4) …...... of the entertainment industry, and the elite (5) …...... in sports such as swimming, tennis,
football and track athletics can expect to become very rich. This worries some people, who complain that the old Olympic
ideal has been lost, but the fact is, sport has become more and more professional in the wider sense, not only requiring
total dedication from (6) …...... champions, but also expensive facilities, training and nutritional advice.
1) A audience В watching C spectator D viewing
2) A associations В confederations C authorities D bodies
3) A practices В occurrences C acts D operations
4) A branch В division C wing D limb
5) A doers В players C makers D performers
6) A hopeful В aspiring C striving D wishful
6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box.
board – draw - lap – referee - runner-up - dive - fan – oar – round - whistle
While I was rowing across the lake I lost one _____________________________
Neither team deserved to lose and the match ended in a _____________________________
Ruth was well out in front by the end of the fifth _____________________________
After the rugby match David was attacked by an angry _____________________________
Brian impressed everyone with his _________________ into the pool.
Our gym teacher used to make us stop by blowing a _____________________
During the chess game Carol knocked all the pieces off the ______________________
Our team was knocked out of the competition in the second _________________________
During the match one of the spectators offered the _______________ his glasses.
Denise won the race and her sister was ________________________.
7. Listen to the text. Circle the correct answer.
a. The presenter b. Hannah and Becky c. Lucy
1. …………….. enjoyed watching the videos.
2 …………….. tell the truth about living with cerebral palsy.
3. …………….. shows how she does things in her everyday life.
4. …………….. saw that learning things on TikTok was becoming popular.
5. …………….. just wanted to have fun in their videos at first.
6. …………….. think people should be aware of disabilities in society.
7. …………….. guesses that people have lots of questions.
8. …………….. thinks everyone should feel confident about disability.
8. Writing
You are moving to a new city for work and have just realized that an old friend lives in the city.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:
- Ask them for advice in finding accommodation
- Tell them where you would like to live
- Tell them the type of place you are looking for
Write 150—200 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 

1. This section also includes time phrases used in expressing future time. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable
verb form.
In twenty-four hours' time ________________ (I/relax) on my yacht.
There's someone at the door.' - That ________________ (be) the postman.'
By the time you get back Harry ________________ (leave).
It's only a short trip. I ________________ (be) back in an hour.
What ________________ (you/do) this Saturday evening? Would you like to go out?
By the end of the week we ________________ (decide) what to do.
It ________________ (not/be) long before Doctor Smith is here.
We'll go to the park when you ________________ (finish) your tea.
It's very hot in here. I think I ________________ (faint).
What ________________ (you/give) Ann for her birthday? Have you decided yet?
2. Choose the most appropriate continuation for each sentence.
According to the latest forecast, the tunnel ………
A will be finished next year. В will have been finished next year'. C is finishing next year'.
Paula's flight is bound to be late although ………
A it arrives at 6.00. В it's due at 6.00. C it's arriving at six.
It's no use phoning Bob at the office, he ………
A will be leaving. В is leaving. C will have left.
Everyone says that this year City ………
A are going to win the Cup. В are winning the Cup. C ‘ll win the Cup.
I don't feel like visiting my relatives this year so. ………
A I won't go. В I'm not going. С I don't go.
You can borrow this calculator, I………………
A am not going to need it. В won't have been needing it. C am not needing it.
I'm sorry dinner isn't ready yet, but it. ………
A is going to be ready in a minute. В will have been ready in a minute. C will be ready in a minute,
Can you send me the results as soon as you ………
A hear anything? В are hearing anything? C will have heard anything?
You can try asking Martin for help but ………
A it won't do you any good. В it's not doing you any good. C it won't be doing you any good,
Don't worry about the mistake you made, nobody ………
A is noticing. В will notice. C will be noticing
3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given.
I don't suppose you have heard the news. won't
You wont ___________________________ the news.
The Prime Minister expects an easy victory for Iris party in the election. believes
The Prime Minister _______________________________________________ the election easily.
I've been in this company for almost three years. will
By the end of the month _______________________________________________ in this company for three years.
This book will take me two years to write. have
In two years' _______________________________________________ this book.
Scientists are on the point of making a vital breakthrough. about
Scientists are _______________________________________________ a vital breakthrough.
I'll be home late. until
I ___________________________________________________________________ late.
No one knows what the result of the match is going to be. who
No one knows _______________________________________________ the match.
Don't worry; David won't be late. here
Don't worry; David _______________________________________________ time.
Mary and Alan's wedding is next weekend. getting
Mary and Alan are getting Marry_________________ next weekend.



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