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Camden Jolly

Public Health Internship

April 23rd, 2023

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For my last semester at Georgia College, I had the opportunity to intern at The Bright

House which provides services to victims who have experienced sexual assault or child abuse.

For my internship project, I worked on creating infographics to put up around town and I created

social media posts to bring awareness to sexual assault and abuse. I chose this project because

most people don’t realize how much of a problem sexual assault and child abuse are. Spreading

awareness about these topics lets people know ways they can seek help if they or someone they

know has been abused. I created all my social media post and infographics on a website called

canva that helped me design them in a way that would stand out.

For my first infographic I created a sheet that had information about what to do if you

have ever been sexually assaulted and included contact information for The Bright House,

hotlines, legal help, and shelters. I went around and put these up at local businesses downtown

and most places were excited and wanted me to put them up for people to see. Charlotte came

with me and we were able to put up around 40 flyers. The reason for this infographic was to help

spread awareness about ways people can seek help if they or someone they know, has been

assaulted. The other infographic I developed was for sexual assault awareness month in April.

With this infographic I wanted to bring awareness to impact of sexual assault and how the

communty can help. I included what sexual assault is, some statistics showing how it's rapidly

getting worse, and then put some different resource phone numbers along with The Bright House

contact details. One of my friends came with me to put this flyer up and we were able to put up

around 20 flyers in grocery stores and some places downtown. The reason for the awareness

month infographic was that it lets people know more about sexual assault, its impact, and

resources to help with this public health issue. It took me around 2 hours, on both days, to post
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these two infographics. Overall, most places were excited for me to hang these flyers, however, a

few places told me I could not hang them up in their building.

The other part of my project was creating social media posts for The Bright House and in

some cases for my personal page with the goal to bring awareness to issues. I was able to make

four posts, two of which were posted on my personal page as they were not able to login to The

Bright House account, and two that were posted on The Bright House page. The first post was

for Valentine's Day and it contained information about how to have open communication and

clear consent in a relationship. I decided to create this post because abuse often happens when

you have an unhealthy relationship and Valentine's Day is all about relationships. This post was

posted on my social media page and got 29 likes and 3 comments. The next post was for

Random Acts of Kindness Day and was also posted on my social media page. This received 17

likes, 1 comment, and 1 person shared it to their story. I decided to post this because many

people do not realize how even a small act of kindness can make someone’s day better. My third

post was for International Women’s Day and I was able to have it posted on The Bright House

page. I was disappointed that it only got 10 likes, but I shared it on my story and there it had 120

views. My reason for this post was because many women do not realize how valued they are and

at The Bright House we help a lot of women in addition to children. My last post was for sexual

assault awareness month and was also posted on The Bright House page and received 10 likes.

Someone I know saw the post and then posted it on their social media story and I also posted it

on my story and got around 105 views. The reason for posting this was because many people

don't realize how much of an issue sexual assault is and it lets people know more about sexual

assault, its impact, and resources. Overall, I did not have as many people as I wished that
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interacted with my post but I hope even if they did not interact with it they were at least able to

see it.

For my supplementary project, I worked on editing the resource binder that one of the

previous interns created a couple of years before. This binder is a big help if someone needs

contact information for women's centers, food banks, law enforcement, department of family and

children's services (DFCS), Georgia College, GMC, and other related resources. It is important

to update this information each year as people or contact information for someone could

potentially have changed and they had mentioned to us during orientation that some of this may

be out of date. Having correct information together in one binder makes it easier to look up a

phone number or email address for someone without going online and taking more time to look it

up. This project took me a while to type up all the charts and information since I had to start

from scratch but I decided to save it to a flash drive so future interns are able to edit it as contact

information may change.

Overall my project went pretty well but there are some parts that could have gone better.

I wish more places let me hang up flyers to spread awareness or give people resources if they or

someone they know may need them. I also wish more people interacted with my social media

posts but even if they did not I hope they were able to at least see it. If I could have done

something differently I would have gone to more places to put up flyers or I would have tried to

get more people to follow The Bright House Instagram since I understand that sometimes posts

get missed.

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