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Hello, my name is Flem, and I’m inspector to the little

village of St. Mary Mead.

Today, I was called to the vicarage. Colonnel Protheroe’s
body was found here. He was stabbed 24 times and his eyes
were gouged out, but Dr Robert say that his killer purposely
did not aim for vital organs to keep him alive throughout.
When I came on the scene, peoples told me that it was
Miss Hartnell how found the body. So, I asked her to describe
what she saw. Crying, she answered me that she was going to
ask something to the vicarage, who passed the night at the
church, and then she found the body. I knew that she was
very close of the Colonel; he was her mentor and help her lot
in her actress career.
I decided to make a list of everyone who frequented the
Colonel, and I divided them in 3 columns: those who loved
him, those whose relationship with him was just cordial, and
those who didn’t like him. I investigated all the morning, but
everyone had an alibi for the night; everyone except 2
persons: Manning, the colonel’s driver, and Miss Hartnell. I
decided to do not care about her, because she didn’t have
any reason to kill the Colonel.
So, I went to see Manning. When I asked him what he
did of his night, he went mad and said that he knew that I
thought he killed the Colonel and that it was unfear because
he haven’t done anything. A lit of bit scared, I exited
Manning’s house to escape to his anger. How my meeting
with the driver had gone wrong, I decided to ask the
inhabitant of the village what they thought about all of this.
They all answered me that Munning was very close of the
Colonel’s wife, even Miss Marple, the driver’s grandma.
So, I decided to ask agent Hurst, the local police, to take
Munning into custody waiting for the results of the analysis.
Indeed, I when I came back to my office, the policeman told
me that they found a lock of hair and that they were
analyzing it. Munning passed 2 days in prison, and then we
received the results. Much to Hurst’s surprise, it seemed that
it wasn’t the drive’s lock of hair. According to the analysis, it
was Miss Hartnell’s!
-Everything makes sense, I said, Miss Hartnell probably
murdered the Colonel to inherit of his money!
Indeed, the Colonel didn’t get along well with his
daughter, Miss Lettice, so he had bequeathed all his wealth to
the actress.
-And this isn’t finish, I continued, I just learned that the
Colonel gave a trial to Lawrence Redding, Miss Hartnell’s
lover. Which explains why the murderer made the Colonel
suffer so much before he dies; out of revenge!
-Ok, said Hurst, I’ll arrest Miss Hartnell right now.
After 2 weeks of waiting, the jury sentenced her to 40
years in prison, and I was welcomed by the villagers as a hero.
After that, my reputation has grown and everyone wanted to
use my services.
Like what, when you are an inspector, committing a
murder has 2 advantages; you can kill someone without
anyone suspecting you and in addition become famous for
having supposedly solved a murder. My next target? Probably
Miss Marple.

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