Week 1 Lesson Plan

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School/site: Dilworth Elementary

Artist Name: Annastassia Stewart

Session # 1

Arts Learning Standard(s) and Objective(s) (see below for definitions of each):
● Identify ways in which gestures and movement may be used to create or retell a story in guided drama

Learning Objectives:
● Learn the vocal and physical warm-up which will be repeated before each lesson
● Create a classroom contract with agreements and expectations for our residency period.

Content Area Standard(s) and Learning Objective(s):

● Retelling a story using key details: Character, setting, Beginning Middle and End, Problem and Solution

Learning Objectives:
● Creating a classroom contract with agreements and expectations for our residency period.
● Identify the most important parts of a story

Artistic Skill(s), Key terms, & concepts:

● Importance of a vocal and physical warm-up for performance and storytelling
● Ensemble building

Classroom set-up:
We will start in a circle on the carpet and remain that way for the full 45 minutes

None needed today!

Expectations for Classroom Teacher (CT):

Join the circle, participate in the games, and help manage classroom disciplinary actions


(this format is only a suggestion, feel free to use whatever you like, but please list all directions for each activity)

Warm-up: Body & Voice Warm-up 10 Minutes

● stretches (5 min)
● vocal warm-ups (5 min)

Demonstration: Introductions/Name Game 10 minutes

● Name game- Say your name + an adjective that starts with the same letter (Amazing Anna) and strike a

No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior permission.
All rights reserved. © Annastassia Stewart and Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust| 803 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15222 | 412-362-6982 | www.trustarts.org

Activity Classroom Agreements and Discussion 20 minutes

● Agreements
○ Have Serious Fun
○ Everybody Plays (to the best of their ability)
● Discussion
○ Favorite stories
○ What makes a good story
■ beginning, middle, end
■ characters
■ setting
■ conflict
■ resolution
○ How can we tell a story with our voices and our bodies?

Reflection: Title 5 minutes

● Exit Ticket
○ What is one thing you are looking forward to during this residency?
■ Example: Singing and dancing, telling a story with my body, learning something new!

From DataWORKS: Content standards (such as Common Core State Standards) describe what students are to be taught over the
course of a school year.
A Learning Objective is a statement that describes what students will be able to do at the end of a lesson, as a result of instruction.
Perhaps most importantly, a Learning Objective defines the purpose of the lesson, giving it direction from the very start. While it may
appear to be a small part of the lesson, a well-written Learning Objective lays the foundation for a great lesson.

No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior permission.
All rights reserved. © Annastassia Stewart and Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust| 803 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15222 | 412-362-6982 | www.trustarts.org

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