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The Hope of

for Christ's
The death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ is the ultimate expression of
God's love for us. We prepare for his
return by living a life of faith, love, and
obedience to his teachings.
The Parable of the Talent
In Luke 19:12-28, a nobleman went on a trip and gave
his servants some money to invest while he was away.
When he returned, he asked them how they did. The
ones who had made more money were rewarded, but
the one who did nothing was scolded.

This story teaches us to use what God has given us

wisely, work hard for Him, and not compare ourselves
to others.
Jesus Christ's death
and resurrection
Through Christ's sacrifice, we are
redeemed and given eternal life. We
prepare for His return by living a life of
faith, love, and service.
What it means for us
Through Jesus' death, we are
forgiven of our sins.

Through His resurrection, we

have eternal life.

We prepare for his return by

living a life of obedience and
spreading the gospel.
How we can prepare for
Christ's return
Believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Lord
and Savior. Repent and turn away from sin. Read and
study the Bible. Pray and seek guidance from God.
Share the love of Christ with others.
Practical tips to prepare for
Christ's return

1. Cultivate a personal relationship

with Jesus Christ.

2. Live a life of repentance, forgiveness,

and love towards others.

3. Study the Bible and pray regularly to

deepen your understanding of God's word.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is
a reminder of God's unconditional love for
us and a call to prepare ourselves for his
return by living a life of love, compassion,
and forgiveness towards others.

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