Tarea 1 - Análisis de Actividades Por Habilidad - JOG

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Universidad Tecnológica de Gutiérrez Zamora


Estrategias de Enseñanza de la Lengua Inglesa


Análisis de actividades por habilidad


Joshua Ornelas Guevara


412 “A”


Julián Barragán Díaz


TSU en Lengua


Matricula: 19610312

Objetivo Escribir un texto de una auto descripción a partir de la siguiente lista de
palabras con la finalidad de practicar la habilidad de escritura.

Unattractive (Poco Round-Faced (Cara

Tall (Alto) Atractivo) Redonda)
Short (Bajo) Untidy (Desarreglado) Thin-Faced (Cara
Fat (Gordo) Wavy Hair (Pelo Delgada)
Well- Ondulado) Dark-Skinned (Moreno
Built (Corpulento) Straight Hair (Pelo De Piel)
Thin (Delgado) Liso/Lacio) Pale (Palido)
Slim (Delgado) Curly Hair (Pelo Healthy (Sano)
Elegant (Elegante) Rizado) Sick (Enfermo)
Good- Looking (Bien Blonde Hair (Rubia)
Parecido/Guapo) Fair Hair (Rubio/A)
Beautiful (Maravilloso) Dark Hair (Moreno)
Handsome (Guapo) Red Haired (Pelirrojo)
Pretty (Guapa)
Ginger Hair (Pelo
Lovely (Encantador)
Ugly (Feo) Anaranjado)
Attractive (Atractivo) Bald (Calvo)

Objetivo: Realizar la lectura de un texto y a partir de la lectura responder algunas preguntas
relacionadas a la lectura con la finalidad de mejorar habilidad en la comprensión de textos en

iPad Air review

With a new design based on the successful iPad Mini, Apple have relaunched their tablet
computer range with the iPad Air.

The result is a stunning piece of technology that is both a joy to use and powerful enough for most
of the tasks you’ll want to do on it.

Compared to older versions of the iPad, the Air is lighter and easier to handle. In terms of
performance, the Air is a great option. It comes with a fair number of free apps, which make it a
functional addition to your personal technology right out of the box. However, with these apps
and the HD quality of the device, the lower priced 16GB option isn’t worth buying. Instead, opt for
the much more useful 128GB device, which will allow you to fully take advantage of all the iPad
Air has to offer.
Speaking activity
Objetivo: Hablar sobre un tema con otras personas y hacer preguntas del mismo con la finalidad
de practicar la habilidad de speaking


1.- Choose two short texts and print them out. Print enough of each text for half of the class.

2.- Create a list of simple questions for each text and print out the same quantity.

3.- Divide the class into two groups and hand out the texts.

4.- Hang onto the question sheets for later.

One group gets one text, the second group gets the other text.

5.- Group members then read their texts and are free to talk about them within their group,
making sure they all understand everything. After 5 minutes or so, take the papers away.

6.- Each student is paired with someone from the other group. Each student must tell their partner
everything they learned from their text. Then they must listen to (and remember) what the other
student tells them about their group’s text.

7.- Students return to their original groups and are given a list of questions about their original

8.- Students are paired again, this time with a different person from the other group. Each
student must test their partner using the questions about the text which their partner never read
and was only told about, and likewise answer questions about the text they were told about.
Objetivo: Sensibilizar el oído para entender audios en inglés y responder preguntas a partir del

Instrucciones: Escuchar el siguiente audio y responder las preguntar a partir de la información.


Circle the best answer. 5. The house is the first big house ...

1. She is having a party for ... a. on the right.

b. on the left.
a) her family.
c. down at the end of the road.
b) her very good friends.
c) everybody at work. 6. If you go by public transport, take …

2. The party is at ... a. bus 18 to Brownsville.

b. bus 80 to Forest Road.
a. the swimming pool at her house.
c. bus 80 to Brownsville.
b. her cousin’s house.
c. work. 7. The woman received the birthday card ...

3. To get to the party, drive ... a. this morning.

b. last night.
a. straight on Forest Road.
c. yesterday morning
b. right on Forest Road.
c. left on Forest Road.

4. The motorway exit you need is ...

a. 3A.
b. 13A.
c. 30A.

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