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dr Sandra Josipović


Aziz fell slightly ill. Three days later he lay abed in his bungalow, pretending that he was
very ill. It was a touch of fever, which he would have neglected if there had been anything
important at the hospital. Now and then he groaned and thought he would die, but did not
think so for long, and a very little diverted him, It was Sunday, an excuse for slacking.
Aziz dozed again and his thoughts wandered over the varied surface of life.
Gradually his thoughts steadied upon a certain spot – women: уes, he did want to spend an
evening with some girls, singing and dancing. Yes, that was what he did want. How could it
be managed? If Major Callendar had been an Indian, he would have remembered what it
meant to be young, and would have granted two or three days' leave to Calcutta without
asking questions.
“Aziz, my dear fellow, we are greatly concerned,“ said the voice of Hamidullah, his friend,
who had entered the room.
“When a doctor falls ill it is a serious matter,“ said the voice of his other friend, an engineer.
“When an engineer falls ill, it is equally important,“ said the voice of the third friend, a police
“Oh yes, we are all jolly important, our salaries prove it.“
“Dr Aziz took tea with Mr Fielding, our Principal last Thursday afternoon,“ said Rafi, the
engineer’s nephew. “Professor Godbole, who also attended, has sickened too, which seems
rather a curious thing, sir, does it not?“
Flames of suspicion leapt up in the breast of each man, “Humbug!“ exclaimed Hamidullah, in
an authroritative tone.
“Humbug, most certainly,“ echoed the others. Rafi, the wicked schoolboy, having failed to
start a scandal, lost confidence and stood up with his back to the wall.
“Is Professor Godbole ill? I am sincerely sorry. What is wrong with him?“ asked Aziz
“Why don't you answer, Rafi? You are the great authority,“ said his uncle.
“Yes, Rafi's the great man,“ said Hamidullah, rubbing it in. “Rafi is the Sherlock Holmes of
Chandrapore. Speak up, Rafi.“
“Diarrhoea,“ Flames of suspicion shot up again in the breasts of his elders, though in a
different direction.
“If this is so, this is a very serios thing; this is scarcely the end of March. Could it be an early
case of cholera?“cried Aziz.
Adapted from – E.M.Forster – A Passage to India

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