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Gondola Rescue Procedure:

1. Assess where the cars that need rescuing are and how many there are, by using the cabin
communication system.

2. Assess the terrain, weather and the best way to access the cabins.

3. Phone 111 and ask for the Alpine Cliff Face Rescue Team (ACR).

4. Advise number of people that are online, weather conditions and any other information that may
be relevant.
5. Press Breakdown Message 6 - Hi everyone, unfortunately we are unable to rectify the issue or run our
emergency drive. A specialised rescue team has been deployed to come to your aid. If you have any medical
issues, please text your details, condition and cabin number to our Gondola staff on 021 919 703. Please remain
calm, you are perfectly safe and we apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused. Thank you .

6. Upon arrival, liaise with NZ Police Site Controller and ACR Team Leader and advise of any
updates from stranded customers.

7. Allow NZ Police Site Controller and ACR Team Leader to talk to customers in specific cabin if

8. Keep customers updated via radio communication in the cabins, advising them that rescue
teams are on their way to evacuate them.

9. ACR to walk up the hill to the cabin that requires the most immediate attention.

10. ACR to ascend to the cabin and open cabin doors, reassure customers and place ‘Rescue
Diaper’ on customers and then lower the customer to the ground where ACR or LandSAR staff
will descend them safely down the hill.

11. ACR Team to descend to the next cabin and repeat evacuations until all cabins are cleared and
all customers are safely returned to the base station.

12. NZ Police Site Controller, Civil Defence and St Johns Staff to assess customers on arrival at
Base Station.

13. Gondola Staff to follow refund procedures.


Each gondola cabin is equipped with a communication system that provides a point of contact between
gondola staff and cabin passengers.

This communication system can be utilised in both routine and emergency procedures, whether it be
contacting an individual cabin or all cabins as a group. It is vital that where appropriate gondola
passengers are informed of the reasons for line stoppages. This minimises the potential of visitor
stress developing, and ensures they are provided with an optimal customer experience.

Routine events can be defined as those that

are performed as part of regular
1. procedure/daily operation rather than for
10. exceptional circumstances.
11. Routine use could include, but is not limited
3. to:
• Loading and unloading of cabins
4. (including wheelchairs, trollies, stock,
5. • Increases in wind speeds
6. • Carrier overloads

7. Emergency events are less common and

12. could be described as serious, unexpected,
8. occurrences that often require immediate
These could include, but are not limited to:
• Breakdowns/technical issues
• Earthquakes
• Extreme weather

Each cabin communication system must be charged daily. All cabins that are intended for use must
be also be checked before loading to ensure the system is transmitting correctly. Any cabin found not
to be operating correctly must be left off line until it can be ensured messages will be heard.

Messages can be transmitted through each cabin once by pulling the appropriate lever to the left.
Pulling the lever to the right will cause it to lock in a position that will transmit messages on repeat until
manually released.

You can also talk directly to cabins by picking up the receiver and talking.

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