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STUDENT ID : G1A022024

Amazing Animal’s Abilities

1. What is the most amazing animal do you know?
 Octopus
2. What interesting facts about animal do you know?
 Octopus are known for their intelligent, problem-solving skills, and ability to
camouflage themselves by changing their skin color and texture. They also have
remarkable dexterity, with their eight arms lined with suction cups that allow
them to manipulate objects with precision. They are capable of regenerating lost
limbs, which is a rare ability among animals.

1. What does social brain hypothesis mean?
 The social brain hypothesis explains the large brain size of primates. It states
that a primate's social group size has a positive correlation with the volume of
its prefrontal cortex. The social brain hypothesis also suggests that the large and
complex human brain has evolved primarily to support our ability to navigate
complex social relationships and environment. This hypothesis proposes that the
demands of social living have driven the evolution of cognitive abilities such as
advance communication, theory of mind, and social learning.
2. What does cognitive buffer hypothesis mean?
 The cognitive buffer hypothesis suggests that larger brain size in primates,
including humans, evolved to help them cope with the demands of living in
complex social groups. This hypothesis proposes that increased cognitive
capacity serves as a buffer against the cognitive demands of navigating complex
social relationships, such as tracking the behavior and intentions of many
individuals within a group.
3. Which findings provide support for the cognitive buffer hypothesis?
 The cognitive buffer hypothesis is supported by several findings, such as the
correlation between brain size and social group size in primates, and the greater
complexity of social networks and relationships in species with larger brains.
4. Does hyena’s ability to innovate depend on social rank?
 Yes, the ability of hyenas to innovate has been found to be influenced by their
social rank. In some studies, high-ranking hyenas have been found to be more
innovative than low-ranking hyenas, possibly because they have more
opportunities to explore and experiment with novel behaviors.
5. Which animals support the social brain hypothesis?
 The social brain hypothesis is supported by a wide range of social animals,
including primates, elephants, dolphins, birds, and some rodents. These animals
exhibit complex social relationships and behaviors, and have evolved
specialized cognitive abilities to navigate their social environments.

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