Bob Beck - Colloidal Silver Log

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Colloidal Silver log

date/time conditions results

1 8/4/99 4pm cloudy, rain coming; water to process quick; dark yellow solution but bright.
2 8/5/99 09:13 AM clear and sunny; water not process ran long, was still on after 45 min. Much gray. both electrodes covered
quite to boiling with gray foam scum; after filtering, lighter than #1, but dull; probably still some
minute gray to it.
3 8/5/99 10:24 AM clear and sunny; water to 10:57=== still running; good yellow, but scum starting on both electrodes. After
vigorous boil filtering, is dark yellow like batch 1.
4 08/08/1999 9:30 AM clear and sunny. Sunday. water ran shorter time I believe. Color like in #1; still not straw light color, but urine
to boiling colored.
5 08/13/1999 11:34 AM clear and sunny. Sunday. water 12:05 PM still on, water is cloudy with crud.
to boiling

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