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Learning Cell Q & As

● Reading Reflections: Connections between “you” and the

weekly topics
○ Question: “High-level” question (discussion question)
○ Answer: Comprehensive answer that shows evidence
of reflective and critical thinking
● Following APA writing style guidelines: show sources,
cannot be just your opinions, ⇒ In-text citations &
● Based on the weekly topic/weekly readings
● LC Q & A #1 on Language Development: due Friday Feb 17
● Based on the weekly topic/weekly readings:

LC1 ⇒ Week 7: Language Development, Ch.5

LC2 ⇒ Week 9: Knowledge Construction and
Higher-level Thinking, Ch. 8 and 9
LC3 ⇒ Week 10: Constructivism Ch.10
Constructing a Question
● Before you can understand a concept, you must remember;
● To apply a concept you must first understand;
● In order to evaluate a process, you must have analyzed;
● To create an accurate conclusion, you must have completed a
thorough evaluation.
To understand… could be a difficult goal to
● What does it mean “to understand”?
● How can we show concretely that a concept is “understood”?
● Two points to look for as evidence of understanding:
○ TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE: Applying knowledge and
skills effectively to new situations
-Making inferences,
-Building connections between ideas
-Reflecting on those “A-ha! Got it! Moments”
(Wiggins & McTighe, 2011)
Forming an understanding, applying
prior knowledge and meaning making
requires learner’s active participation.

(Wiggins & McTighe, 2011)

There should be an introduction, middle section and a conclusion.
Describe theoretical concepts and key arguments and always
show a source.
Our textbook is the primary source.
Add in examples of your “lived experiences”/ observations to better
support key theoretical concepts, arguments
- Experiences as a student
- Experiences as a teacher/tutor
- Something you read, watched and/or did
- Observations of young children and youth
- Opinions on the readings
APA-Style Guidelines for EDPE 300
Make sure you always show the source.

Use in-text citations: Ex => Our textbook

● First time you cite a source with more than one author: Woolfolk, Winne, & Perry (2020)

● Any other time after that: Woolfolk et al. (2020)

How to write the References List: Ex => Our textbook

Woolfolk, A. E., Winne, P. H. & Perry, N. E. (2020). Educational psychology: Canadian

edition (7th ed.). Scarborough, Ontario: Pearson, Canada.

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