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Story: The Speckled Band by Sherlock Holmes.

Chapter 3: Holmes and Watson visit the house.

1- Helen Stoner gave them a signal with a light and then they got in the house through
the window.

2- They waited in the dark for three hours and suddenly they heard a sound from Mr.
Roylott´s room, after that they heard a very quiet sound.

3- Holmes decided to hit the bell rope very hard to make the snake angry. Unfortunately,
the snake went back into the Doctor´s room and killed him.

4- When they went into Mr Roylott´s room they say that the metal box was open. Roylott
was sitting on a chair, and his eyes were fixed on the air-vent. Round his head was a
strange, yellow speckled band. He was dead.

5- The “speckled band” was actually a snake that Mr Roylott was using for trying to kill his
daughter. But in the end, the snake killed him.

6- When holmes make the snake angry by hitting the bell rope it came back through the
air vent, killing the doctor.

7- Because when they went into Mr Roylott´s room for the first time, he saw some milk,
and the snakes drink milk.

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