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Slide I: Opening

[Open the Presentation]

Slide II: Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis is a way of studying people and things by looking at things like stories,
pictures, and observations. It helps us understand what people are thinking and feeling about
a topic, and what things are important to them. It's like when you talk to your friends and they
tell you a story, and you listen carefully and try to understand how they're feeling and what
they're trying to say. That's kind of what qualitative analysis is, except we use different tools
to help us understand what people are thinking and feeling.

Slide III: Reason of the Topic

it is a relevant and important topic in the field of finance, as the ability to accurately predict
credit performance is critical to managing financial risk. Additionally, studying the
characteristics of borrowers and their impact on credit performance can provide valuable
insights for lenders and financial institutions. Finally, the topic offers the opportunity to
conduct both quantitative and qualitative research, which can lead to a more comprehensive
understanding of the factors that affect credit performance.

Slide IV: Research Conduction Method

Interview with Bank Representative, Loan Takers, Financial Experts. The interview general
topics will be discussed in the following slide. We also conduct a dissertation study in order
to find out results from previous related researches.

Slide V: Research Interviews

Towards the Bank, we will generally ask about [Read topics on PPT]
To the Loan Takers, We will use topics regarding [Read topics in PPT], We will not ask
confidential questions since it my breach the individual’s businesses.
Towards Financial Experts, We will ask about [Read Topics in PPT]
We actually have prepared questions, for all sources, such as
- Bagaimana bank menilai kelayakan kredit dan karakteristik peminjam?
- Bagaimana bank mengevaluasi kinerja kredit dan bagaimana pihak bank menangani
peminjam yang gagal bayar?
- Apa yang dapat bank lakukan untuk membantu peminjam dalam mengelola kredit
dengan lebih baik?
- Apa saja indikator yang harus diperhatikan oleh bank dalam menilai kelayakan
Questions are in Indonesian because our research interviews will be conducted in Indonesia,
using their native language.

Slide VI: Hypotheses

There are three hypothesis that we think might occur:
- There is a positive influence between borrower characteristics (such as age, gender,
marital status, and education) and credit performance at the bank.
- There is a negative effect between the number of loans received by borrowers and
credit performance at the bank.
- There is indeed some affects occurring, but it doesn’t really result in any changes in
the credit performance.

Slide VII: Research Introductions

[Introduce our Research Introduction]

Slide VIII: Closing

[Thanks the Audience, Ask for any questions}

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