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Unit 2: 1920s & 1930s Review

Key Terms: Become familiar with and identify the significance of the following terms during the 1920's and

Prohibition The Automobile Black Tuesday One Big Union

New Political Parties Drought On to Ottawa Trek Economic Spiral

The Person’s Case Residential Schools Speakeasy Buying on Margin

Key People

Rum Runners R. B. Bennett W. Aberhart J. S. Woodsworth

The Famous Five William Lyon Mackenzie Maurice Duplessis C. H. Douglas


Key Questions:
After the War
1. What was it like for Canadian soldiers returning from war?
2. Why was there a General Strike in Winnipeg? What was the outcome?
3. What post-war conditions allowed for the economy to succeed? What natural resources did Canada
have that allowed the economy to boom during the 1920s?
4. Why was this time period called the “Roaring 20s”?

New Technology in the 1920s (look at collaborative note)

1. What types of new (or improving) technologies emerged during the 1920s?
2. How did each of these new technologies improve the lives of people?

1920’s Culture (look at collaborative note)

1. Who were flappers and why were they controversial?
2. What type of music and movies were popular in the 1920s?
3. What other aspects of the culture were significant?

Women’s Suffrage
1. What is suffrage?
2. In what year were women given the right to vote?
3. What happened during pink teas?

1. What were speakeasies and why did they exist in the 1920s?
2. Where could you get a drink from during prohibition?
3. Was prohibition effective? Give three examples to support your answer.
4. Who was Rocco Perri? What did he have to do with prohibition?
Residential Schools
1. Where did aboriginal people live during the 1920s & 1930s?
2. When and where did residential schools exist in Canada?
3. Who was responsible for the operations of residential schools?
4. What were children taught at residential schools?
5. What are some possible social and cultural losses children would have experienced as a result of
residential schools?
6. Do you think offering money to compensate victims of Residential Schools will help repair the damage
done to Aboriginal people?

Stock Market Crash

1. Why were people buying so much stock in the 20s?
2. When were Black Thursday and Black Tuesday? What happened on these days?
3. Why did people lose so much money in the stock market in 1929?
4. What are the main reasons the Great Depression occurred?

Life During the 1930’s

1. What changes did Canadians face as a result of the Great Depression? Who did these changes affect
the most?
2. Why did the economy change from a booming economy to an economic depression? Why was it so
hard to end the depression?
3. What was the dust bowl?
4. Which three groups of people were most affected by the depression?

Collecting Relief
1. Who became Prime Minister in 1930 and what did he initially do to try and end the recession?
2. What types of relief were available to people and what did they have to do to receive it?
3. What were conditions like in relief camps?
4. What was the On-to-Ottawa Trek? Was it successful?
5. When was the Regina Riot and how did it end?

Politics During the Great Depression

1. What solutions did the government propose to end the Depression?
2. Do you think these solutions were strong or weak?
3. What is “Bennett’s New Deal”? Did it keep him in power for the remainder of the 1930s?
4. What new political parties arose during the 1930s?

The Great Escape

1. In what ways did people escape the woes of the Great Depression?

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