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I.D. No:
Eng. 0004

I. Answer these questions according to the reading. (5 pts.)

1. What is the main damage from the use of cell phones in humans according to
most scientists?

2. How this ageing affects skin?

3. What other effects radiation can produce?

4. What other symptoms are caused by radiation emissions?

5. Explain the findings on the biological effect on humans.

II. Answer T for True and F for False. (5 pts.)

1. _____ The continuing use of cell phones can cause premature ageing.

2. _____ The effects of cell phones are simple so much so to come to a point of a rapid
overcoming of effects.

3. _____ Cell phones radiation can damage skin making it look slightly lined and tired.

4. _____ The mutations produced by cell phones help prevent from other health

5. _____ Some symptoms associated with cell phone are the ones felt by their users
such as fatigue, memory loss, and headaches.

III. Write a short paragraph (5 lines) and give your point of view about this topic. (5 pts.)

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