Biology Project

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1. Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled, prokaryotic organisms that reproduce asexually through
binary fission. They are simple in structure compared to eukaryotes, but they do contain DNA.
They are known as the oldest life structure on earth. Overall, bacteria constitute a large amount
of prokaryotic microorganisms.
2. There are approximately 30,000 known types of bacteria.
3. Bacteria live in every habitat on earth soil, rock, oceans, arctic snow, etc. That does include in
organisms. They are so diverse in living areas because they can adapt in different ways for
different needs.
4. Bacteria can be transmitted through water, air, soil, ingestion, direct contact, and living vectors.
5. Bacteria can be considered as all three. It depends on the specific species of bacteria that is
being referred to.
6. The bacterial structure contains a cell wall, which is responsible for maintaining cell integrity.
Next is the cytoplasmic membrane, which is responsible for the passage of nutrients and
excreted materials in the bacterial cell. Next is the cytoplasm, which is where ribosomes and
DNA are located. Next are the ribosomes, which are responsible for making proteins. Next are
plasmids, which are also DNA, next is the nucleoid, which is a mass of DNA. Next is the Pili,
which are hair like structures that help bacteria attach to surfaces. Lastly, the flagellum, which
helps the bacteria move and navigate through their environment.
7. Bacteria are classified based on thickness of cell walls and shape. Gram Staining (violet dye) is
used to determine the thickness of the cell walls. Gram Positive bacteria have thick cell walls.
When dyed, they appear blue or purple. Gram Negative bacteria have thin cell walls. When
dyed, they appear pink or red.
8. The six major modes of action in types of bacteria read as follows: inhibition of ATP Synthase,
interference with cell wall synthesis, inhibition of a metabolic pathway, interference with nucleic
acid synthesis, inhibition of membrane function, inhibition of protein synthesis
9. To defend themselves against bacterial infections, bacteria use two main defense mechanisms
such as: restriction modification (bacterial immune system), and CRISPR (repetitive DNA

Information on my Bacterial Infection

1. Tuberculosis bacteria, or more formally referred to as (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) is a
pathogenic bacterium which secretes proteins to confuse the immune system of the host.
The Bacteria also has a waxy cell coating on its cell due to mycolic acid. It is mostly
transmitted through air.
2. The most common cause of Tuberculosis is inhaling any droplets through cough, or sneeze
from someone who has TB.
3. There are 3 types of tuberculosis: Active (invading organs and rapidly multiplying), Military
(TB bacteria is finding its way into the bloodstream), and Latent (no symptoms or signs).
4. Symptoms of tuberculosis include: coughing (up blood), chest pain, weakness, weight loss,
fever, night sweats, and shortness of breath.
5. The only treatment for Tuberculosis is antibiotics. Yes, there is a vaccine for TB called
“Bacille Calmette-Guérin”
6. Tuberculosis is described as mildly contagious, due to the fact it is hard to get it. The
infection spreads through the inhaling of TB germs through the air.
7. Infants are more at risk than children and adults for tuberculosis due to the fact it can be
transmitted to them in more ways. Children are at more risk than adults though. Most cases
are seen in younger children and infants than older children and adults.
8. There are blood and skin tests administered by medical professionals to diagnose
9. Tuberculosis can be prevented by the vaccine, “Bacille Calmette-Guérin”.
10. Complications from TB can include, but are not limited to: spinal pain, joint damage,
liver/kidney problems, meningitis, and heart disorders.
11. The outlook of tuberculosis today reads as follows: 7,860 tuberculosis cases reported in the
U.S. in 2021. The national incidence rate is 2.4 cases per 100,000 people

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