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FIS: Retailer Report


Marketing and Brand Management 01 BMRT151| Regaogetswe Mashigo
14 November 2022| Randburg Campus

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Table of Contents
Section 1: .Introduction to The Fix. ....................................................................... 2
Section 2: .The Fix’s Target Market Analysis........................................................ 3
Section 3: .Brand Personality of The Fix. .............................................................. 4
Section 4: .The Macro-Environment of The Fix. .................................................... 6
Section 5: .Branding. .............................................................................................. 8
References ............................................................................................................ 11

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Section 1: .Introduction to The Fix.
The Foschini Group in 2016 acquired a company known as Fashion Express and is now rebranded
as The Fix (TFG, 2022, p. 27). TFG's beginnings start in 1924 when it was founded, the successful
company then went on to be public in 1941 as they were listed on the JSE (TFG, 2022). The group
is a parent to many different types of industries however they are primarily in the fashion industry
with having household brands under them such as sportscene, which they acquired in 1996, and
American Swiss Watch Company which they acquired in 1967 (TFG, 2022). The brand sportscene
is a streetwear retailer which distributes well known sports apparel brands such as Adidas Nike,
Puma and many others (sportsscene, 2022). AmericanSwiss has existed since 1896 and they are
a jewelry distributor that provides stylistic and classy pieces, using gems stones such as cubic
zirconia as well as diamonds and using metals such as sterling silver and gold in necklaces,
earrings, bracelets, and watches (AmericanSwiss, 2022). According to TFG's latest financial report
The Fix has a total of 195 brick and mortar outlets as well as an online store that launched back in
2019 (TFG, 2022, p. 172). The Fix’s income category is viewed by TFG as value market and the
other brands mentioned above, sportscene and AmericanSwiss, are considered to be a part of the
mid to upper market as shown in Figure 1. A brand under TFG that would also fall under the same
market segment i.e., value market as The Fix would be Jet which was more recently acquired by
the group in 2021. The Fix offers apparel to both young men and women aged 18-25, however their
womenswear is the biggest section, they are fast fashion orientated, offering trends of an
international standard and pace (TFG, 2022, p. 172). Their apparel is stylish and somewhat quality
considering the nature of the retailer, as fast-fashion apparel is cheaply priced (Hayes, 2022). The
Fix’s product offers their consumers style, and accuracy, they also have discounts and sales along
with as options to order online or collect in store (The Fix, 2022).

Figure 1: Diagram of TFGs Market Segments from pg18 of report

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Section 2: .The Fix’s Target Market Analysis.
Demographics are factors that can be measured either through a quantifiable or qualifiable tool,
these elements can segment individuals based on physical, objective, and factual variables like age,
race, income, sexuality, gender, and social class (Lyon & Sumner, 2022). Psychographics are
factors that are immeasurable, they are elements that differ from person to person and are
completely subjective, they can never truly be completely categorized the way that demographics
can, psychographics include an individual's lifestyle, their beliefs/attitudes and personality (Lyon &
Sumner, 2022). Using an example to differentiate, religion would be a demographic as one can
specifically identify what someone’s religion is such as: Atheist, Christian or perhaps Buddhist,
however, the psychographic element would be the extent to which an individual holds belief within
this religion. Such as one Christian can pray daily and not drink alcohol, while another only attends
Sunday service and does consume alcohol, both of these individuals are of the Christian faith,
however, their views in other words their attitude towards the religion differs. These beliefs can’t be
measured statistically nor accurately (Lyon & Sumner, 2022). Due to the fact that THE FIX is a fast-
fashion brand it affects the psychographics and demographics of their consumers. TFG has placed
The Fix in their low-income bracket but it’s comparative to their other brands, in a South African
sense the brand wouldn’t have a low-income South African consumer, looking at poverty and LSM
requirements (Stats SA, 2021), the consumer would be typically a low-emerging middle-class
individual as their income bracket allows them to participate in some fashion trends (Maphupha,
2018). In terms of gender the brand as well as other statistics suggest that women under the age of
35 are going to be their biggest participants, as the youth and women are more inclined to participate
in fast-fashion (Feiam, 2019). Racially The Fix doesn't have an ideal, however looking at the income
bracket, people of colour, especially black individuals, would purchase the most from the brand, with
the consideration that 81% of the population is ethnically black too (Stats SA, 2022). When it comes
to the values of a paragon consumer, they would be one to care more for the monetary benefit of a
product than the ecological benefit as fast fashion counteracts sustainability due to its culmination
on the environment (Hayes, 2022). As The Fix keeps up with trends (The Fix, 2022), someone who
is interested in fashion, in terms of trendiness, is inclined to support the brand as they fulfil their
desires. The brand tends to follow nightlife fashion trends by using bright colours, coordinating sets
and mini dresses, thus this would result in consumers who live the ‘clubber’ lifestyle to buy their
apparel as it is suited for them, because of this lifestyle the consumers personality would present as
more outgoing and bolder, as scientifically colour and style affect one’s emotions such as bolder
colours are said to make one feel more engaged and extroverted (Hadley, 2022).

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Section 3: .Brand Personality of The Fix.
Brand personality is a collection of human traits that are connected to a brand name, an organization
can use brand personality to influence how consumers feel about their goods, services, or mission.
A business's brand personality appeals to a particular consumer group's emotions in an effort to
spur profitable behaviour for the organization (Tarver, 2021). In 1997 Jennifer Aaker developed the
brand personality model it depicts that organizations fit into one of the five core dimensions;
Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, Sophistication, And Ruggedness (Moura, 2021). The archetype
The Fix would be under is Excitement as it entails, they are daring, spirited, up-to-date and
imaginative (Moura, 2021). They are instinctively “up-to-date” as fast fashion by nature is quick to
replicate runway trends for retail consumer (Hayes, 2022). Catering for the youth inherently makes
a brand edgy, and this notion can be perpetuated by TFG themselves as in a job post for a brand
manager at The Fix, they were looking for someone who was “edgy” to suit their brand personality
(TFG, 2021). The Fix shows innovation and imagination through their affiliation with the app Varsity
Vibe as this is the new age of couponing and The Fix is a large role player by offering discounts in
store and online for university students (Varsity Vibe, 2022).

Figure 2: The Fix (2022), advert for new collection

These adverts come from The Fix’s online store, these

images a bold, bright, and vibrant, they are also young and
playful. The use of colloquialisms such as “flex” and “boo”
add character to these adverts thus ultimately showing
The Fix’s personality i.e., Excitement. Advertising is the
channel where brand identity and brand image can
coincide, the difference between the two is that a brand
identity is how individuals within the company define it and
brand image is how third-party individuals outside of the
company perceive it (Shrivastava, 2022). The
Figure 3: The Fix (2022), advert for t-shirt special
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uniformity demonstrated by these two elements showcases The Fix’s brand sincerity as reality,
actuality and perception are all in line. In figure 3 it is a promotion that is relatively cheap and the ad
itself does appear gaudy and this is fitting and genuine due to the circumstances that it is a low-
price deal. Figure 2 appears trendier and more put together, this is a good depiction as the items in
the advert are trend-based pieces and it’s pricier. The Fix’s personality is showing through them
correctly depicting themselves such as their brand image and brand identity are nearly one in the
same, such in figure 3 they are affordable and magnanimous by having special discounts, and in
figure 2 they are advertising fun and adventure.

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Section 4: .The Macro-Environment of The Fix.
PESTLE element Influence factor/force has/can have How The Fix reacted or should
and factor on The Fix react to listed factor/force
Due to the fact that South Africa is in
Political As The Fix mostly sources locally (TFG,
the top ten of the most taxed
These factors 2022, p. 11) tariffs aren’t much of a
countries globally because of PAYE
showcase the extent concern but as of SARS requirements
(Gonçalves, 2019), The Fix can
of influence the apparel must have Value Added Tax,
P government holds on which is at 15% (SARS, 2022). This
lessen the additional cost on
consumers where they can
the economy and affects the brands pricing and
considering they are lowly priced, or
industries (Perera, discounting strategies as they have to
by offering specialized credit plans
2017). Such as VAT consider VAT.
to those needed.
Due to COVID-19 inflation for the past
few years has seen an increase however The Fix can react by catering to the
SARBs is expecting disinflation for years consumers and creating more
to come, as 2022 is expected to be 5.4% “economical” collection of garments.
These factors are
and in 2024 it is expected to be 4.8% This could be a set of apparel that
determinants of
(Kganyago, 2022). The Phillips curve can be worn for any occasion or any
states unemployment and inflation have season, such as a dress that can
E performance for
which a company
a steady inverse relationship, thus high change length and a jacket that
inflation equals low unemployment could turn into a vest. In the age of
would be concerned
(Anderson, 2022). A decrease in fast-fashion, a garment that can
with (Perera, 2017).
inflation means a decrease in economic change as fast as a trend while
Such as Inflation
growth resulting in less job opportunities being fairly priced would be
thus less expenditure. Meaning less advantageous to the brand.
sales for The Fix.
These factors are
The rise in the body positive movement This social trend is here to stay, and
consumer orientated
empowers individuals to dress more The Fix should capitalize off this
and are belief and
boldly as it encourages individuals to be prevailing demand especially with
value-based, their
more loving of their bodies (Chaves, plus-size influences increasingly
behaviour and
S perception are
2020), thus this results in individuals becoming fashion advisors on social
purchasing from The Fix as they have media such as Instagram and Tik
valuable (Perera,
offer loud and provocative apparel that fit Tok (Harvey-Jenner, 2020). They
2017). Such as
in with the social movement, and let can introduce more larger size
protests and
contenders break out their shell. ranges.
movements like body

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Such factors pertain

The metaverse refers to a virtual Although The Fix is not a luxury or
to innovative
platform where individuals can interact premium brand, they can take
technology which
digitally through the use of avatars (Marr, advantage of their youthful target
T newly enter the
industry or market a
2022). This can allow The Fix to enter a market and possibly create NFT
new market and in turn boost their clothing to use on bitmojis, memojis
company operates in
current clientele. or even social media filters.
(Perera, 2017). Such
as the metaverse


This element The Fix has already made the trade-

operates internally The Consumer Protection Act is a off of quantity over quality, they can't
and externally as it’s legislation which protects South African market hop now however they can
the laws and individuals from unfair business obtain well-developed a quality
regulations which practices, and with The Fix being a fast- assurance team as well as a legal
L protect all those in the fashion brand garment defects and team, in case. This is due to the fact
business industry, dangerous chemicals used are bound that The Fix can only take
demanders, and to happen, which protects consumers precautionary measures and not
suppliers (Perera, under this act (Palmi, 2015). change this setup this late in the
2017). Such as the game.


Being fast-fashion based entails

These factors include
profiting off microtrends however
conditions which
The fashion industry is the second The Fix can exonerate themselves
physically affect a
biggest contributor to global warming by implementing a system where
company as well as
due to their carbon emissions and fast- customers return clothing that is
E outcomes the
company may have
fashion further perpetuates this crisis more than two years old and get a
(Razvi, 2022). The Fix is a contributor certain discount on the new stock in
on the physical
to this environmental concern. store. The brand can either recycle
environment (Perera,
this clothing or actively donated to a
2017). Such as
climate change.

Page 7 of 15
Section 5: .Branding.
Branding is the procedure in which a company does to make themselves unique and distinguishable
from their competitors and any other possible substitute markets, thus making them recognizable
(Andrivet, 2022). Companies do this in order to mould an ideal perception of the identity for the
consumer to hold, they achieve this through physical attributes such as their logo, slogan, and
possible ambassadors which further bleed into the literal advertising and other marketing tactics
(Andrivet, 2022). Branding creates an attitude which inherently can only be described with
humanistic characteristics making it seem as if companies have thoughts and feelings like any other
individual, resulting in consumers feeling as if brand relationships are on a personal level (Andrivet,
2022). Brand loyalty is ultimately the end goal, and through the plethora of steps brands need to
have a concise identity, personality, and positioning statement which will make them identifiable with
the correct consumer base resulting in this loyalty (Andrivet, 2022). Branding is a valuable tool for
both the consumers and the company, as it shows individuals what the company is about and
decipher if they are genuinely interested in their products/image and for the company's sake it
attracts the correct consumer which will be loyal to them, loyalty in consumers results in more
consumers because of product evangelism (Andrivet, 2022). The Fix’s branding is targeted towards
the youth more specifically Gen Z and younger millennials, they use of bright colors, colloquialisms,
video content and hashtags help them resonate with their consumer base (Udoagwu, 2022). In the
new age of social media, it’s now the primary tool for branding, and lets consumers know who they
are faster than ever through their own unique voice and allows brands to track consumer
engagement on apps such as Instagram and Tik Tok which are highly prevalent with the age
demographic of their target market (Marashall, 2022). The Fix has a strong social media presence
as they have just over 700k followers (The Fix, 2022) on Instagram where they share their latest
collections and upcoming sales, this technique gateways their clients to access their online store
from their social media so the bonus added isn’t only branding. These components allow The Fix to
communicate who they are through their own word of mouth as well as letting branding/marketing
psychology speak for them, and they have married the two to help their demanded consumer base
meet their demanding consumer base. In other words, due to their successful branding, The Fix has
met their match and they are attracting and retaining the correct type of consumers. As depicted on
the mood board on the next page The Fix is loud, trendy, and outgoing. Their brand personality is
excitement, as discussed, and this automatically attracts the youth as they want to stay up-to-date
and stand out through inexpensive, fashionable apparel and vibrant colours (Udoagwu, 2022). The
brand is edgy and streetstyle based, tapping into nightlife outerwear such as clubbing and festival
attending, as this behaviour is common in the generation of their paradigm's, despite the decrease
in alcohol consumption the amount of parting is increasing for Gen Z and millennials (Harper, 2022).

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Section 6: .Conclusion & Recommendations.
The Fix has a branding strategy which is considerably safe considering that they are fast-fashion
and don't have the budget luxury market stores do. They have demonstrated synergy by using what
they have to create what they want through the use of social media.

The Fix is a brand that has shown adversity through the time of COVID-19, when their brands “ideal
use” should have plateaued, but they were able to stay afloat, majorly due to their parent company’s
strong financial position however they adjusted themselves through their online store to stay
relevant. The brand is growing up alongside their consumers and as touched on, on page 7, a way
they can continue to stay relevant is through the metaverse i.e., NFTs. A branding strategy they can
implement is a filter on Instagram, because of their presence on the app, that allows consumers to
“try on” different outfits that they are selling from coordinates sets to jackets to dresses, this lets
consumers have a virtual dressing room to complement their online store. This type of technology
is possible as we have seen it done with Nike through Snapchat (Marr, 2022). This will really solidify
their Instagram persona and welcome consumers who are interested in technology as well as
fashion to their consumer base.

A second strategy to consider is for the brand to be more environmentally conscious , despite the
fact that fast-fashion is popularized by Gen Z they are concerned with their impact on their
environment (Bewicke, 2022). Introducing an eco-friendly campaign will appease the morals of Gen
Z consumers and clear their conscious of purchasing from the brand. The Fix can add a second-
hand section in their floor plan whether it being online or in store, it can operate as The Fix buys
their previous products from consumers and resells them at a discounted rate then what they
originally sold at, this gives a thrifting experience to the store and can encourage consumers to resell
their “out-of-date” clothing and buy the new collections of the brand, the collections that are not in
the second hand section. This will ultimately help consumers in the sense that they're not buying
cheap clothing because it is on sale, but they are thrifting clothing doing climate change justice. This
also helps the sale size crisis of having sizes too big or small for the masses after a season is over.
65% of consumers are S, M, L, and the rest of out of the range (Adair Group, 2020), meaning
consumers don’t usually find their size during sales as majority it was sold during the season, but
with the second-hand section they are more likely to find a discounted item in their size.

These two strategies will evolve their brand to appeal more to their target market, not just on an
economic and fashion level, but an innovation-based, technological, and ecological level as well,
which will resonates with their consumer base.

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