Letter To The Editor

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Dear Editor,

Living in a pandemic has obviously affected our whole country physically. We wear masks, we
social distance from each other, and we do our best to keep ourselves healthy. But how often do
we hear how it has affected us mentally?

Every day people suffer from depression and anxiety but living in a pandemic, being socially
isolated, has only exacerbated the symptoms they experience and make them much worse.

As a society, we need to consider how this has affected us as a whole mentally, too. The earlier
we recognize that mental illness is just as important as physical, we can become a healthier
society altogether.

Education about mental illness will only bring awareness of the disease process they experience.
Education is key in all things we experience to overcome. Not only is it important to educate, but
it also encourages victims of mental illness to speak up and get the help they deserve. No one
should ever have to feel alone especially while we are physically distanced in a pandemic trying
to stay healthy.

Mackenzie Kravec

YSU Nursing Student

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