Unit B Review

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Science 14 Unit B Energy Transfer Technologies Review

Chapter 5 – Heat and Heat Transfer

Key Terms
Robert Brown
Brownian motion
Thermal energy
Kinetic energy
Sea Breeze
Land Breeze

Big Ideas

1) What is friction and where does it occur?

2) Explain Brownian Motion.

3) What is the difference between heat and energy?

4) What are the different kinds of energy?

5) Define convection, conduction and radiation.

6) Explain the difference between the sea breeze and the land breeze.

7) Explain how oceans help moderate climate.

Fill in the Blanks

_______________ occurs when two surfaces are rubbed together and the parts that touch
resist ________________. Robert Brown was responsible for discovering
_____________ __________________. This is described as the _______________
motion of _________________.

_________________ Energy is described as heat energy. __________________ energy

is described as energy of motion.

During heat transfer heat always travels from _____________ to ______________.

There are __________ forms of energy transfer; _________________,

___________________ and ________________________.__________________ occurs
when heat is transferred via direct contact between two surfaces. Convection occurs in
_________ or ___________ and creates a cycling of heat. Radiation transfers heat by
__________________________ radiation.

In a _________ ______________ the suns rays warm the land more rapidly than the
water. Warm air is ______ dense and as a result warm air________. The air over the
water is __________ and more dense so it ________. The cool air flows
_______________ land to replace the ___________ air that has risen.

In a _____________ _______________ the sea loses heat more slowly than the land.
The air over the _______ is warmer. Warm air over the sea _______. Air over the land
is ______. Cool air is more dense and ______. Cool air flows ____________ the sea to
replace the _____ air that has risen.

Oceans help to ____________ the climate on nearby land. This means that they prevent
the area from becoming either too________ or too ____________. In cool weather
oceans can ____________ a large amount of heat without ___________ itself much.
During very _______ or very __________ days the temperature of the oceans remains

As the _____warms the air above the ocean_________ flows from the _________ to the
_________ cooling the air. When the temperature of the air above the water cools heat
flows from the _________ to the ____________.

Chapter 6 Controlling Heat Transfer

Key Terms

Heat absorption
Specific Heat capacity
R- value
Vacuum bottle

Big Ideas

1) Define the specific heat capacity of an object and state the units.

2) How would you keep cool in a warm climate?

3) How would you keep warm in a cold climate?

4) What is R value?

5) What is the R- value of 25mm of expanded polystyrene and 25mm of rigid

urethane foam?

6) Using specific heat capacity explain why water is a better coolant than vegetable

7) Explain how a vacuum bottle works.

Fill in the Blanks

Different materials absorb heat at different rates this is known as __________

_________________. A measure of a substances ability to absorb or lose heat is known
as ________________ _________________ ______________________. Specific heat
capacity is measured in units of ____________________________________________.
Water has a very high specific heat capacity of ______________. When held still
________ is an excellent insulator. Insulation ________ the transfer of heat. We
measure the ability to insulate with a measurement known as the ________-Value.
Chapter 7 Simple Machines and Energy Transfer

Key terms

Thermal energy
Simple machines
Inclined plane
Load distance
Effort Distance
First Class Lever
Second Class Lever
Third Class Lever
Distance Multiplier
Force Multiplier
Fixed Pulley
Moveable Pulley
Wheel and Axel
Kilowatt hour

Big Ideas

1) What is a simple Machine?

2) List five different kinds of energy.

3) What is work?

4) How much work is done if 10kg of books is lifted a distance of 10 m? Show your

5) Define and draw a diagram of a first class lever.

6) Define and draw a diagram of a second class lever.

7) Define and draw a diagram of a third class lever.

8) What is a distance multiplier?

9) What is a force multiplier?

10) Describe fixed and moveable pulleys.

11) Describe the wheel and axel.

12) What are some problems associated with burning fossil fuels?

13) How can we solve the problems associated with burning fossil fuels?

14) What is energy efficiency?

Fill in the blanks

In science a _____________ is defined as a push or a pull. ____________ is done when

a force moves an object. The standard units of work are the _____________.

_____________ _______________ have only one movement. The movement of an

inclined plane is the___________________.

Work is done when ____________ is applied to the object and the object_____________.

There are _________different classes of levers. Levers are bars that ______________ on
a ________________. The object the lever moves is called the ______________. The
force required to move the load is known as the ________________. An example of a
first class lever is ______________. In First class levers the ____________ is in between
the ____________ and the_________________. A second class lever has the
____________ at one end and the _________. An example of a second class lever is
_________________________. A third class lever has a ____________ at one end and
the _______________in between the _________________. An example of a third class
lever is ________________. Two examples of levers in your body are
_________________ and __________________. Your _________________ act as a
class one lever and your ________________act as a third class lever. Third class levers
are examples of ____________ multipliers and first and second class levers are examples
of _____________ multipliers.

A ___________ is a grooved wheel. There are two kinds of pulleys _______________

and ______________. ______________ __________________ move with the load and
_______________ _____________ the effort force is equal to the load force. Another
simple machine that uses a large wheel turning around a small wheel is known as the
___________ _________________ _______________________.

A machines ______________ is a comparison of the work a machine does with the

energy it uses to do work.

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