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Module Outline

1. University Malawi
2. Faculty/School of Law, Economics and Government
3. Department Foundational Law
4. Programme LLB (Hons)
5. Module Title Public International Law II
6. Module Code LLB 224
7. Year Two
8. Credits 12(4)
9. Lectures per week 4
10. Clinical/Practical Hours Per Week 1
11. Tutorial/Reflective Learning Per Week 1
12. Revised After one year
13. Approval Date

14. Prerequisites 111; 112

15. Co-requisites 215

16. Module aim

The aim of this module is to equip the student to discuss and apply international law principles and
rules in areas that maintain or pose a threat to international cooperation, peace, and security.

17. Module description

LLB 224 builds on LLB 215 and enhances the students’ knowledge and skills on international law’s
effectiveness in addressing international relations, international peace and security, use of force, state
responsibility issues and emerging threats to transnational peace, security, regional integration and
cooperation; the treatment of aliens/foreigners; the conduct of warfare and the treatment combatants
and civilians during armed conflicts. The student further gains knowledge on how international law
regulates intra and interstate relations and the responsibility of states. The module is relevant as it
evidences how States cooperate to resolve transnational and emerging problems, such as threats to
peace and security; threats to sovereignty and regional integration; inter and intra State conflicts;
terrorism; climate change; human rights and transnational crimes. The teaching methods include
lectures, class debates, group work, case studies, seminars, and students reporting on current
transnational problems and proposing solutions.

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18. Intended Learning Outcomes/Competences
On successful completion of the module, the student should be able to:
(a) Explain lucidly the international legal framework on state responsibility, maintenance of peace;
use of force; state jurisdiction and immunity; dispute resolution; transnational crimes, trade,
the sea; environment; human rights; international organisations and regional integration; and
conceptualisation of states, the loss and acquisition of territory, sovereignty;
(b) Describe the relationship between international law and municipal law; and emerging
intrastate conflicts& terrorist conduct & propose solutions emerging intrastate conflicts and
terrorist conduct and propose solutions.
(a) Value the need for international institutions and their role in regional integration and
(b) Judge the legal framework that regulates international organisations; regional integration;
state responsibility; the of use of force, the conduct of armed conflict; and dispute resolution
mechanisms; the loss and acquisition of territory, sovereignty;
(c) Value global peace and security, interconnectedness, diversity and cooperation; and
(d) Judge the responsiveness of international law, states, and other international
(a) Analyse existing international legal frameworks and their relation to international peace and
(b) Solve emerging problems that have an international character;
(c) Advise the steps that are to be taken by States in resolving disputes in international law; and
(d) Predict legal solutions and results in specific cases in international law.

19. Indicative Content and Time

No Indicative Content Class/
(a) International Organisations; The United Nations and Collective Security 12
i. The Law of International Organisations
ii. League of Nations
iii. The United Nations
iv. Organs of the United Nations
v. Then UN and the Maintenance of International Peace and Security
vi. The Un Security Council and Collective Security
vii. Regional Agencies and Maintenance of International Peace and Security
viii. Malawi and the UN
(b) Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes 10
i. International Adjudication
ii. Non-judicial settlement procedures
iii. International Arbitration
iv. International tribunals
v. International Court of Justice
vi. ICJ and Jurisdiction
vii. ICJ and Contentious Matters and advisory Opinions
viii. Brief Overview of Other International and Regional Tribunals

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(c) The Use of Force in International Law 12
i. jus in bello and jus ad bellum
ii. Development of the law on the use of force in international law
iii. The UN and maintenance of International Peace and Security
iv. Use of force under the United Nations Charter Regime
v. Intervention and non-intervention
vi. Humanitarian Intervention
vii. Responsibility to Protect
viii. Collective Self-Defence
ix. Individual Self-defence
x. Self-defence against terrorism- the war on terror
xi. The Bush Doctrine

(d) International Humanitarian Law 8

i. jus in bello and jus ad bellum revisited
ii. Concept and Purpose of International Humanitarian Law
iii. Historical Developments in IHL
iv. The contemporary sources of IHL
v. The Law of Geneva
vi. The Prohibition of weapons that cause unnecessary suffering
vii. Principles of humanitarian law
viii. The distinction between civilians and combatants
ix. Protection of Vulnerable groups
x. The conduct of Hostilities
xi. The implementation of IHL
xii. Mercenaries
xiii. Members of national liberation movements

(e) State Responsibility 8

i. Principles of state of state responsibility
ii. Basis of responsibility –The rues of attribution
iii. The Source of Responsibility
iv. Form and function of reparation
v. Treatment of Aliens and Diplomatic Protection
vi. Admission and Expulsion of Aliens
vii. The property rights of aliens: Expropriation
viii. The Personal rights of Aliens

(f) Law of the Sea; Airspace and Outer Space 9

i. Historical Development of the Law of the Sea
ii. Internal waters
iii. Territorial Sea
iv. Contiguous zone
v. Exclusive Economic Zone
vi. Continental Shelf
vii. The High Seas
viii. Transit Rights and access by Landlocked States to the Sea
ix. Dispute resolution
x. Airspace:
xi. Outer Space

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(g) Territorial Sovereignty: States, Territory and Government 12

i. The Concept of Territory and Territorial sovereignty

ii. Acquisition of state territory
iii. Tradition Modes of Acquiring Territorial sovereignty-
(Occupation, prescription, accretion, cession and conquest)

iv. Modern Ways of Acquiring Territory- self-determination.

v. Recognition, Acquiescence and Estoppels
vi. Self-Determination and change of sovereignty
vii. State Extinction and Succession
viii. Succession and Change of Sovereignty/Government
ix. State Succession in Respect of Treaties
x. State Succession in Respect of Property, Debts and National Archives
(h) States Jurisdiction and Immunity 11

i. Extra-territoriality; Nationality; Passive Personality; Security/Protective;

and Universality
ii. State or Sovereign Immunity
iii. Diplomatic Immunity
iv. Special Focus: Contemporary Immunity Law: Immunity, Human Rights
and International Crimes
(i) The Law of Treaties: Treaty-Making, Interpretation and Application 8

i. Introduction, governing law and definitions

ii. Treaty- making process
iii. Conclusion and Entry into force of treaties
iv. Reservations and declarations
v. Observance and Interpretation
vi. Invalidity, Termination and Suspension of treaties

20. Assessment

Continuous assessment 50% (At most 5 Assessments per Table 1 below)

Final examination 50% (End of Semester Exam)

Table 1: Continuous Assessment Schedule

SN Assessment Type of Assessment %
1 Mid-Semester Comprising 2 Questions from at least 3 topics 10
2 Assignment 1 Presentations to be done in trios: To test the application of 7
knowledge derived from specific topic
3 Assignment 2 To be done in Pairs: To test the use/application of skills 8
derived from particular topics
4 Practical Work 1 To be done in pairs: To draft an international law 15
document/instrument used or applicable in specific context
5 Practical Work 2 Individual Presentations: To Present and Defend the Specific 10
Stand taken by the student in terms of applicable area(s) or
field(s) of international law

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21. Teaching and Learning Methods/Activities

 Contextual and comparative approach;

 Combined doctrinal and clinical delivery; and
 Lecture method, group and class discussions, debates, problem solving exercises and case
studies where current events in international law are analysed; and
 Socratic method, class debates, case studies, seminars, students reporting on current
transnational problems and proposing solutions and group work.

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22. Competences, Sources, and Means


Learning Minimum Lead Learning Materials (Please further use Assessment

Activities materials in the schedule)

Ty List (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Activity

        

a) Explain lucidly the  Lecture (All recommended and prescribed materials per  A
international legal  group and module specification and syllabus): minimum of 2
framework on state class  James Crawford, Brownlie’s Principles of individual
responsibility, discussions Public International Law (Oxford; Oxford University exercises
maintenance of  Presentations Press, 2012)  A minimum
peace; use of force;  Debates  Anthony Carty, Philosophy of International of 3 group
state jurisdiction Law (Edinburgh University Press, 2007) works
and immunity  Martin Dixon, International Law (5th edn,  1 clinic,
dispute resolution; Oxford University Press, 2005) from mid-
transnational  Alina Kaczorowska, Public International Law semester
crimes, trade, the th
(4 edn, Routledge, 2010)  1
sea; environment;  Malcom Shaw, International Law (7th edn, moot/debat
human rights; Cambridge University Press, 2014) e after mid-
international  A. Carty, Philosophy of International Law semester
organisations and (Edinburgh University Press 2007)  Frequent
regional integration;  M. Dixon, International Law (5th edn, Oxford short
and University Press, 2005) exercises for
conceptualisation of  David Harris and Sandesh Sivakumaran, Cases competence
states, the loss and and Materials on International Law (8th Edition; s
acquisition of London; Sweet and Maxwell, 2015)  1 mid-
territory,  A. Kaczorowska, Public International Law (4th edn semester
sovereignty; and Routledge 2010) examination
state jurisdiction  A final
 J. Dugard, International Law: A South African
and immunity examination
Perspective (Juta, 2013)
 G. Boas Public International Law: Contemporary
Principles and Perspectives (Cheltenham, Edward
Elgar, 2010)
© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 6
 DR Rothwell; S Kaye; A Akhtarkhavari; R Davis
International Law: Cases and materials with
Australian Perspectives (Cambridge, 2011)
 D Murphy, Principles of International Law (West
Academic Publishing, 2018)
 SWB Templeman & RM Maclean, Public
International Law: A textbook (Old Bailey Press, 2000)
 International Law Commission, Responsibility of
States for Internationally Wrongful Acts Yearbook of
the International Law Commission, 2001, vol. II (Part
Two) (General Assembly resolution 56/83 of 12
December 2001

b) Describe the         Lecture  Case Concerning Armed Activities on the

relationship  debates Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v
between  problem Uganda) 2000 ICJ Reports 111
international law solving  Case Concerning Armed Activities on the
and municipal law; exercises Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v
and emerging Rwanda) 2002 ICJ Reports 219
intrastate conflicts&  taking a stand  Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear
terrorist conduct &  Buzz groups Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by the WHO)
propose solutions  Presentations Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons
(Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep 226
 The Corfu Channel case (UK v Albania) (1949)
ICJ Rep 4
 The Caroline case [32 AJIL 82 (1938)]
 Military and Paramilitary Activities in and
Against Nicaragua (Merits) [1986] ICJ Rep. 14
 Case Concerning Legality of Use of Force
(Yugoslavia –v- NATO States (United States of
America)) (Provisional Measures) Order of 2 June
1999; (1999) ICJ Rep 132; 38 ILM 950
 Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia –v- NATO
States) (Jurisdiction) (2004) ICJ Rep (2005) 44 ILM
 Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v
Albania) (Judgment) [1949] ICJ Reports 4
 Hamdan v Ramsfield 548 US 557 (2006)
 Noregia v Pastrana 564 F. 3d 1290, 1292 (11th

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 7
Cir. 2009)
 United States v Noregia 808 F. Supp. 791 (S.D.
Fla. 1992)
 Boas, Chaps 8 & 9
 Dugard, Chaps 21 & 23
 Harris, Chaps 11 and 12
 Murphy, Chaps 4 & 14
 Kaczorowska, Chaps 13 & 14
 Templeman and Maclean, Chaps 16 & 17
 Malankzuk, chaps 18, 19, 20, 22
 Thomas M. Franck, Recourse to Force: State
Action against Threats and Armed Attacks
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 85)
 William James Stover, “Pre-emptive war: the
implications of the Bush and Rumsfield Doctrines,”
International Journal on World Peace, vol.21, No.1
(MARCH 2004), pp. 3-14.
  

a) Value the need for    Lectures  Conditions of Admission of a State to

international  Group work Membership in the United Nations Case [1948] ICJ
institutions and leading to Rep. 57
their role in regional individual  Legal Consequences of Continued Presence of
integration and analytical South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa)
cooperation work  Certain Expenses of the United Nations [1962]
 Debate ICJ Rep. 151
 Class  Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear
discussions Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by the World
Health Organization) [1996] ICJ Rep 66
 Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear
Weapons (Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep 226
 Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service
of the United Nations (Advisory Opinion)
 Boas, Chap 5
 Dugard, Chap 22
 Boas, Chap 5
 Dugard, Chaps 22 and 25
 Templeman & MacLean, Chap 18
 Kaczorowska Chap 15
 Leroy A Bennet, International Organisations,
(3rd edn) (Prentice-Hall, 1984)
© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 8
 Murphy, Chap 2
 UN Charter
 AU Constitutive Act
b) Judge the legal         Lectures  Case Concerning Armed Activities on the Territory
framework that  Class and of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v Uganda)
regulates group 2000 ICJ Reports 111
international discussion  Legal Consequences of the separation of the
organisations;  Taking a Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965,
regional integration; stand Advisory Opinion, ICGJ 534 (ICJ 2019)
state responsibility;  Debates  Certain Activities carried out by Nicaragua in
the of use of force,  Presentations the Border Area (Costa Rica v Nicaragua) 2013 ICJ
the conduct of  Panel Rep 166
armed conflict; and discussion  Case Concerning Armed Activities on the Territory
dispute resolution  Case Study of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v Rwanda)
mechanisms; the Exercise: 2002 ICJ Reports 219
loss and acquisition Self-defence and  Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear
of territory, War on Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by the WHO)
sovereignty Terrorism Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons
(Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep 226
 The Corfu Channel case (UK v Albania) (1949)
ICJ Rep 4
 The Caroline case of December 1937, [32 AJIL
82 (1938)]
 Military and Paramilitary Activities in and
Against Nicaragua (Merits) [1986] ICJ Rep. 14
 Case Concerning Legality of Use of Force
(Yugoslavia –v- NATO States (United States of
America)) (Provisional Measures) Order of 2 June
1999; (1999) ICJ Rep 132; 38 ILM 950
 Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia –v- NATO
States) (Jurisdiction) (2004) ICJ Rep (2005) 44 ILM
 Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v
Albania) (Judgment) [1949] ICJ Reports 4
 Hamdan v Ramsfield 548 US 557 (2006)
 Noregia v Pastrana 564 F. 3d 1290, 1292 (11th
Cir. 2009)
 United States v Noregia 808 F. Supp. 791 (S.D.
Fla. 1992)

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 9
 Boas, Chaps 8 & 9
 Dugard, Chaps 21 & 23
 Harris, Chaps 11 and 12
 Murphy, Chaps 4 & 14
 Kaczorowska, Chaps 13 & 14
 Templeman and Maclean, Chaps 16 & 17
 Malankzuk, chaps 18, 19, 20, 22
 Thomas M. Franck, Recourse to Force: State
Action against Threats and Armed Attacks
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 85)
 William James Stover, “Pre-emptive war: the
implications of the Bush and Rumsfield Doctrines,”
International Journal on World Peace, vol.21, No.1
(MARCH 2004), pp. 3-14.
 International Law Commission, Responsibility
of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts Yearbook
of the International Law Commission, 2001, vol. II
(Part Two) (General Assembly resolution 56/83 of 12
December 2001

c) Value global peace           Lectures  Same as a) and b) above

and security,  Class and
interconnectedness, group
diversity and discussion
cooperation  Taking a
 Debates
 Presentations
 Panel
 Case Study
Collective self-

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 10
d) Judge the        Lectures  Same as (a) under Knowledge above
responsiveness of  Class and
international law, group
states, and other discussion
international  Taking a
actors/mechanisms stand
 Debates
 Presentations
 Panel
 Case Study
R2P; Rome
statute and ICC

    

a) Analyse existing    Lecture  Case Concerning Armed Activities on the

international legal  Debate: ICJ Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v
frameworks and arrest Uganda) 2000 ICJ Reports 111
their relation to warrant  Case Concerning Armed Activities on the
international peace cases and Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v
and security Extradition Rwanda) 2002 ICJ Reports 219
issues  Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear
 problem Weapons in Armed (Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep
solving 226
exercises  The Corfu Channel case (UK v Albania) (1949)
 taking a ICJ Rep 4
stand  The Caroline case of December 1937, [32 AJIL
 Buzz groups 82 (1938)]
 Military and Paramilitary Activities in and
Against Nicaragua (Merits) [1986] ICJ Rep. 14
 Case Concerning Legality of Use of Force
(Yugoslavia –v- NATO States (United States of
America)) (Provisional Measures) Order of 2 June
1999; (1999) ICJ Rep 132; 38 ILM 950
 Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia –v- NATO

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 11
States) (Jurisdiction) (2004) ICJ Rep (2005) 44 ILM
 Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v
Albania) (Judgment) [1949] ICJ Reports 4
 Hamdan v Ramsfield 548 US 557 (2006)
 Noregia v Pastrana 564 F. 3d 1290, 1292 (11th
Cir. 2009)
 United States v Noregia 808 F. Supp. 791 (S.D.
Fla. 1992)
 Boas, Chaps 8 & 9
 Dugard, Chaps 21 & 23
 Harris, Chaps 11 and 12
 Murphy, Chaps 4 & 14
 Kaczorowska, Chaps 13 & 14
 Templeman and Maclean, Chaps 16 & 17
 Malankzuk, chaps 18, 19, 20, 22
 Thomas M. Franck, Recourse to Force: State
Action against Threats and Armed Attacks
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 85)
 William James Stover, “Pre-emptive war: the
implications of the Bush and Rumsfield Doctrines,”
International Journal on World Peace, vol.21, No.1
(MARCH 2004), pp. 3-14.
b) Solve emerging          Lecture Same as (a) under Knowledge above
problems that have  exercise on
an international dispute
character settlement
 Individual
exercise on
 Class
c) Advise the steps         Lecture  Case Concerning Armed Activities on the
that are to be taken  Debates Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v
by States in  Case Study Uganda) 2000 ICJ Reports 111
resolving disputes in and Moot: ICJ  Case Concerning Armed Activities on the
international law cases on use of Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v
force Rwanda) 2002 ICJ Reports 219
© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 12
 Present  Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear
ations Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by the WHO)
 Exercises Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons
on laws to and (Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep 226
of war;  Boas, Chap 9
international  Dugard, Chap 21
adjudication;  Harris, Chap 12
etc.  Murphy, Chap 4
 Kaczorowska, Chap 13
 Templeman and Maclean, Chap 17
 Malankzuk, chap 18
 International Law Commission, Responsibility
of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts Yearbook
of the International Law Commission, 2001, vol. II
(Part Two) (General Assembly resolution 56/83 of 12
December 2001
d) Predict legal          Lecture  Same as (a) under Knowledge above
solutions and  Cases study:
results in specific UN Security
cases in Council
international law  Individual
 Debates
(e) Apply the broad    Lecture  Reparations for injuries suffered in the service of
principles on treaty  Debates the United Nations case ICJ Rep. (1949) p.174
making, formulation  Case Study and  Reservations to the Genocide Convention Case
and application to Moot: ICJ  Asylum case (Colombia v Peru) [1950] ICJ 266
current law making cases on treaty  Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary
processes in law and Activities in and Against Nicaragua [1986] ICJ
international law customary law Rep.14
 Conditions of Admission of a state to membership
in the United Nations [1948] ICJ Rep. 63
 Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of
the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative
Organisation [1960] ICJ Rep. 150
 Aegean Sea Continental shelf Case [1978] ICJ Rep.

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 13
 Case Relating to the Territorial Jurisdiction of the
International Commission of the River Order PCIJ
ser. A. No. 23 (1929).
 South West Africa cases, (Second phase) [1966] ICJ
Rep. 4
 United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in
Tehran Case [1980] ICJ Rep. 3
 Certain Expenses of the United Nations case,
[1962] ICJ Rep. 151
 The Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria,
Hungary and Romania [1950] ICJ Rep. 65
 European Commission of the Danube Case [1927]
PCIJ Ser. B No.14
 The IMCO Case [1960] ICJ Rep. 150
 Stramazzi v. Delazzoppa 19 ILR 556 (1952)
 Maclaine Watson v. DTI [1988] 3 All ER 257
 Legal consequences for Continued Presence in
Namibia (South West Africa)[1971 ICJ Rep. 16
 International Status of South West Africa [1950]
ICJ Rep. 128
 South West Africa Cases, (First Phase) [1962] ICJ
Rep. 319
 Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex
Case [1932] PICJ Rep. Ser. A/B No. 46
 Dugard, Chap 19
 Harris, Chap 10
 Murphy, Chap 3
 Kaczorowska, Chap 10
 Templeman and Maclean, Chap 13

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23. Additional Learning Materials

Topic (a)

Key Statutes/Conventions

 Constitution of Malawi, 1995

 United Nations Charter, 1945

Key Cases
International and Other Jurisdictions

Selected cases:

 Conditions of Admission of a State to Membership in the United Nations Case [1948] ICJ Rep. 57
 Legal Consequences of Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa)
 Certain Expenses of the United Nations [1962] ICJ Rep. 151
 Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by the World
Health Organization) [1996] ICJ Rep 66

 Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep 226
 Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations (Advisory Opinion)

 Ukraine v Russia (ICJ 2022)

Key Books and Book Chapters
Dugard, Chap 22
 Boas, Chap 5
 Dugard, Chaps 22 and 25
 Templeman & MacLean, Chap 18
 Kaczorowska Chap 15
 Leroy A Bennet, International Organisations, (3rd edn) (Prentice-Hall, 1984)
 Murphy, Chap 2
 UN Charter
 AU Constitutive Act


Topic (b)

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Key Statutes/Conventions

 Constitution of Malawi, 1995

 UN Charter, 1945
 International Court of Justice Statute

Key Cases

 Chakufwa Tom Chihana v The Republic [1992] 15 MLR 86 (Supreme Court)

Other Jurisdictions
 Case Concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v
Uganda) 2000 ICJ Reports 111
 Case Concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v
Rwanda) 2002 ICJ Reports 219
 Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by the WHO)
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep 226

 Ukraine v Russia (ICJ 2022)

Key Books and Book Chapters

 Boas, Chap 9
 Dugard, Chap 21
 Harris, Chap 12
 Murphy, Chap 4
 Kaczorowska, Chap 13
 Templeman and Maclean, Chap 17
 Malankzuk, chap 18
Same as under (a)

Topic (c)
Key Statutes/Conventions

 Hague Conventions, 1907

 UN Charter, 1945

Key Cases

Other Jurisdictions

Case studies:
 Case study- The invasion of Iraq in 2003
 Case Studies in United Nations peace-keeping and peace-enforcing: Yugoslavia (Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia), Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda
 Entebbe Incident
 Iraq Invasion of Kuwait and Operation Desert Storm (The Gulf War)
Selected cases:

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 16
 The Corfu Channel case (UK v Albania) (1949) ICJ Rep 4
 The Caroline case of December 1937, [32 AJIL 82 (1938)]
 Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Merits) [1986] ICJ Rep. 14
 Case Concerning Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia –v- NATO States (United States of America))
(Provisional Measures) Order of 2 June 1999; (1999) ICJ Rep 132; 38 ILM 950
 Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia –v- NATO States) (Jurisdiction) (2004) ICJ Rep (2005) 44 ILM
 Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep 226
 Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by WHO)
 Oil Platforms case (Islamic Republic of Iran v USA) [2003] ICJ Reports 161
 Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v Uganda)
 Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo, Provisional Measures (DRC v Rwanda)
 Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v Albania) (Judgment) [1949] ICJ Reports 4.

Classic and Other Key Articles

 William James Stover, “Pre-emptive war: the implications of the Bush and Rumsfeld Doctrines,”
International Journal on World Peace, vol.21, No.1 (MARCH 2004), pp. 3-14.

Key Books and Book Chapters

 Boas, Chap 8
 Dugard, Chap 23
 Harris, Chap 11
 Murphy, Chap 14
 Kaczorowska, Chap 14
 Templeman and Maclean, Chap 16
 Malankzuk, chap 19, 20, 22
 Thomas M. Franck, Recourse to Force: State Action against Threats and Armed Attacks
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 85).

Same as under (a)

Topic (d)
Key Statutes/Conventions

 Constitution, Act No 20 of 1994

 Hague Conventions, 1907
 Geneva Conventions, 1949
 Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions, 1977

Key Cases

Other Jurisdictions

 United States v Noriega 808 F. Supp. 791 (S.D. Fla. 1992)

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 17
 Noriega v Pastrana 564 F. 3d 1290, 1292 (11th Cir. 2009)
 Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Merits)
 Carful Channel case
 Hamdan v Rams field 548 US 557 (2006)
 Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Advisory Opinion) [1996] ICJ Rep 226
 Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (Request by WHO)

Classic and Other Key Articles

 Carlton, G. H., “When reality sets in: Why Quebec could not exist as an independent nation,
“(1998) Journal of International Law and Practice, 465.
 Hockenheim, M., “National self-determination today: Problems of legal theory and practice,”
(1994) 43 International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 241.
 Malawi T., “Succession to treaties in post-independence Africa with special reference to
Malawi, (1992) African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 791.
 Muller son, R., “The continuity and succession of states, by reference to the former USSR and
Yugoslavia,” (1993) 42 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 473.
 Williams, P.R., ‘State succession and the International Financial Institutions: Political Criteria v.
Protection of Outstanding Financial Obligations’, (1994) International and Comparative Law
Quarterly, 476
 Anel Ferreira-Snyman, “Sovereignty and the Changing Nature of Public International Law:
towards a World Law?” The Comparative Law Journal of Southern Africa, vol. 40, No 3,
(NOVEMBER 2007), pp.395-424

Key Books and Book Chapters

 Boas, Chap 1
 Dugard, Chap 24
 Murphy, Chap 14
 Kaczorowska, Chap 16
Same as under (a)

Topic (e)

Key Statutes/Conventions

 Constitution, Act No 20 of 1994

 Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, 2001
 Resolution on Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources, 1962 No. 1803 (XVII)

Key Cases

Other Jurisdictions

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 18
 Reservations to the Convention on Genocide Case, [1951] ICJ Rep. 15
 Legal Consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965,
Advisory Opinion, ICGJ 534 (ICJ 2019)
 Certain Activities carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (Costa Rica v Nicaragua) 2013 ICJ
Rep 166
 South-West Africa Cases (Second Phase) [1966] ICJ Rep. 6
 Legal Consequences for states of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia
 The Home Missionary Society Claim, 6 RIAA 42 (1920)
 The Cairo Claim. 5 RIAA 516 (1929)
 Corfu Channel Case (Merits) [1947] ICJ Rep. 4
 Youmans Claim (US v. Mexico) 4 RIAA 110. (1926)
 Zafar Claim (Great Britain v. US) 6 RIAA 160, (1925)
 Military and Para-Military Activities in and Against Nicaragua [986] ICJ Rep. 14
 The Chorzow Factory Case (Indemnity) (Merits) 1928 PICJ Rep. Ser. A No.17
 The Temple of Preach Vehar case [1962] ICJ Rep. 6
 The Savarkar case (Scott, Hague Court Reports, p.275)
 The Sunday Times v. United Kingdom 2 EHRR 245
 Guzzardi v. Italy European Court HR
 The I’m Alone Case (Canada v. United States) 3 RIAA 1609
 The Borchgrave Case (Belgium v. Spain) [1937] PICJ Rep. Ser. A/B No. 72
 Monitory Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 Case [1954] ICJ Rep. 19
 Mavromattes Palestine Concessions Case (Jurisdiction) PCIJ Rep. Ser. A. No. 2.p.12
 Administrative Decision Nov., (USA v. Germany) (1924) 7 RIAA 119
 Runtime v. The Queen, (1876) IQBD 487
 Civilian War Claimants Association Ltd v. The King [1932] AC 14
 The Near Claim (USA v. Mexico) (1926) 4 RIAA 60
 The Cheverie Case (France v. Great Britain) (1931) 2 RIAA 1113, 27 AJIL 153 (1933)
 The Roberts claim (USA v. Mexico) (1926) 4 RIAA 77
 The Gelb trunk Claim (USA v. El Salvador) 1902 US Foreign Relations 876
 The Home Missionary Society Claim USA v. Great Britain (1920) 6 RIAA 42
 Rendall-Day v. Rep. [1964-66] ALR Mal 155
 Reg. v. Home Secretary ex parte Bug day Cay [1987] 1 AC 514
 Attorney –General for Canada v. Cain, [1906] AC 542
 The Boffola Claim, (Italy v. Venezuela) 10 RIAA 528 (1903)
 Rut tome Secretary ex parted Sivakumar an [1988] 2 AKR 92
 The BP Case (Libya v BP) (1974) 53 ILR 297
 Texaco v. Libya 17 ILM 1(1978)
 Limo Case (1977) 20 ILM 1(1981)
 Amin Oil Arbitration 21 ILM 976 (1982)
 R –v- Bow Street Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate and others, ex parte Pinochet Ugarte
(Amnesty International and others intervening) No.3, [1999] 2 All ER 97 (HL).
Classic and Other Key Articles

 John Cerone, “The Legality of the killing of Osama bin Laden,” Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting, (American Society of International Law), vol. 107 (APRIL 3, 2013), pp. 47-51.

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 19
Key Books and Book Chapters
 Boas, Chap 7
 Dugard, Chap13
 Harris, Chap 8
 Murphy, Chaps 6 and 10
 Kaczorowska, Chap 10
 Malanczuk, Chap 17
Other Documents
 International Law Commission, Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts
Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2001, vol. II (Part Two) (General Assembly
resolution 56/83 of 12 December 2001

Same as under (a)

Topic (f)
Key Statutes/Conventions

 Constitution, Act No 20 of 1994

 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982
 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation
 Chicago International Air Services Transit Agreement 1994
 Treaty on the Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer
Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies 1967
 Warsaw Convention

Key Cases

Other Jurisdictions

 Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case [1951] ICJ Rep. 116

 The Corful Channel case [1949] ICJ Rep. 1
 The Fisheries Jurisdiction Cases ICJ Rep. 1974, pp.8, 175
 The Continental Shelf Case (Libya/Malta) [1985] ICJ Rep. 13
 The North Sea Continental Shelf cases of 1969 ICJ Rep. (1969) p.3
 The Tunisia/Libya Continental Shelf case (1982) ICJ Rep. (1982) p.18
 The Guinea/Guinea Bissau Continental Shelf Case ICJ Rep. (184) p. 246
 The Gulf of Maine Case. ICJ Rep. 1984, p. 246
 The Lotus case, 1927 PCIJ Ser. A No. 10
 Naim Molvan v Att. Gen. for Palestine [1948] AC 531
 The Right of Passage Case between Portugal and India [1960] ICJ Rep. 6,.

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 20
 Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon –
v- Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea intervening), Judgment of 10 October, 2002.
 Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 September 1992 in the Case Concerning the Land,
Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador –v- Honduras: Nicaragua intervening),
Judgment delivered by Chambers on Thursday 18 December 2003.
Classic and Other Key Articles
McMahon, ‘Legal Aspects of Outer Space’ (1962) 38 BYIL 339
Key Books and Book Chapters
 Boas, Chap 1
 Dugard, Chap 16
 Harris, Chap 7
 Murphy, Chap 11
 Templeman and Maclean, Chap 15
 Shaw, Chaps 10 and 9
 Cheng, The Law of International Air Transport (1962)
 Dempsey, Public International Air Law (2008)
 Christol, Space Law (1991)
 Shawcross and Beamont, Air Law 4th edn
Same as under (a)

Topic (g)
Key Statutes
 Constitution, Act No 20 of 1994
Key Cases
Other Jurisdictions
 The Aaland Islands Case, LNOJ Special Supp. No.3 p.3 (1920)
 Nanni v Pace and the Sovereign Order of Malta 8 AD 2 (1935-37)
 Reparations case ICJ Rep. (1949) p.174
 Maclaine Watson v Department of Trade and Industry [1988] 3 All ER 257
 Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge
(Malaysia/Singapore) 2008 ICJ 2
 Nationality Decrees Issued in Tunis and Morocco case PCIJ Rep. ser. B. No.4, p.27 (1923)
 The Right of Nationals of the United States in Morocco case ICJ Rep. 1952) p.176
 The Nottebohm case ICJ Rep. (1955), p.4
 International status of South West Africa case ICJ Rep. (1950) p.128
 Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West
Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), [1971] ICJ Rep. 16
 Texaco v Libya 17 ILM 1 (1978)
 Abu Dhabi Arbitration 1 ICLQ 247 (1952)
© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 21
 Liamco v Libya 20 ILM 1 (1981)
 Steiner and Gross v The Polish State 4 AD 291 (1927-28)
 International Registration of Trade Mark (German) case 28 ILR 82
 Carl Zeiss Stiftung v Rayner and Keeler Ltd (No. 2) [1967] 1 AC 853 H.L
 In Re Al Fin Corporation’s Patent [1970] Ch. 160
 Reel v Holder [1981] 1 WLR 1226
Classic and Other Key Articles

 Carlton, G. H., “When reality sets in: Why Quebec could not exist as an independent nation,
“(1998) Journal of International Law and Practice, 465.
 Koskenniemi, M., “National self-determination today: Problems of legal theory and practice,”
(1994) 43 International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 241.
 Maluwa T., “Succession to treaties in post-independence Africa with special reference to
Malawi, (1992) African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 791.
 Mullerson, R., “The continuity and succession of states, by reference to the former USSR and
Yugoslavia,” (1993) 42 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 473.
 Williams, P.R., ‘State succession and the International Financial Institutions: Political Criteria v.
Protection of Outstanding Financial Obligations’, (1994) International and Comparative Law
Quarterly, 476
 Anel Ferreira-Snyman, “Sovereignty and the Changing Nature of Public International Law:
towards a World Law?” The Comparative Law Journal of Southern Africa, vol. 40, No 3,
(NOVEMBER 2007), pp.395-424
Key Books and Book Chapters
Boas, Chap 4
Dugard, Chap 5
Harris, Chap 5
Murphy, Chap 2
Same as under (a)

Topic (h)
Key Statutes/Conventions
 Constitution, Act No 20 of 1994
 Immunities and Privileges Act, Cap 16`: 01
 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961
 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963
Key Cases
Other Jurisdictions
 Arrest Warrant of 11 August 2000 (Democratic Republic of Congo –v- Belgium), Judgment of 14
February, 2002.
 Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v Italy: Greece intervening) 2012 ICJ General List
No. 143
 Island of Palmas Case (1928) 2 RIAA 829
 United States v Aluminium Company of America 148 F. 2d 214 (1945)
© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 22
 United States v Watchmakers of Switzerland Information Centre Inc. 133 F. Supp. 40 (1955)
 Compania Naviera Vascogado v Cristina SS [1938] AC 485
 Bank of Toronto v Lambe (1887) 12 App. Cas. 575
 Blackwood v R (1882) 8 App. cas 82 at 98
 Macleod v Attorney General for NSW [1891] AC 455
 United States v Botswana (1922) 260 US 94
 The Wildenhus case, (1887) 120 US 1
 The Lotus case (France v Turkey) [1927] PCIJ Rep. Ser. A. No. 10
 Joyce v DPP [1946] AC 347
 Mwakawanga v Rep. [1968-70] ALR Mal 14
 Molvan v Attorney General for Palestine [1948] AC 351
 The Cutting Case (1887) Moore’s Digest of International Law (1906) vol. II p. 228
 The Eichman Trial 36 ILR 5 (1961)
 Filartiga v Rena Ilala 19 ILM 966 (1980)
 Re Piracy Jure Gentium [1934] AC 588
 Rep. v Kamil and Yaghi [1971-72] ALR mal 358
 The Schooner Exchange v Mefaddon (1812) of cranch 116
 The Parlement Belge (1880)5 PD 197
 The Porto Alexandre [1920] p. 30
 The SS Cristina [1938] AC 485
 Krajina v Tass Agency [1949] 2 All ER 274
 The Phillippine Admiral [1976] 2 WLR 214
 Trendtex Trading Corporation v Central Bank of Nigeria [1977] 1 QB 529
 I congreso del partido [1981] 3 WLR 329
 Plan mount Ltd v Rep. of Zaire [1981] 1AllER 1110 QB
 Maclaine Watson v. Department of Trade and Industry [1988] 3 All ER 257
 Triquet v Bath (1764) 3 Burr 1478
 Radwan v Radwan [1973] Fam 24
 US Diplomatic and Consular staff in Tehran Case [1980] ICJ Rep. 3
Classic and Other Key Articles

 John Cerone, “The Legality of the killing of Osama bin Laden,” Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting, (American Society of International Law), vol. 107 (APRIL 3, 2013), pp. 47-51.
 Samar El-Masri, “The Legality of the International Criminal Court’s decisions against Omar Al-
Bashir of Sudan,” International Journal, vol. 66, No. 2,
 Canada, the US, and China: A New Pacific Triangle? (Spring 2011), pp. 371-390.
 Alexander K.A. Greenawalt, “Introductory note to the international criminal court: decisions
pursuant to article 87(7) of the Rome Statute on the failure by the Republic of Malawi and the
republic of Chad to comply with the co-operation requests issued by the court with respect to
the arrest and surrender of Omar Hassan Ahmed al Bashir and African union response,”
International Legal Materials, vol. 51, No.2 (2012), pp. 393-417
Key Books and Book Chapters
 Boas, Chap 6
 Dugard, Chaps 9 and 12
 Harris, Chap 6
 Murphy, Chaps 6 and 9
© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 23
 Kaczorowska, Chaps 8 and 9
 Malanczuk, Chap 7
Other documents
 International Law Commission, Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts
Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2001, vol. II (Part Two) (General Assembly
resolution 56/83 of 12 December 2001
Same as under (a)

Topic (i)
Key Statutes/Conventions
 Constitution, Act No 20 of 1994
 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969
Key Cases
Other Jurisdictions
 Reparations for Injuries suffered in the service of the United Nations [1949] ICJ Rep. 174
 Conditions of Admission of a state to membership in the United Nations [1948] ICJ Rep. 63
 Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative
Organisation [1960] ICJ Rep. 150
 Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Merits) [1986] ICJ Rep. 14
 Aegean Sea Continental shelf Case [1978] ICJ Rep. 3
 Case Relating to the Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the River Order
PCIJ ser. A. No. 23 (1929).
 Reservations to the Convention on Genocide [ 1951] ICJ Rep. 15
 South West Africa cases, (Second phase) [1966] ICJ Rep. 4
 United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran Case [1980] ICJ Rep. 3
 Certain Expenses of the United Nations case, [1962] ICJ Rep. 151
 The Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania [1950] ICJ Rep. 65
 European Commission of the Danube Case [1927] PCIJ Ser. B No.14
 The IMCO Case [1960] ICJ Rep. 150
 Stramazzi v. Delazzoppa 19 ILR 556 (1952)
 Maclaine Watson v. DTI [1988] 3 All ER 257
 Legal consequences for Continued Presence in Namibia (South West Africa)[1971 ICJ Rep. 16
 International Status of South West Africa [1950] ICJ Rep. 128
 South West Africa Cases, (First Phase) [1962] ICJ Rep. 319
 Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex Case [1932] PICJ Rep. Ser. A/B No. 46

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 24
Classic and Other Key Articles

 Cook, R. J., “Reservations to the Convention on the elimination of all Forms of Discrimination
against Women,” (1990) Virginia Journal of International Law, 642
 John Cerone, “The Legality of the killing of Osama bin Laden,” Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting, (American Society of International Law), vol. 107 (APRIL 3, 2013), pp. 47-51.
Key Books and Book Chapters
 Boas, Chap 2
 Dugard, Chap 19
 Harris, Chap 10
 Murphy, Chaps 6 and 10
 Kaczorowska, Chap 10
 Malanczuk, Chap 17
 Templeman and Maclean, Chap 13
Same as under (a)

24. Reflective/review Questions

Topic (a)
Evaluate and state whether the criticisms that might be levelled against the UN Security Council
appear to fail to appreciate that the realities of the modern international communities might
require such an institution
Topic (b)
Critically analyse whether the modern international community should have faith in the mechanism
of “Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes” in making the world a better place to live in.
Topic (c)
Take a justified stand and make a case whether in the absence of aggression, any use of force should
be illegal under the UN Charter.
Topic (d)
Appraise the continued relevance of the Law of Geneva (International Humanitarian Law) to the
contemporary international law and community in the face of sophisticated technological
Topic (e)
i. Evaluate whether the concept of state responsibility in international law is sufficiently equipped
to serve the interest of states, or individuals or corporations or all of the above in the context of
the contemporary globalised international community
ii. Validate the doctrine of immunity in the light of the current and emerging challenges facing the
international community
Topic (f)
To what extent does the law of the sea go beyond clarifying the issue of maritime criminal law-based
jurisdiction to clarifying and serving the legal and equitable interests of states in the context of
the benefits derivable from the sea?

© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 25
Topic (g)
Appraise the significance of the concept of territorial sovereignty in light of the current international
Topic (h)
Validate the doctrine of immunity in the light of the current and emerging challenges facing the
international community
Topic (i)
What lessons can the international community draw from the mechanism of treaties with a view of
making the world a better place to live in?

25. Annexes (If any)

26. Name and Signature of Lecturers

Name: Justice Prof Redson Kapindu, PhD and Enoch Chilemba, LLD



27. Name and Signature of Head of Department

Name: Sam Kaphuka, LLM



28. Name and Signature of Dean

Name: Prof Happy Kayuni, PhD



© 2023 Enoch Chilemba, LLD LLB 224- Public International Law II- Updated Module Outline Page 26

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