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Libros Básicos sobre Lean Manufacturing

Lecturas Básicas sobre la Filosofía Lean

José Miguel Vives Martínez

Básicos Lean
The Machine that Change the World
James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos

Free Press

ISBN: 978-0-7432-9979-4

Lean Thinking
James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones

Simon & Schuster, Inc.

ISBN: 978-0-7432-4927-0

Learning to See
Mike Rother and John Shook

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 0-9667843-0-8

The Toyota Way

Jeffrey K. Liker

McGraw Hill

ISBN: 978-0071392310

Libros Básicos sobre Lean Manufacturing
Lecturas Básicas sobre la Filosofía Lean
José Miguel Vives Martínez

Lean Solutions
James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones

Simon & Schuster, Inc.

ISBN: 978-0-7432-7778-5

Creating Continuous Flow

Mike Rother and Rick Harris

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 0-9667843-3-2

Creating Level Pull

Art Smalley

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 0-9743225-0-4

Making Materials Flow

Rick Harris, Chris Harris, and Earl Wilson

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 0-9741824-9-4

Seeing The Whole

James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 0-9667843-5-9

Libros Básicos sobre Lean Manufacturing
Lecturas Básicas sobre la Filosofía Lean
José Miguel Vives Martínez

Taiichi Ohno's Workplace Management

Taiichi Ohno

Gemba Press

ISBN: 978-0984139606

Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale …

Taiichi Ohno

Productivity Press

ISBN: 978-0915299140

A Revolution in Manufacturing. The SMED System

Shigeo Shingo

Productivity Press


The Toyota Way Fieldbook

Jeffrey Liker and David Meier

McGraw Hill

ISBN: 978-0071448932

Toyota Kata
Mike Rother

McGraw Hill

ISBN: 978-0071635233

Libros Básicos sobre Lean Manufacturing
Lecturas Básicas sobre la Filosofía Lean
José Miguel Vives Martínez

Getting the Right Things Done

Pascal Dennis

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 0976315262

Practical Lean Acounting

Brian H. Maskel and Bruce Baggaley

Productivity Press

ISBN: 978-1563272431

Modern Approaches to Manufacturing Improve.

Shigeo Shingo, Allan Robinson

Productivity Press

ISBN: 978-0915299645

Managing To Learn
John Shook

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 978-1-934109-20-5

Leading the Lean Enterprise Transformation

George Koenigsaecker

Productivity Press

ISBN: 978-1563273827

Libros Básicos sobre Lean Manufacturing
Lecturas Básicas sobre la Filosofía Lean
José Miguel Vives Martínez

Toyota Culture
Jeffrey Liker and Michael Hoseus

McGraw Hill

ISBN: 978-0071492171

Toyota Talent
Jeffrey Liker and David Meier

McGraw Hill

ISBN: 978-0071477451

The Toyota way to Continuous Improvement

Jeffrey Liker and James K. Franz

McGraw Hill

ISBN: 978-0071477468

Kaizen Express
John Shook and Toshiko Narusawa

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 978-1-934109-23-6

Toyota Kaizen Methods. Six Steps to Improvement

Isao Kato and Art Smalley

Productivity Press

ISBN: 978-1439838532

Libros Básicos sobre Lean Manufacturing
Lecturas Básicas sobre la Filosofía Lean
José Miguel Vives Martínez

The Gold Mine

Freddy Ballé and Michael Ballé

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 0-9743225-6-3

The Lean Manager

Michael Ballé and Freddy Ballé

Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.

ISBN: 978-1-934109-25-0

Lean Hospitals
Mark Graban

Productivity Press

ISBN: 978-1-420083-80-4

Lean IT: Enabling and Sustaining your Lean Trans.

Steven C. Bell and Michael A. Orzen

Productivity Press

ISBN: 978-1439817568

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Lean: Lessons from …

Jamie Flinchbaugh and Andy Carlino

Society of Manufacturing Engineers

ISBN: 978-0872638310

Libros Básicos sobre Lean Manufacturing
Lecturas Básicas sobre la Filosofía Lean
José Miguel Vives Martínez

Out of the Crisis

W. Edwards Deming

The MIT Press

ISBN: 978-0262541152

Libros Básicos sobre Lean Manufacturing
Lecturas Básicas sobre la Filosofía Lean
José Miguel Vives Martínez

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