1944 Lansdale To Tolman Re Bohrs

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~- -.o. c.

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___ fII'IfIIOCI..rDS,U,S. _ "


S ~br"ary 19/./, :

IB,IORA."'DU': :'O~( ; Dr. 1. c . tolJrtar:.

Office OJ Scientific tecearc:h I: Uevel.opnent ,
lta,sbin;., toon . !). :: .

1. At. tha r-oncl'Jsiorl of il l'ec~t report ~r tt,,,

~JrveiUanc3 of the :"'\-". 5. the roporUnc aecnt mnde the !ollow-
int c
"Botb the fathe r and eon s "pear to be extr(!llely aLaent- m1.nded
indiviwlals, en!ros~&d in the<:nselves, and ":0 sbout.. p&yi:l6 lit-
tle attention to any e.-(ternal 1nrluP-Mes . As they did a creat
deal of' walkinr. this A,:;ent t,att oC'cs"Iion sPf'!'ld consld~rable
time behind ': ~6lI and ot)ce rYo t~at ! t 'YrllS rare 1&.en ei the::, of
the., Faid much attcntie>n to !:top ll;o:hts or 8~nt(", ......:t ,roooed-
"!'J on their WA:r l"'J,ch the !1ll.'I<> as if the:.r nre 1I1llldnc; in the
'Wnods . O'l ono N'ca,ion, ,'.bjects r:'Oc~ded ac ..'I')ss a bt:~:. :.,-
tcra8ction &&ainst the red llr ht i:- a <H_~onal <':'I:>:...:.on, tak-
toe the lcn£;~st rfl'lte pos :slble 3nd O:'le Q: [;~<: atcst d8n£,i'T' . ~~
resourceful work of At,l:I!"It l:aiers in 1">10c"1'1.(; out OM half
of the stream of sut.o::lob1.1e t raffic with hi:: r.ar prcvGo'1t ec
their possibly i ncurrl nt serlous injuxy in tt.!~ ';':J.staroCt . 1t

2. I umerlltand that t.~ E,i.{e rs ldll :>e 10'1 'lf~::JhiIli:ton

in the nesr !u ture, at wt1ch tire yo'!.! ull unquestionably see
..:c . I·e 1;ht:r -¢O)~ _ ~~ p-.-t-.i.tseJ.L, ld.-
rru.;;:iata a tact!'.!l 9un::estlon froC! you to thenl that. they lIto:alcl
be 1II0l'f! careful i."I traffic .

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