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Paper title

Name and surnames (1); Name and surnames (2)

Affiliation, University

Abstract. [Important. The paper sent to be Please use this document for the submission of your
reviewed must be "strictly anonymous"] paper to the XVII EGA International Conference.
Authors should use this Word document and the
In the first submission of the paper authors will only
information contained within it as a template for the
send a file in PDF format generated from this
formatting of their papers making use of the Word
template, thoroughly observing all these
styles implicit in this document. Appropriate
recommendations. Once the communication is
formatting will contribute to ease the reviewing
accepted, the authors will send the final text in a
process and the laying out of the publication; thus
Word file including all these data in the format
papers will maintain the same format and a similar
defined by the template.
structure of content. Make sure to structure your paper
In order to guarantee the anonymous review in accordance with the Content section of this paper.
process, omit all names that may compromise the
Papers will be reviewed by the EGA 2018 Scientific
anonymity of the communication, such as names of
Committee and Peer Review Committee considering
authors, institutions (which will be left blank at the
the originality of the contribution, the innovation, the
beginning of the document in the initial submission
structure, the writing, and the content. The work must
of the paper), laboratories, programmes, places, etc.
be an original contribution to the field of knowledge
Avoid bibliographical references that may disclose
relative to architectural graphic expression and to
authorship and, if strictly necessary, cite them by
architecture, and it shall not be published nor have
replacing author, title and date of publication as
been sent to be published elsewhere. An anti-
indicated below.
plagiarism software will be run prior to publication to
- no author(s) name(s) in Title, nor in avoid this eventuality; any paper that does not strictly
Abstract text, nor in References; observe this recommendation will be automatically
rejected for publication.
- for citing yourself(ves), if strictly necessary,
please, use the word "Author/s"
2. Accepted Languages and Translations
- title of your reference must be cited as
"XXXX"; As it is planned to publish the proceedings with the
texts in Spanish or Italian and, in addition, a full
- year of your reference must be cited as " version in English, the communications must be
YYYY"; written in English, Spanish or Italian, no other
languages will be accepted. Authors who wish to have
- any affiliation reference must be avoided;
the double publication should send the translation of
- laboratory must be cited anonymously, e.g. their papers revised by a native speaker in the other
"ZZZZ Lab."; language, depending on the case, once their final paper
-initially sent only in their native language- is accepted.
- property metadata of .pdf file must be left
Those translations that do not meet the writing and
syntax standards of a research paper or that do not
comply with the established deadline will be rejected.
Keywords. Include up to 5 keywords separated by
a semicolon. Please use the EGA-keywords
3. Formatting
template style.
Consistent formatting will ease the reviewing process
1. Introduction as well as the structuring of the paper, and will enable
Graphic Imprint. On the Influence of the Representation and Ideation Tools in Architecture

readers of the proceedings to grasp easily the content final word document with all omitted information in
of your paper. Papers should be organized with a the first submission –for anonymity purposes- as well
clear content-oriented structure. Every paper has a as the images, as separate JPG files, at high resolution
title and several headings. References follow at the as indicated in the Illustrations section of this
end of the paper using the Harvard references document. This final submission should comprise a
citation system. Graphics and tables will be single compressed file in ZIP or RAR format
embedded into the text. No empty lines should be containing all these files, which shall be named
inserted after a paragraph. “” (Being # the identification number (ID)
assigned to the paper in the OCS platform).
The Proceedings book will be edited according to
the standard of the last EGA Conferences; therefore 5.1. Sections
it is important to strictly follow this format. The
The Abstract should be a maximum of 200 words. Use
maximum number of pages including all sections
the EGA-Abstract template style. In the Abstract
and illustrations must not exceed 10 pages in any
section of the paper, the position of the work in terms
of contributing a theoretical approach should be clearly
3.1. Fonts and Spacing and concisely stated. The results of the research and
major contributions should be briefly stated.
Body text should be set using the EGA-normal
template style (Times New Roman, 9,5 pt), which In the Introduction and Background sections of the
provides 6 pt spacing after paragraphs. Emphasis paper, the objectives of the work are to be stated and
within the text, such as words or key phrases and placed within the context of relevant research. The
words in foreign languages, should be italicized. research can reflect the author's previous work but
Numbered lists may be allowed; Arabic numbering should also cite original sources that led to the
should then be used. Use only one line feed after a development of a specific body of research. Proper
paragraph. Do not insert any empty lines between references to journal articles, books and/or conference
paragraphs. Headings should be numbered, except papers must be used when describing the precedent
for the designation of the Abstract, Keywords and work.
References using the templates styles of this
For the Discussion, the outcome of the work should be
clearly described and narrated. The author's work
should be placed in the context of architectural graphic
4. Margins and Layout expression and indicate its contribution to previously
Text should be formatted in two columns and cited work and to the topic addressed.
justified. The text should be laid out following the The Conclusion section should describe the main
format and margins provided in this EGA 2018- findings of the research and the original contributions
paper template. Maintain the Conference’s footer to the topic addressed in the paper. Such propositions
defined in the template. Do not use footnotes. should be grounded in the precedents that were
Integrate the digressions or detailed discussions into originally stated in the hypothesis for the research and
the text, if needed. in the discussion argumentation.
While an Acknowledgement section should not be
5. Content, Sections and Wording Extension
included in the submission for review, in accepted
Papers must be concise and follow the structure of a papers the author(s) should provide in the final
scientific paper providing: Abstract, Introduction, submission a note indicating in addition to authorship
Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliographic and filiation, the research group and/or the research
References. The text should be clearly structured project in which the research is embedded, as well as
according to academic writing conventions. funding bodies if it is the case.
Papers should be no longer than 3,500 words, 5.2. Illustrations
excluding the abstract, captions and references.
Illustrations may include line drawings, diagrams,
Low-resolution images and captions should be photographs and digital imagery. All of them alike are
embedded in the paper within the first paper pdf file. to be considered figures with regard to formatting.
Once the paper is accepted the authors will send the They should all be digitized, depending on the case,
Impronta gráfica. Sobre la influencia de las herramientas de representación e ideación en la arquitectura

either by production using digital methods or Tables should appear after the paragraph they are first
scanning of paper documents. High quality should mentioned; they should not be relegated at the end of
be maintained by using care in converting images to the paper. Make their appearance simple.
a raster format, particularly when converting line
A smaller typeface may be used for tables (8,5 point
drawings into raster images. Avoid scaling and
font) than in the text. Use the same type size for all the
rotating images which may decrease their quality.
tables in the paper. Leave no empty lines above the
Consequently, try to produce images to an
figure nor below the figure caption.
appropriate final size adjusting them to one or two
columns width considering their orientation too. The title should appear as a heading of the table. An
Resolution should be at least 300 dpi for images and EGA-Table Caption style is provided in the template.
600 dpi for line drawings. Figures will be placed Only use horizontal lines in the format of the table.
after they are mentioned in the text. Leave no empty
lines above the figure nor below the figure caption. Table 1: Correct layout of a simple table.
All figures should be referenced within the body text Number Area
abbreviated (Fig. 1). Embed a Caption below the
figure. The editors will make final decisions 1 1,000
regarding the location of the figure. In any case no 2 2,000
more than 10 illustrations will be allowed.
The printing of the proceedings will be in black and
white; ensure your images follow the same standard 5.4. Identification and Credits
and that their grayscales are appropriate for their For the review submission, ensure that the document is
visibility. free of any identifying names, institutions, etc. for the
paper to maintain an anonymous review process as
Each figure must have a brief descriptive caption.
indicated at the beginning of this document.
Use the EGA-Figure Caption template style for the
caption. Number all diagrams, figures and photos For accepted papers, all authors in order of
sequentially, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., with one contribution will be listed under the title of the paper
character space between the number and the caption. with an affiliation for each author. An
Use the Caption style provided in the electronic acknowledgements section should be added for the
template. final submission attributing credits to the research
group and/or the research project in which the research
is embedded, as well as funding bodies or institutions,
if it is the case.
5.5. Joint authorship and copyright requirements
Please coordinate with your co-authors regarding
content and format. As has been traditional in EGA,
copyright of the texts remains with the author/s while
the proceedings book edition corresponds to the
institution of publication. There is a limited right of
publication to EGA for the proceedings edition but
authors may make digital copies of their work to load
them at institutional repositories or research social
networks. In addition, ensure you conveniently
reference the images that illustrate your text if they are
Figure 1. Photomontage, rendering and superimposed not personally created.
drawing for the competition entry of Museu da Imagen e
do Som in Rio de Janeiro by Diller-Scofidio&Renfro.
2009. References and citation style
5.3. Tables Submitted papers are expected to include a well
formulated bibliographical reference section as backing
Graphic Imprint. On the Influence of the Representation and Ideation Tools in Architecture

of the work. Only texts that are cited in the paper Title
should be included in the References (the list of
City published
references is not a bibliography on the topic). Use
the EGA-reference style in the template to format Publisher
your reference entries.
Pages used
Citations should be primarily from published journal
articles, books and conference papers rather than Generally, Harvard Reference List citations follow this
web references. References from the EGA, format:
Disegnare or IJAC journals, texts included in the Last name, First Initial. (Year published). Title. City:
proceedings from EGA and UID previous Publisher, Page(s).
conferences as well as the Cumincad database may
be especially suitable considering the topic of the Citations are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s
conference. last name.

All works that are cited should be included in the If there are multiple sources by the same author, then
References section. The following format, based citations are listed in order by the date of publication.
upon the Harvard Referencing system should be If you’d like more information about Harvard
observed: Reference Lists, visit Anglia Ruskin University’s guide.

Harvard is a style of referencing, primarily used in 5.7. Harvard Reference List Citations for Books
academic circles, to cite information sources. with One Author

Two types of citations are included: The structure for a Harvard Reference List citation for
books with one author includes the following:
In-text citations are used when directly quoting or
paraphrasing a source. They are located in the body Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title.
of the work and contain a fragment of the full Edition. (Only include the edition if it is not the first
citation. edition) City published: Publisher, Page(s).

Depending on the source type, some Harvard If the edition isn’t listed, it is safe to assume that it is
Reference in-text citations may look something like the first addition, and does not need to be included in
this: the citation.

"After that I lived like a young rajah in all the Example: One author AND first edition:
capitals of Europe…" (Fitzgerald, 2004). Patterson, J. (2005). Maximum ride. New York: Little,
Reference Lists are located at the end of the work Brown.
and display full citations for sources used in the Example: One author AND NOT the first edition
Dahl, R. (2004). Charlie and the chocolate factory. 6th
Here is an example of a full citation for a book ed. New York: Knopf.
found in a Harvard Reference list:
Don’t forget, Cite This For Me allows you to generate
Fitzgerald, F. (2004). The great Gatsby. New York: Harvard References for books quickly and accurately.
If you need clarification, The University of Western
5.6. Harvard Reference List Overview Australia has additional information.
Reference lists are created to allow readers to locate 5.8. Harvard Reference List Citations for Books
original sources themselves. Each citation in a with Two or More Authors
reference list includes various pieces of information
including the: When creating a citation that has more than one author,
place the names in the order in which they appear on
Name of the author(s) the source. Use the word “and” to separate the names.
Year published Last name, First initial. and Last name, First initial.
Impronta gráfica. Sobre la influencia de las herramientas de representación e ideación en la arquitectura

(Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s). Brown, D. (1998). Digital fortress. New York: St.
Martin's Press.
Brown, D. (2003). Deception point. New York: Atria
Desikan, S. and Ramesh, G. (2006). Software
testing. Bangalore, India: Dorling Kindersley, p.156.
Brown, D. (2003). The Da Vinci code. New York:
Vermaat, M., Sebok, S., Freund, S., Campbell, J. and
Frydenberg, M. (2014). Discovering computers.
Boston: Cengage Learning, pp.446-448. Don’t forget, Cite This For Me allows you to generate
Harvard reference citations for books quickly and
Daniels, K., Patterson, G. and Dunston, Y. (2014).
The ultimate student teaching guide. 2nd ed. Los
Angeles: SAGE Publications, pp.145-151. If you need clarification, Anglia Ruskin University has
additional information.
* remember, when citing a book, only include the
edition if it is NOT the first edition! 5.10. Harvard Reference List Citations for
Print Journal Articles
Don’t forget, Cite This For Me allows you to
generate Harvard reference citations for books The standard structure of a print journal citation
quickly and accurately. includes the following components:
If you need clarification, La Trobe University has Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title.
additional information. Journal, Volume (Issue), Page(s).
5.9. Harvard Reference List Citations for Examples:
Chapters in Edited Books
Ross, N. (2015). On Truth Content and False
When citing a chapter in an edited book, use the Consciousness in Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory.
following format: Philosophy Today, 59(2), pp. 269-290.
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Chapter Dismuke, C. and Egede, L. (2015). The Impact of
title. In: First initial. Last name, ed., Book Title, 1st Cognitive, Social and Physical Limitations on Income
ed.* City: Publisher, Page(s). in Community Dwelling Adults With Chronic Medical
and Mental Disorders. Global Journal of Health
Bressler, L. (2010). My girl, Kylie. In: L. Matheson,
Science, 7(5), pp. 183-195.
ed., The Dogs That We Love, 1st ed. Boston:
Jacobson Ltd., pp. 78-92. Don’t forget, Cite This For Me allows you to generate
Harvard references citations for journals quickly and
* When citing a chapter in an edited book, the
edition is displayed, even when it is the first edition.
If you need clarification, The University of Western
Don’t forget, Cite This For Me allows you to
Australia has additional information.
generate Harvard reference citations for books
quickly and accurately. 5.11. Harvard Reference List Citations for
Conference Proceedings
If you need clarification, Southern Cross University
has additional information. Conference proceedings are academic papers or
presentations that are created or used for the purpose of
Harvard Reference List Citations for Multiple Works
a meeting or conference.
By The Same Author
Use the following structure to cite a conference
When there are multiple works by the same author,
place the citations in order by year. When sources
are published in the same year, place them in If published online:
alphabetical order by the title.
Last name, First initial. (Conference Year). Title of
Example: Paper or Proceedings. In: Name or Title of
Conference. [online] City: Publisher of the
Graphic Imprint. On the Influence of the Representation and Ideation Tools in Architecture

Proceedings, pages. Available at: URL [Accessed 6. Submitting Your Manuscript

Day Mo. Year].
We are trying to make submission of papers as easy
If not published online: and efficient as possible. By following the suggested
instructions, you will help us to expedite reviews.
Last name, First initial. (Conference Year). Title of
Paper or Proceedings. In: Name or Title of Check the information on the EGA Conference website
Conference. City: Publisher of the Proceedings, for details regarding the submission process: web.
Examples: 7. Consent to Publish form

Palmer, L., Gover, E. and Doublet, K. (2013). If your paper is chosen for publication you will be sent
Advocating for Your Tech Program. In: National a “Consent to Publish form”.
Conference for Technology Teachers. [online] New
York: NCTT, pp. 33-34. Available at: 8. Author bio statement (only to be filled in once the paper is accepted)
yourtechprogram/ [Accessed 11 Jan. 2014].
Brief biographical statement of the author/authors, with
Fox, R. (2014). Technological Advances in Banking. indication of degrees, professional trajectory and
In: American Finance Association Northeast teaching category, affiliation, research group, research
Regional Conference. Hartford: AFA, p. 24. line (s), etc. E-mail will be included at the end. No
more than 150 words per author.
Don’t forget, Cite This For Me allows you to
generate Harvard reference citations for conference
proceedings quickly and easily.
If you need clarification, Southern Cross University
has additional information.
5.12. Harvard Reference List Citations
for Journal Articles Found on a Database
or on a Website
When citing journal articles found on a database or
through a website, include all of the components
found in a citation of a print journal, but also include
the medium ([online]), the website URL, and the
date that the article was accessed.
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article
Title. Journal, [online] Volume(Issue), pages.
Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].
Raina, S. (2015). Establishing Correlation Between
Genetics and Nonresponse. Journal of Postgraduate
Medicine, [online] Volume 61(2), p. 148. Available
t-Research-Library.html [Accessed 8 Apr. 2015].
Don’t forget, Cite This For Me allows you to
generate Harvard references citations for journals
quickly and accurately.

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