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Definiteness of Purpose
As defined by Napoleon Hill

Career Success:
I am recognized as one of the greatest actors of my generation. I am recognized as one of the greatest black actors, of all time, to adorn screen and stage. I am a multi-award winning actor, having won multiple Tonys and multiple Oscars. I am invited to major educational and corporate institutions to speak to them on success and on my personal success. What do I need to do or become for this to happen? 1. Focused in doing the mundane tasks that make or break a career / business 2. Enjoy doing the mundane for they allow the big things to happen 3. Less focused on career and a more well balanced perspective on life in general 4. A cleaner person, especially having a dedicated, clean workspace 5. A sharer of success

Financial Success:
By the time I am 60 years old, I am worth $100,000,000. I will have $20,000,000 put away to use for retirement. I have multiple homes, in multiple states, in multiple geographic regions. I will also build my dream home of a log cabin. When I am worth at least $150,000, no later than 2 years time from today (August 25th, 2011), I will have hired a trusted financial advisor as well as a trusted accountant. I will also begin to invest in the stock market. I will establish a fund whose chief aim is to aid in the educational advancement of under privileged kids when I hit a net worth of $1,000,000. I will also support research and funding of autism with special consideration given to AK and MAC. I help raise money and awareness for the advancement of understanding of Alzhiemers (via research and education) when I hit a net worth of $1.5 million. What do I need to do or become to make this happen? 1. Get clear on my financial background (tally all my debts and make a payment plan) 2. Get PerformerTrack (has nice financial tacking module that I think I will enjoy using 3. Learn to save. Enjoy saving. 4. Spend less on eating out. Learn to cook basics 5. Take a class or 6 on financial responsibility and planning

Relationship Success:
I am able to maintain relationships and not walk away from them when something goes wrong, while recognizing toxic relationships that I must walk away from. This is true with friendships or romantic relationships. I have valuable relationships with rain-makers in multiple industries (including those outside of show business) so that I may call upon them in good times and bad. I love myself unconditionally and because of this love of self I love others for who they are and what they want to be. The wounds I have been a part of, I help heal within my family (In order for this to happen, I must move

Page 2 of 22 away from home). I cherish relationships (friendly or romantic) and commit to attaining them so that my needs and desires are fulfilled and be open to helping those with me reach theirs. I am in a position to help people, advise them and support them (but will establish personal boundaries so that I am not taken advantage of). I forgive myself of my transgressions and work constantly to forgive others. What do I need to do or become to make this happen? 1. Truthful with who I am 2. Stop being scared to experience life. Become a more daring person. 3. Let go of emotional attachment to every little thing, esp the attachment I get so quickly to someone / something I like. 4. Become self-sufficient 5. A willingness to allow people in and be more willing to accept the foibles of humanness

Spiritual Success:
I have the faith of a mustard seed and seek to help others realize the power of such faith. I am at one with my own belief in deity, divinity, creation, destruction, and the Christ principle (which dwells within. My work is an expression of my spiritual beliefs (spirituality). I constantly explore my interest in spirituality via the study of and implementation of principles extracted from such sources as theoretical physics, the study of consciousness, math, nature, and human behavior. I freely allow people to have their own personal views on life and how life should be lived and I am not offended when those differ from mine or when others try and impose their thoughts/life constructs/beliefs on me. Major influences include, but are not limited to: 1. Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch 2. Discover The Power Within You by Eric Butterworth 3. Stalking The Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov 4. Marianne Williamson: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are we not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

Page 3 of 22 And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. 5. The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino What do I need to do or become to make this happen 1. A more regular reader of material I am interested in. 2. More willing to dialogue with people about spiritual matters in the fields I am interested in 3. A constant pursuer and doer of work (in my field) 4. A routine of silence 5. A routine of dedicated indoctrination of spiritual thoughts

Health Success:
I exercise on a regular basis always paying careful attention to what my body is communicating to me. Even when I am not inclined to want to exercise, I find ways to motivate myself to do that which is necessary for my desired success. I maintain regular checkups with my physician. I maintain regular checkups with my dentist. Strongly consider joining a Sugar Anonymous group. What do I have to do or become to make this happen? 1. Diligent in my performing activities that provide health benefits 2. A regular attender of a gym. 3. Regularly scheduled checkups with a dentist 4. Find orthodontist and make regular visits 5. Remember to eat of the earth and learn to appreciate the feeling of hunger (every animal must) MUSTARD SEED EQUATION p = Persistence = (Never giving up)
(massive action) d = Determination = (Desire to be the best on can be) (indoctrination process) bs = Belief System = (set of principles) lo = Love of = (undying affinity towards) ObM = (observable/measurable consistent high quality work)

(Love of)(determination * persistence)(belief system)(observable/measurable consistent high quality work) = MUSTARD SEED of FAITH (lo)(d*p)(bs)(ObM) = MUSTARD SEED of FAITH Sub note: You've heard the saying 'Man's reach exceeds his grasp'? That's a lie. Man's grasp exceeds his nerve. -Nikola Tesla

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My brand is The base/ foundational characteristics of my Brand are truth, honesty, invisible process and boldness. No corniness. A money back guarantee. I am unique in that I offer a couple of USPs (Unique Service Propositions) to attack the age old problems of 1) attracting a younger generation to the theatre and 2) bringing in people who probably arent accustomed to seeing live theatre and 3) getting them use to the idea of paying for the quality of work that I present and 4) offering myself up to institutions who hire me as a vehicle of injecting fresh new blood into their systems by providing them with contact information of individuals outside of their normal subscription base.

My USPs include:
6. I create, sculpt and deliver characters that are entertaining, bold and believable 7. I help create STAGE MOVIES: I take plays and help turn them into live productions that are as good as or better than what they might see on TV or film 8. I am the only actor, in the nation, to offer a money-back-guarantee for my performances on stage. 9. I dont do theatre, I do my work on -THE STAGE-. I dont do plays, I help turn them into STAGE MOVIES10. I offer you the ability to see a live stage performance absolutely RISK-FREE 11. Art is a product and I believe that I should work just as hard at what I do as any company in the world would do to get you to buy their product.

My Mission:
6. To provide a valuable product to my employers. Namely high quality, artistically developed charaters. 7. To get directors to like me, my work ethic and my product os that they will spread the Michael Wayne Rice gospel to all the influential people they know. 8. To develop a fan base who religiously attend my artistic endeavors 9. To develop a fan base that is a viable revenue stream for me and possibly for potential employers 10. To challenge directors by providing them with artistically risky and adventurous choices, yet always intelligent 11. To continually explore the spiritual side of my art form which means a continual sense and doing of self exploration and self improvement so that I may continue to give fully of myself to my paying audience

Why do companies hire me?

6. I work my ass off 7. To create characters that audiences can absorb themselves in 8. To distill truth and honesty thru-out a production

Page 5 of 22 9. 10. 11. 12. To create a product that is marketable to individuals disenfranchised with the industry To increase community awareness of their company To sell more tickets and put the contact information of new constituents in their hands Because I market like no other actor

Why people come see me:

13. 14. 15. 16. To experience a new paradigm in theatre: the STAGE MOVIE To get laid by their date To go to risk free entertainment Cause they dig my marketing :)

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Lets start with the typical, the mundane, the thing that the majority of actors have. A website. But that is where the similarities end. Compare to any other actor website and you will see a vast difference. I have created my site to stand out from the crowd while, at the same time, engaging potential audience members who may want to attend a production I am in. I market like no other actor. I have noticed, for years, that actors do not like to market. The majority of theatres, when they ask actors to market, ask them to hand out postcards of the show. Postcard marketing. I noticed, with myself, and with others that when the time came to hand out postcards nothing really happened. I never saw or heard of an actor going out into their community and actually handing out those postcards. I myself never did it either. Sure, most of us would hand them to our friends, if they (our friends) happen to notice the postcards. And sure, some of us might go out and leave a stack of postcards in the local caf. But none would put much more than 15 minutes of passive marketing efforts to work (passive meaning not going out and actively seeking to put postcards in individuals hands who exist outside the realm of family and friends). As a matter of fact, most actors would tell you they handed out postcards, but if you happened to open the trunk of their car, you would notice a stack of postcards sitting there. Or if you happened to go to their house, many times after the show had closed, you would notice a stack of postcards, from said closed show, sitting on their piano. Just sitting there. What I noticed was that actors DO not market the theatre shows they are in. And I use to be one of them. And when I contemplated this phenomenon, the only reason I could come up with was we were all too embarrassed to go out and hand out postcards. Why? I think deep down we all know that the general public has a nasty taste in their mouths in regards to theatre/plays. I think we all know that the general population regards theatre as something one does for play, for pretends. I think we all have an understanding that the general public never considers stage work worthy of a profession. I think we all knew that the general public never wants their sons and daughters to major in theatre (because there is no money). I think we all knew that the general public regards/regarded theatre as a kids playground, something to grow out of when one became an adult. I think we all knew that the general public has no respect for an actor unless they have been seen on TV and/or film. But those are just my conjectures. None-the-less, very, very, few actors would hand out postcards. I still dont hand out postcards. But I DO DO street marketing. And I do with a mobile billboard. I create, buy and display a decent sized billboard around the community in which the production is taking place. I create a website dedicated to the attracting of general public individuals so that they may be enticed into coming to the production. I spend active hours upon active hours out on the streets displaying the thought provoking billboard. I create engaging videos with motion graphics to capture viewers attention. And I do this at no charge to the theatre company. I have created a vehicle in which I can inject new blood, new faces, new people into the owrld of theatre instead of relying on the same ole blue hairs who come. I offer theatres a way to capture these new people as paying patrons who may, at a later date, come to their theatre.

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I create commercials (called iMercials) based on the idea that marketing my genre, my brand, will need bold, creative, hyperbolic media to capture the attention of the public. I have, in an unofficial capacity, outisde of an academic environment, studied marketing. I have specifically looked at marketing techniques of individuals / companies outside of the industry of acting, hoping to breath new life into the antiquated marketing efforts and techniques of the theatre community.

Sales Maxim:
80% of all sales in the country are made after the 5th call on the same prospect 48% of all salesmen make one call and cross the prospect off 25% quit after the 2nd call 12% call three times and quit 10% keep calling. On national avg., 10% of all salesmen make 80% of the sales.

Marketing Techniques I may use: -Motion graplhics to help hold attention of viewers who watch my videos -Squeeze page to capture basic information -mobile billboard (campaign slogans to capture attention) -street marketing -template modification of create professional looking videos with motion graphics -copywriting principles -different industry tactics (ex. Braggadocio from hip hop, squeeze page from info products sold online, commercials from ad agencies, etc.)

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ST MR LT Goals:
Short term (1 year): By mid Sept, 2011, I will have moved to Los Angeles or New York. I will have a room to stay in. Within 1 year of moving to either L.A. or N.Y., I will have booked at least 1 national commercial that nets me at least $40,000. Within no more than 60 days of moving, I will have an agent (I will actually get an agent within 30 days, but give myself one month before I actually start my getting an agent in 1 month). I will have found a person or 3 that I am in a relationship with. I will take things slow and find someone who allows me to be me. I will have bought a powerful laptop computer to continue my marketing efforts. I will have lost the majority of fat around my midsection. I will buy PerformerTrack. Mid-range (5 years): I will have completed shooting 2 movies in which I am at least a supporting actor. These movies will have relatively major budgets and may be eligible for Oscar nominations. I will own my own small place to live. I will have won a TONY award. I will have a major website presence unlike that of any other actor. I will have a net value of at least $5,000,000. I will have been given an award for being a maverick in the industry. I will be recognizable at least within the U.S. and get into places for free, and/or be given things of value for free. I will be invited to speak at TED for being an innovative maverick in the industry and having used technology to push me ahead of all actors in the industry. I will have maintained my toned body. Long Term (10 years): I will be a multiple Oscar winner and nominee. I will have a net worth of at least $55,000,000. I will own multiple homes and will either have started or have completed building my dream home. I will be known as a social entrepreneur having started (via funding) my own school for under privileged kids. I will have made hundreds of appearances in educational and corporate institutions, getting paid to give talks, lead workshops and seminars.

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Short term goals (1 yr) breakdown

-Move -L.A. Or N.Y. -find housing (Mar Vista area, if L.A.) -friends -low rent -Secure Agent(s) -3 pronged attack from How I Got an Agent in 60 Days or Less (create FB page) -Walk streets with sign: I am the only actor,... -make sign mailing plan -Receptionists who want to be agents plan -Relationship Romantic -? how to get this to work -Possibly secure management -Jennifer Perkins-Stephens? -Have created a small Virtual Mastermind Group -Introduced myself to 10 influential theatres / 5 smaller theatres -Panhandling campaign -can I make it coincide with a campaign? -Booked 1 national commercial -Involved in 3 casting director workshops -Sell car?? -Borrow money ($2,000)?? -Created 3 iMercials -research Spec Ed jobs -research temp agencies.

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How I got an agent in 60 days or less (phase1)

Action Budget* (average of 10 sent per week) Week 1 Send 10-20 headshot and resumes to a select group on your targeted list--Group A. Do include a brief cover letter stapled to your picture but DO NOT cover your face. PR/Postage: $20.10 Week 2 Send a postcard to Group A letting them know you sent a picture and resume last week and you are just making sure they received it. Begin Week 1 to Group B of your targeted mailing list. PR/Postage: $20.10 Postcards/Postage: $8.80 Total Week 2: $28.90 Week 3 Send a postcard to Group A and let the agents know two casting directors you have recently met with/ or who knows your work. Complete action for Week 2 to Group B. Begin Week 1 to Group C of your targeted mailing list. PR/Postage: $20.10 Postcards/Postage: $17.60 Total Week 3: $37.70 Week 4 Send a thank you note with your headshot printed inside (or a business card)and in your own handwriting to Group A thanking them for looking at your picture and resume and letting them know you would like to meet with them. Complete action for Week 3 to Group B.

Page 11 of 22 Complete action for Week 2 to Group C. Begin Week 1 to Group D of your targeted mailing list. PR/Postage: $20.10 Postcards/Postage: $17.60 Cards/Postage: $13.40 Total Week 4: $51.10 Week 5 Send another postcard to Group A describing your type and which roles you've been cast in. Be VERY clear with this. Complete action for Week 4 to Group B. Complete action for Week 3 to Group C. Complete action for Week 2 with Group D. Begin Week 1 to Group E of your targeted mailing list. PR/Postage: $20.10 Postcards/Postage: $26.40 Cards/Postage: $13.40 Total Week 5: $59.90 Week 6 Send another postcard to Group A letting them know two more casting directors who know your work. Complete action for Week 5 to Group B. Complete action for Week 4 to Group C. Complete action for Week 3 with Group D. Complete action for Week 2 with Group E. Begin Week 1 to Group F of your targeted mailing list. PR/Postage: $20.10 Postcards/Postage: $35.20 Cards/Postage: $13.40 Total Week 6: $68.70 Week 7 Send another postcard to Group A including a quote from a review you got, a callback, or info about a show you are in. Complete action for Week 6 to Group B. Complete action for Week 5 to Group C. Complete action for Week 4 with Group D.

Page 12 of 22 Complete action for Week 3 with Group E. Complete action for Week 2 with Group F. Begin Week 1 to Group G of your targeted mailing list. PR/Postage:$20.10 Postcards/Postage: $44.00 Cards/Postage: $13.40 Total Week 7: $77.50 Week 8 Send a nice card to Group A with your headshot printed inside (or a business card) letting them know you would like to meet with them and you will call them next week to set up an interview. Always call midweek, make the phone call after hours and leave a message. Rehearse what you are going to say and be positive! Complete action for Week 7 to Group B. Complete action for Week 6 to Group C. Complete action for Week 5 with Group D. Complete action for Week 4 with Group E. Complete action for Week 3 with Group F. Complete action for Week 2 with Group G. Begin Week 1 to Group H of your targeted mailing list. PR/Postage: $20.10 Postcards/Postage: $44.00 Cards/Postage: $26.80 Total Week 8: $90.90 --- Create a database in Excel to track info

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How I got an Agent in 60 days or less (phase2)

Buy new X banner stand ($35) Buy new banner ($70) o I am the only actor, in the nation, to offer Graphic of MBG, OR Graphic of Oscar, OR Graphic of Emmy Find areas where agencies and managers** exist and market along those streets (1-2 hours / day) Business cards Record addresses of agencies I market near

**List already configured or found online

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Facebook Page: How I got an Agent in 60 days or less (phase 3)

Research how to set up a page Includes finding graphics This page will include my thoughts and experiences on Agent getting in the form of written posts / video posts About page explaining purpose (explaining the techniques I plan to use) Gimmick: invite receptionists looking to become agents to an evening of directing MWR in a scene or monologue so they can then go to recommend me to their agency and get credit for presenting me to their agent Create Business Cards o Back I dont do theatre. I do my work on the stage I take plays and turn them into stage movies: live productions on the stage that are as good as or better than what you might see on TV or film I am the only actor in the nation to offer a Find a space to hold the workshop Setup a signup / RSVP page o Maybe invite other actors to participate so some scene work can happen

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Ultimate Goals Working Towards

1. Financial Freedom (no debt) 2. Industry recognition as a true artist 3. Rain maker 4. Personal happiness 5. Supreme networker 6. Happy in relationships

1. All of my life I have been financially dependent on 2 things a. My mother b. Financial aid (college, grad school) c. My mother Ever since college I have been mired in debt and have not paid it back. These conditions cannot continue to exist if I am to attain happiness (financial happiness that is) 2. Ultimately Id like to be the equivalent of a male Meryl Streep, in reputation 3. Along with respect is power. The power to make things happen. The power to make people notice. The power to help people. The power to help myself. The power to recognize and respect the power of having power. 4. Accepting me for who I am. Accepting me for what I have to offer to others. Loving myself unconditionally. Accepting the world as my playground (as Kendra would say). Free from financial worry (the worry of not having). Free from debilitating thoughts of moneys badness. Free from OCD. And free from, that. 5. This may be my grasp exceeding my nerve, but I feel I must become a better networker. Much better. The key, I believe, is being in a position to help people, and freely offering up my help. 6. Work on #4 and this will happen

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Personal Strengths:
I have a strong desire to succeed. I am a strong Capricorn and although that may not mean much to many people, it is of significance to me belief system. I have also had my natal chart read and have a earth trine in my chart (which basically states that I have a talent for the practical). I believe that persistence is a major component of success and part of the Capricornian profile is that of persistence. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race, Calvin Coolidge My greatest strength is my acting skills, more specifically, my ability to LISTEN and RESPOND truthfully while never showing my process. I brand myself heavily to attract audience members who may not be particularly attracted to theatre. My laugh. I have a strong spiritual connection and feel it is integral to my skills. I market heavily (please see section on MARKETING STRATEGIES). I have the ability to sit back and blend in but I also know how to make myself stand out from the crowd. Continuing to fight the fight against depression and making strong headway. Strong sense of self-responsibility with a consistent desire/need for self-improvement.

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Personal Weaknesses:
Allowing people in. Money management. I have never been independent of my parents financial support (95% of support coming from my mother). It will be imperative that I start taking financial management and responsibility classes. It will be imperative that I develop a strong desire to save money. Buying PerformerTrack will help me, I believe, with coming into line with my finances. Maintaining relationships is a hard thing for me to do, which coincides with letting people in. Calling people on the phone is not a strength of mine. I daydream a lot instead of being in action, although I am improving in this area. I can be affected by what other people think of me, especially if they express something that I perceive as a negative. I have never developed a routine for exercise and tend to dislike it. Asking for help is not something that I am good at, and I have a tendency to wonder why people would want to help me. Taking risks in developing relationships is scary for me. Side note: I use to feel it was important to recognize ones weaknesses so that one can improve upon them. But I had a friend how related to me a story that a prominent business person related to her. My dominant hand is my right hand. It is my strength. My left hand in comparison can do nothing nearly as well as my right (except maybe hold things:). I can practice improving the dexterity of my left hand, I can practice trying to make my left hand write as good as my right, but even if I practiced till I was blue in the face, it would never come close to what my right hand can do. Sure it will improve to a certain extent, but how much of a gain will I get. If on the other hand, I focus on improving what my already great right hand can do, IT WILL IMPROVE. Focus on my strengths! Money is not bad. Accepting that it is the thought and action of the person with money that, if need be, should be interpreted as such. Money itself is just currency. Nothing more. Purge my psyche of the negative impact my father had on me in terms of my detrimental attitude towards money.

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Support System
Mastermind group* - Small group of dedicated individuals, meet weekly via phone conferencing - Objective: o Each member opportunity to identify goals, be held accountable for meeting goals, share thoughts about other peoples ideas (in positive manner), share ones own success / failures - Super objective: o Group will consist of different people from different industries - How does facebook fit in or a website? - Research and create criteria for being involved - Research success groups and how they start - Name for group

Benefits for me: - Create a network of supporters - Develop friendships - Network of friends who will spread the work about MWR - Marketing platform to dedicated individuals - Develop expertise in success game Possible Members: Jeffery Ow (Professor of Asian Studies), Lisa Tromovitch (Professor of acting, producing A.D. Shakespeares Associates), Betsy Flanagan (Social Media Strategist for Wells Fargo, lover of tech), Deborah Munro (writer, recent grad), John Zukoski (Manager at Robert Half International and board member of various orgs around the tri-valley area), Michael Asberry (actor), Nakisha (Executive Assistant, student), Sarah Guiang (Instructional aide, volunteer), Dad, Jennifer Perkins (wife, manager of husband), Matt Ballin (HS teacher acting) - Psychologist* o -Probably more than 1 since I will be traveling a lot -Depression will be a life long struggle and must have someone to talk it out with -New experiences will sprout forth from fame, from fortune. Must have a neutral place to talk and express myself. -1 psychologist may be more talk oriented while another may be more action oriented (like psychologist from Kaiser Fremont I use to see). Although this type of therapy is harder, scarier. - Fan support system: ex. Allows me to communicate with fans in a limited/specific manner. Maybe an online group geared toward success that I can pop into every once in a while. - Bi-annual retreat with team members (as described by page titled Team) - Bi-annual retreat with family

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Team to Assemble
Agent* Manager*? Social Media Specialist* After Effects Designer* After Effects Coder* Site Designer* Entertainment Attorney* Accountant* Financial Advisor* Personal Assistant* Chef* Maid*

Unpaid Team Mastermind group* Friends *= Yet to be established

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Systems Implemented to Achieve Success

Use of a website: Use of social media (Facebook) After Effects motion graphics video creation iMercials (commercials I make to market myself and the products I produce (Stage Movies)) Street campaigns (with attention grabbing slogans) A money-back-guarantee Ticket sales via Eventbrite (with a wordpress plugin to sell from my site)

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What Motivates Me To Achieve

1. Personal Achievement: having goals and achieving those goals 2. Worldly Recognition: having people know that I am skilled at what I do 3. R.E.S.P.E.C.T: The idea of knowing that people look up to what I do and seek me out for advice, support, ideas, ventures, etc 4. Power: Being a rain maker. Being able to make things happen. Having influence over people.

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What I Have to Offer To My Audience

Value: A no-risk opportunity to see a live stage performance Excitement: from a performer who markets like no other Bragging rights: to enthusiastically tell their friends and family what they saw on stage without the feeling of embarrassment, corniness or things of such nature Truth and honesty in my character creation. An opportunity to see characters not actors playing characters.

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