Taller de Ingles Segundo Semana 3

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Docente: Maria Freay Correo: marifreaygr@gmail.com / 313-402-8795

Asignatura: Ingles Guia: #2 2020
Grado: Segundo Periodo: 1 Tema: Unit 1 Body Parts & Unit 2 Following Directions

My Body
 Read the sentences. (leer las oraciones)
I have one nose. This is my nose.
I have two ears. These are my ears.
I have one tummy. This is my tummy.
I have two hands. These are my hands.
I have two legs. These are my legs.

 Choose the correct answer. (escoge la respuesta correcta)

1. How many ears do you have? a) One b) Two c) Three
2. I have _____ nose. a) Three b) Two c) One
3. How many hands do you have? a) One b) Two c) Three
4. I have _____ tummy. a) Three b) Two c) One

Tommy the Cat

 Read the sentences. (leer las oraciones)
I have a cat.
My cat is orange.
My cat´s name is Tommy.
Tommy likes to play.
He has a red ball.
Tommy runs after the mouse.
The mouse is fast.
The mouse is grey.

 Choose the correct answer. (escoge la respuesta correcta)

1. Who is the story about? a) A cat b) A dog c) A ball
2. What color is Tommy? a) Green b) Blue c) Orange
3. What color is the mouse? a) Black b) Grey c) White
4. What is the cat´s name? a) Tommy b) Tummy c) Tony

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